they're on a crusade to subvert and destroy every memory I hold dear
They're on a crusade to subvert and destroy every memory I hold dear
Don't watch it you overreacting fag, they didn't destroy the original and replace it with the remake ffs. You can still watch the original and not make yet another shitty thread about muh nostalgia movie is getting remade reeeee.
>but now with the all new exciting BmWf interracial twist
I can all ready see it.
>Don't watch it you overreacting fag, they didn't destroy the original and replace it with the remake ffs. You can still watch the original and not make yet another shitty thread about muh nostalgia movie is getting remade reeeee.
creat new thing and get out from the past, little fuck. You are the problem, not the others
>don't watch it
this but unironically, where are all these people being held down and forced to watch things they don't like?
Go and kiss an oncoming train you stupid piece of shit.
Now that I think about it there weren’t many darkies in this movie. You could count Andre maybe. I know he’s French but that doesn’t mean anything
Will Robin Wright's daughter be the Princess now?
>be me
>walk into cinema
>cinema falcon starts screeching
>manager comes out and recognizes me
>"sorry sir we checked our records, and unless you watch at least 4 prequels, sequels, or remakes made this year, we'll have to suspend your theatre membership card and revoke your cinema turtle"
Haven't been to the movies since
Why not just ignore the remake and watch the original?
It was never that good. YTMND memes were the best part of it.
Also he still has Robin Hood, Twister, and Saw to be proud of.
it was a silly meme movie in the first place desu
The new cast will be so black.
its all propaganda. let it go, all of it.
The one where the book, screenplay, production, and directing were all done by the same guy? We have to change the culture!
If you hold any form of mass media like this as a “dear memory” then you’re already a subverted fool. This should at least be eye opening to you, all our media, all our pop-culture and mindless entertainment is manufactured and pushed on us by forces that do not share your best interests. So what they’ll remake this children’s movie with the current propaganda and they’ll do it again 30 years from know with an updated “cultural perspective” if it’s useful to them. Grow up and stop caring about this trash and start caring about things that are actually important you literal man baby. Either that or take your whining over to reddit so other faggots like you can convince themselves they give a shit about this trivial mess. Your a stupid cunt.
Aren't you dead Ted?
This desu
Drama trannies can get fucked. The old movies will be there, who gives a shit if they make a new one
zoom zoom
What percentage of new movies are actually decent? 10%? They don't even try anymore.
tripfags deserves to be shot desu
I have an idea for zoomers... how bout you guys create your own films instead of remaking everything that boomers made?
feel a little sympathy for the rich bastards. they have to make their investor's money back, and they can't risk it on some unknown property - what else can they do except rape our childhoods, slice us open, pull out our fondest memories and throw them into a food processor?
Save the kino for the Western world and let China buy all the shlock and remakes.
We know it will be terrible because there is zero creativity in hollywood, but are they even capable of doing comedy anymore?
Well, some of that is partly true but there's still such a thing as art. Nothing is absolute and as such there's nothing wrong with cherishing a movie like you would music or books or paintings or any creation someone else made through their perception of life. It's one of the most important parts of life. It can help you grow and inspire you to your own creations and that is truly something that should resonate.
Heh I got a lot of head during this flick. Good times.
KYS you cancerous piece of shit.
people making these low effort souless remakes are piggybacking off the success of movies where time, energy and heart when into their construction and the fact that they earn money is a travesty
>the princess bride
Look I love the princess bride but it's far from perfect
Man in Black and The Princess Bride
This is one movie that literally defies being remade. Every element and member of the original cast is so perfect as to be quintessential.
The only neat thing I could imagine is that they might get Cary Elwes to play the grandpa telling the story, which, while a neat inclusion, would still pale in comparison to Peter Falk's performance.
Is that Pewdiepie and Marzia?
Nothing is sacred in the eyes of capitalism
>are they even capable of doing comedy anymore?
Narp. The last "true" comedy movies I remember seeing in theaters were almost 10 years ago. Tropic Thunder was probably the last time I laughed so hard in the theater that it hurt, but that movie could fucking NEVER fly nowadays.
Not watching it isn't enough. You have to do it AVGN style and dab on it to death, make a statement that you'll never watch it, and watch the original.
Heres your Wesley bro
>Dave Chappelle comes back from hiding to save comedy
Well well well.
please go away
Nope, they just want money.
And there's a lot of retards that will buy skmething just because it has a familiar name on it.
unironically good casting.
The original wasn't that funny so who cares
>Cary Elwes calls a movie he starred in perfect
>doing something completely separate from the original film would "damage" it
why are nostalgiafags like this?
It's not much different than what happened to Star Wars and how the OT got retroactively tarnished by the other movies.
>What percentage of new movies are actually decent? 10%?
Jesus christ, I WISH it was as high as 10%. I don't think it has ever been as high as 10%. It's not even one percent. Almost all movies are unwatchable mass-manufactured trash that's only made in the hopes somebody accidentally buys it.
Damages the brand. See: Ghostbusters, Star Wars.
Things don't exist in a vacuum, retard.
Terminator sequels made T1 and T2 worse, because terminators are now cringe instead of cool.
Alien/Aliens sequels made the original two worse because aliens are no longer cool.
And so on and so forth.
If you have a good thing, you need the courage to let it stay good, instead of smearing shit all over it in bizarre attempts to "improve" it.
and Rachel as Buttercup
>didn't destroy the original and replace it with the remake
But that's exactly what they do. Look up Beauty and the Beast. Do you get the Jean Cocteau one, the 91 Disney or the shitty recent remake. It might not mean shit to fags like you that may know about the other ones, but the future gens will know nothing about the older ones and only see the shitty remakes being brought up.
Oh no, not the brand! Whatever will we do if a multinational, multi-billion-dollar corporation makes a few less millions?
>the OT got retroactively tarnished
in what way? the movies are still the same. unless you count Lucas' digital recuts, but that was actually going back and changing the originals, and had nothing to do with the new movies
Jesus, you people are children.
>He didn't hear
Dave Chappelle has been "cancelled" by culture at large. All the more reason to like him
It will be feminism from wall to wall.
>Will star the Rock in Andre's place
>At least one line about how she's not a damsel in distress
I own the Cocteau one.
>but the future gens will know nothing about the older ones and only see the shitty remakes being brought up.
This guy gets it. Every time you bring the Princess Bride film up from now on you'll have to explain that there's an older, better version to dumb children.
>but now with the all new exciting BmWf interracial twist
Well obviously.
>But why would I want to watch the older one?
Both the words "princess" and "bride" are problematic and triggering. This needs to be made GENDER NEUTRAL. Goddamn patriarchy. . . . . .
I was just thing about this movie
about how much i hate it
>The Princex's domestic partner
Not an argument.
yes, an argument. grow up.
Make like a tree and fucking kill yourself you dumb porch monkey. You have forgotten the face of your father, you shit covered maggot
>xer's significant other
Where have you been for the past ten+ years
Next time I see an NPC defending all the remakes coming out these days, I am going to ask them: would you be happy if instead of creating Star Wars, George Lucas made a remake of Buck Rogers?
>sips monster
>"the prince husband"
>useless man (chris hemsworth) gets kidnapped
>heroic womyn (melissa mccarthy) has to save him
>also starring kate mckinnon as indiana montoya and leslie jones as lezzik
The only idea worse than this is to get involved in a land war in Asia.
Because we all know they're going to put ugly brown people in it. And write a soulless script, with shit CGi, and probably get some feminist shite in there too.
Has any remake been good in the last ten years? Aladin and Lion King were both garbage and they were backed by Disney
Shut the fuck up you absolute carcrash of a human. You've got the integrity and soul of a turd.
try not to shoot up a movie theater on the way out whitoid. Maybe if you got laid you'd be less angry and cringy.
Lower lip with botox already?
Not his own wife?
I re-watched this a couple of days ago and thought how great it was that they never milked it for sequels.
I like Kit. I don't know what the big deal is. It's not his fault GoT went to ass. Sure he's a piece of shit IRL, I don't give a fuck. So is Gaycy. Still makes kino.
No how about you stop sucking kike producer cock so they can create something new for once?
Don't post an image of Lain while having an opinion that shit ever again
I didn't give you permission to reply to me, cotton picker, don't ever (you) your superiors ever again
The original one was already overrated shit.
>we know these roads
>we built these roads
Screencap all the celebs bashing it now and watch as they praise it once they either genderswap or race swap a character or 2. I hope they remake it and it turns out to be trash but none of them will dare criticize it for fear of the purity mob.
Alphas don't need permission. We take your women and you'll be a thing of the past. The history books will tell of the extinctntion of the inferior white race. Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest.
never even heard of this, get some taste boomer
How about you stop being a beta and make white babies. We are replacing you!
True Grit
Instead of spazzing out and advertising their remake for free, what if you just didn't watch it
saw it for the first time recently and it was so fucking bad. the only "people" who like it are boomers who haven't seen it since their brains were barely developed, and "people" whose brains stopped developing ie soibois and redditors
Girls start botoxing in high school, a new trend
It was to be expected. Disney owns it now, and they're going to milk the Fox library for all it's worth. The people who want to do it are probably thinking of using it to push a specific actress, probably a brown one, or make it a musical with rap.
The original will always exist, but how about they develop new material, instead of making lesser versions?
But we live in a world where Steve Martin dropped his trousers and shit all over the legacy of Peter Sellers and his work, and then had the sheer gall to call it a "tribute".
Next up, black female version of Fight Club. They own that, too.
>Here's your Dread Pirate Roberts, bro
kino casting
the race mixing and niggerfication will be off the fucking charts, or does any of you low loifes believe for just one second that two nice looking blonde lead actors will be cast like the original? HAHAHAHHAHAH
>Just watch the original
But isn't that the point? Why remake it at all then?
Just the male protagonist(s). And each will have their own white woman that is obligated by the script to throw themselves at him.
Legend could use a proper remake too
the only people who arguably get to make the "destroyed childhood" claim are OT purists who will never get another release of the theatrical cut again
Who cares. If they remake it, just don't watch it.
>Who cares, don't watch it
>"Why aren't there any movies worth watching, reeeeeee"
Doesn't get he's part of the problem.
>>Princess Bride
>>Grabbler Tier
Let them remake that shit.