

Attached: Graham-Hancock-on-Joe-Rogan.jpg (1400x708, 82K)

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>t. Zahi Hawass

He's such a disgusting lunatic.
>hey let's abolish government and armies because people who somke pot don't commit crimes lmao

Sedating the population might actually work though.

Just need to put some variation into the drugs to keep them productive

>i didn't say that i quoted it

Is this why the black crime rate is so low?
Because of their high cosumption of marihuana?

heh good one

Hancock is immensely BASED


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stop thinking about black people all day you dumb tranny.


Rogan's podcast is idiocracy manifested, and it's hilarious watching legit Ivy League profs scrambling to get some visibility and share media space with ancient sandy aliens and meteorites mined for bitcoins.

>So do you have evidence for that

>watch that ep
>they have a guy on skype who directly quotes what the loon said over the course of his career
>quote after quote of debunked lunatic crap
>rogan keeps interrupting him and tries to paint his refutations as malicious intent


That was a great episode. You had that neckbeard "journalist" shilling for his shitty Netflix documentary every 5 minutes.

whos this guy on skype? you got a link or anything, i havent heard of this

Except all those claimed quotes are absolute bullshit and all the guy can get him on is that he talked to a guy who doesn't believe in gravity and then his boss makes him retract the article.

>fucks a ghost

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Think he's talking about this great episode

oh the skeptic Shermer, yeah that was another great episode
nothing of Graham has been debunked as far as I know

>Randall comes in swinging with hard facts
>Skepticfag can't refute it so he goes back to personal attacks on Graham

really want a solo randall episode soon

there is at least one

i think there is 2 maybe 3 cant remember
but i was meaning a new episode with him

>I shit you not Joe Rogan I saw Spiderman's face he looked like some white kid from Queens

oh ok, yes, I hear ya

you're just a dumbfuck who decides that someone is right because he keeps throwing data at you until you conflate it with factual conclusions

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>Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar.

so a construction worker who red daniken when he was flunking college, gotcha

imagine being a renegade scholar at time where you can get a diploma for pussy juice oppression theorem

This thread is full of renegade scholars aka people who have not been peer reviewed nor published in any journal of note.

I can't believe how bad his movie was.
I still don't understand if the so called texts between the director and Bob was supposed to come off as genuine or not, because it obviously didn't.
Also the so called "fbi heist" on his lab was just to collect evidence about a guy who worked there who commited a crime or something, it was in 2017 i think and yiu can find the details on reddit.
The fact that they tried to pull it off a if they were after element 115 just throws Bob's credibility out of the water.
Oh and the so called device that he used to enter area s4 is a prop from encounters of the third kind.

>a small temple complex with clear astronomical influence isn't aligned to stars because you can go to the biggest city on earth and line up buildings however you want

Where do you think we are?

why are you the joker bro?

wrong again

reminder that there's zero evidence about younger dryas impact crater in greenland

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>his hard data doesn't count if he hasn't been approved by the priesthood!


its proven modern humans are 5 million years old plus now

Nope, all true, sorry to burst your bubble

yeah academia is scared as fuck of him

he's actually been peer reviewed as well.

it just pisses off Darwinists that are dogmatic about stuff that's been dated since the 80's.

imagine being this anti-science

yeah, peer review, that's how it works. wishful thinking equals rejection and ridicule but thanks to meatheads like rogan having media space...

...man i'd love to see rogan have lysenko on the show, if there was a time machine so he could hear all these great agricultural theories.

reminder that mostly all of this stuff is beyond you or I to accurately assess

I remember when they were on the Rogan podcast, the guy was saying that he found a former colleague of Lazar on Facebook but he couldn't show any proof of that because the guy didn't want to get filmed or get his voice recorded. What a load of bs.
>Oh and the so called device that he used to enter area s4 is a prop from encounters of the third kind.
That was the funniest part of the movie.

Ok, let us see that peer review. Infowars article isn't a peer review.

Exactly. That's why you have universities, scholars and peer-reviewed work.

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That guys such a fucking retard liar, couldn't even cover his tracks well.

The mainstream science community is more anti-science than anyone else. They will ignore evidence and new findings if it threatens someone's career or if the idea isn't politically correct anymore. Imagine shilling for the (((university system))) in 2019.

>mfw Judaism is literally a PEER REVIEW religion




>we have universities so they can understand the truth for us and disseminate it to us lowly sinners
Hard yikes

That's not Bob Lazar

He’s not wrong you stupid faggot. Go blow Don Lemon

go ahead and redpill me on this

Why don’t you have friends in high places, you seething goy?


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unfortunately for you my bubble hasnt burst
the 2 examples you cited, without calling into question if theyre even true or not, are flimsy arguments at best
you think the hand scan thing was merely and only a prop? ok
you think they tried to play up the raid to bolster Bobs story? ok

Robot Head did a review of the "documentary" too.

There's a youtube video i saw that pretty much outs him as a fraud, regarding his friends, the newspaper article and his education

Didn't Elon Musk say everything he said was bulllshit on his podcast with Joe?


Give me an example of where science ignored hard facts

One example.

Yeah, it takes a lot of hard work to become even an assistant on a respectable uni. But you keep listening to 'master builders' and 'renegade scholars'.

nice try faggot
"anti science" is just a dumb vague claim you made to make him seem discredited, classic move

you provided no intellectual use

stay in your lane dullard

was it some choppy amateur level mess of a video? ive seen one like that, really bad attempt

His PR team certainly told him to say that.

Musk is borderline autistic, he had such a good time on the podcast that he didn't think about the consequences of what he said.

All the evidence points to yes.
You saying the you believe that the device they used to enter the secret lab is exactly as the device they used in a popular scifi movie that came out 3 years before bob has come out in the media?

BUT BUT BUT SHOW ME THIS STRAW MAN stfu we aren't that dumb dude

>Give me an example of where science ignored hard facts
>One example.
Well here's one right here Here's another for you: mainstream science currently denies that evolution takes place in human beings because they want to pretend racial differences don't exist.

lmao certified based

His points about Clovis first and so on are interesting, then he ruins it by extrapolating out an advanced Atlantis race by taking myths at face value. He let the cat out of the bag when he said something like "until you can show me otherwise I'll believe it's an advanced civilisation".

Still waiting on that one Hancock peer review published work we were promised ITT and one case where science failed to accept hard facts.

Because there's actually a good amount of evidence in several fields including language, religion, anthropology, architecture, zoology, and cultural legends that point to a global civilization in pre-history.

>mainstream science currently denies that evolution takes place in human beings

Guy that said that literally got Nobel peace prize my dude, his work has not been debunked and was peer-reviewed and published. Media hysteria against him is anti science example lol

No, it was fine but kinds low quality.
The guy that did it clearly have done a lot of research

well id have to look into it
off the top of my head though, wouldnt it be a really obviously retarded thing for him to claim?
anyway this will be very easy to look into

>peace prize

meant Nobel for genetics or whatever was his field

And yet if you claim the same thing around "scientists" right now you'll be screeched at as a racist and lose your job.

Proof? Let us hear some scientists screeching

Surely some peer-reviewed journal ostracized his work then?

friendly reminder dark matter doesnt exist


Okay you meatheads I just turned on this Randall Carlson on Rogan podcast and just on random him and Rogan are agreeing how you can see all these impact craters on the Moon and how that's the proof for his catastrophism JESUS CHRIST MASTER BUILDER GUY MOON HAS NO ATMOSPHERE IT'S DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO OUTER SPACE THIS IS GRADE SCHOOL PHYSICS

okay going on

"in the eighties i sometimes spent hours in university libraries"

i quit

Musk is a shitposter but his PR team was sweating since he owns big companies and shouldn't act like that in front of cameras.

The authoritarian view of science you have is a sickness. You're no better than a medieval peasant slurping down everything his town priest says as gospel. Get your head checked you bootlicking anti-science faggot.

>has a fancy british accent
>Burgers: "he must be a fucking genius"
I blame (((Hollywood)))'s reliance on cheap tropes.

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Science is the exact opposite of authoritorian, that's what peer-review is for, to discredit people who spew bullshit on media talk shows and present themselves as scientists

>Science is the exact opposite of authoritorian, that's what peer-review is for

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ITT: Actual scientific work = Judaic brainwashing

I asked an actual scientist about element 115. He said it's flat out impossible for anyone to have even a minute amount, even if they got it from an alien craft, because it's extremely radioactive. He said Lazar would be dead pretty quickly if he were handling Element 115 at all, of any quantity, and his small lab gear/firework shop sure as fuck doesn't have a containment vessel for something that radioactive.

the people who made that report are not scientists, it's some 'public health' guy and a psychiatrist. and that geneticist they quoted wasn't involved in the 'research' they did. basically you're quoting a call for a change in terminology.

>muh Younger Dryas

You forgot the part where they deliberately mirrored the picture and ignored the subpar alignment
>clear astrological influence
The fuck does that even mean. There is zero evidence in egyptian writing that they cared about aligning pyramids with astral signs

Disprove my logic:

Proposition a) All of science has been different shades of wrong in the past, despite getting things right as well most concepts had to be reevaluted eventually

Proposition b) On average we probably aren't unique

Therefor c) Contemporary science is unique and therefor incomplete and wrong, we just haven't proven it yet

/pol/ in one post

>Musk is a shitposter
Sounds like you need a break lad

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The thing is, nobody really used a photo of it until that documentary, he just described it as a device that reads the bones of your fingers.
The director of the doc came up to him while filming it claiming "we finally found it, it's insane!" And he just shows him a picture of that prop from the movie and bob's acts surprised and in awe that someone finally found it.
Yeah, my money on retarted

>Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race is not an inherent physical or biological quality.[1][2]
>Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete,[4] and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.[5][6][7][8][9]
>Even though there is a broad scientific agreement that essentialist and typological conceptualizations of race are untenable, scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways, some of which have essentialist implications.[10] While some researchers use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behaviour, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race often is used in a naive[5] or simplistic way,[11] and argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance by pointing out that all living humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens, and (as far as applicable) subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.[12][13]
>Since the second half of the 20th century, the association of race with the ideologies and theories of scientific racism has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic.[14]
mainstream scientific consensus in the west is that race (i.e. evolutionary differences between human populations) does not exist

>Give me an example of where science ignored hard facts
Niggers being as smart as everyone else

I enjoy suspending disbelief for entertainment


>People from black and Asian communities are more likely to develop conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and certain forms of hepatitis than white people. This makes them more likely to need a transplant.

>Blood and tissue types need to match for a successful transplant.

>Although many black and Asian patients are able to receive a transplant from a white donor, for many the best match will come from a donor from the same ethnic background.

>While some people with a black or Asian background go on to donate when they die each year, this is not enough to meet the needs of all patients waiting for a transplant from those communities.

>The fuck does that even mean. There is zero evidence in egyptian writing that they cared about aligning pyramids with astral signs
I said astronomical, not astrological. They are astronomically aligned because they're aligned to cardinal directions which requires astronomy. But as for astrological, the sphinx is aligned to where Leo would have been on the equinox during the period of time that would have caused the heavy water erosion on its enclosure.

this is supposedly a zoomed in or enhanced image from the original bob Lazar video they took when they went out to view the UFOs at the time and place Bob claimed they would be testing

Bob was the one who originally bought area 51 into the public conciousness, prior to that supposedly no one had ever heard of it
Id say thats 2 pretty good points in his favor right there
does it prove its all true? no but it makes a hell of a good case

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Neither has Graham Hancock. He's a journalist, as he was quick to point out when cornered on Rogan's podcast. And, not a particularly good one. I read a couple of his books, they're awful. He can't write very cohesively or clearly, and reads like exactly what they are - the ramblings of a pothead who likes to shill woo woo stories.
Randall Carlson has also not been peer reviewed, as he's a house designer/contractor who studied geology in his spare time, until he retired. He at least is semi-intelligent, and bases his work on actual scientific method, but his"sacred geometry" and Masonry make him suspect as well. He's just an old hippy filling the days with amatuer geology.

Musk is like Notch. They're both having fun making gamejournos and bloggers angry.

You know that meme where people say reddit is "retards acting smart" and Yea Forums is "geniuses acting retarded"

Huh. Not too long ago, mainstream scientific consensus in the west was that race does exist.
Wonder when the next switch will be?

>i-i don't actually have any real points against Randall but look he's into this occult shit so he must be a weirdo not worth listening to!

> There is zero evidence in egyptian writing that they cared about aligning pyramids with astral signs
But, they may have been very aware of them - early civilizations would have paid close attention to the stars, especially by religious figures, who'd try to auger the future from them, a common thing in most civilizations. We don't know if there was a connection to their observations of the stars and any of the dimensions of the pyramids, but as they have temples that use the sun and stars in alignment, they were looking at them pretty closely - as did the people who built Stonehenge. But we have no clue why - and that's where I draw the line. We know they looked. We have no clue why. Everything else is speculation. And guys like Hancock sell poorly written books speculating.

I'll give Carlson credit that his theory has some merit. It's an interesting idea, and it's not impossible for earlier civilizations could have existed. But he's attached to people like Hancock, and he himself said he was a hippy and did a lot of drugs when he was younger, so which facts are you upset about, that I listed?

you're really going there huh

you're really quoting an article some troon wrote for an online encyclopedia (((anyone))) can edit

>as far as applicable
>some of which

what curious choice of words

you can't measure IQ reliably and even if you could you have savants who are eating their shit and solving complex puzzles simultaneously, niggers have low social skill which is again hard to understand by science unless you count psychology crap in

anyone taking credo in the occult should be a huge red flag for anyone who is nto a brainlet

>niggers have low social skill
pure whiteboy cope

>anyone taking credo in the occult should be a huge red flag for anyone who is nto a brainlet
You're the brainlet if you don't understand how things typically grouped under 'the occult' tie into understanding of human psychology and development, archaeology, and the history of storytelling and religion.

I don't know what really happened in Lazar's life - but any time anyone has really looked closely, it falls apart pretty quickly.
This guy:
Is one of the guys who looked into it all. And seems more credible than Lazar. Were they testing energy weapons out there? Mebbe. I don't know. But Lazar has always struck me as a fraud. His story has changed many times over the years, and they always leave out things in his story, like being arrested as part of a bordello, or the FBI raiding him for selling illegal items from his lab supply company. Like bomb making supplies? Easy conjecture to make, as he also runs a small fireworks company.
He might have worked at Groom Lake, as a tech, like the guy above thinks. But the rest sounds made up, and is flimsy as hell.

so do you have any evidence suggesting that the scientific consensus on race is actually the opposite of what wikipedia outlines?


im looking the link
i find the opposite about these arguments
why does it matter about the bordello? or the chemical business he runs?
funny thing is i could tell you some stories about truly unbelievable , impossible things that ive witnssed and done and experienced
but im absolutely not going to, no point really
point is , i just have no trouble in believing it and when i hear ppl like you i come to the conclucsion its a difference in our basic point of view or in our personal knowledge but the great thing is we can be rational and look at facts

Dude, I'm not him but I literally pasted a nhs site saying ethnicity is a relevant factor in organ donation

i think you know that is not the same thing as explicitly saying something like "race is a biological reality and there are objective differences between human populations"

It's enough of an objective difference for the nhs apparently. Other things like lactose intolerance, height distribution, eye lids, and general intelligence seem relevant to me as well.

I'm not even saying this or that is superior or whatever but not believing in ethnic differences is delusional and unscientifc. Your views are tained by your political beliefs.

>not believing in ethnic differences is delusional and unscientifc
so tell that to the western scientific community, western governments and the un

So!? Millions of flies like to sit down on turds, does that mean I have to eat shit as well? Ethnicity on average here in base reality makes enough of a difference to justify a modified approach in terms of medical attention, I don't give dang what the UN says for political reasons. In practical every day life ethnicity is a factor, you're living in dream land.

>you're living in dream land
no, that's you, believing that the decisions made by those who own and rule you somehow don't affect your and your life

enjoy your increasing nonwhite population. since race doesn't exist, they're no different from you

What are you even rambling about!? You make appeals to authority, ad hominems, and all that shit but actually address the points. What does this crap have to do with the objective reality seen by actual health providers?

Do you know how he knew that? Because he is a close friend to a guy who went there every day for years, a guy you can see around the car they used when they first interviewed him, he memorized flight patterns around the site, it makes sense.
I don't know what that is in the picture you posted, maybe it is a high tech vehicle, the facts are that they didn't record it a second time, it wasn't recorded by someone else who wasn't connected to bob and his friends and it can be a lot of things.
The last logical thing it could be is something alien

Oh and the guy he is close friends with is a ufo freak, forgot his name but you can find it somewhere

ok thanks
still could be alien
its possible
isnt there heaps of videos like this? that tic tac ufo is something
