Kino for this feel?

Kino for this feel?

Attached: 1568768421582.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

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what a cutie


i don't get it

she's not autistic



I don't think autism is like that. She might be just retarded.
Aren't autistic supposed to be smart and intelligent in all fields expect socially?

Women’s brains are too feeble

literally my dream wife

have you seen her instragram videos? She's definitely a sperg

>tfw too autistic to understand analogies

she's not autistic, she's just dumb


>Aren't autistic supposed to be smart and intelligent in all fields expect socially?

autism is a meme disability, it's no coincidence that it only exists in very developed societies.
in other countries the parents just beat the weird out of their spastic sons like humans have done since the beginning of civilization.

this. autists dont reason like this

not the ones with learning disabilities

This is a man, isn't it?

she's not talking about a literal test, you smoothbrains

>have you seen
What's her instagram?

holy shit this is low IQ even for a woman. the point of the test is not rehash the class. This is why americans are so subpar in terms of intelligence. Fail to answer new question sis NOT austism. FUCK. OF COURSE YOU GET NEW QUESTIONS IN TESTS YOU FUKING RETARDED MONKEY.

>being autistic means being scatterbrained retard afraid of what will people think about them
Fucking women.

I'd gladly spank her if that helps.