Here's your new magneto bro

here's your new magneto bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

>replace the Holocaust with apartheid
Could work.

No bike lock can stand in his way

what did they mean by this?

He is waaaay too old now

The first one was a fag and the second a mick, who cares.

yup, the only case of race swaping I see fit
holocaust happened way too long ago to have people alive that felt it
apartheid or the equal rights movement in the us would fit, given the time period
they just need to not make it overly political, like it was before

Yeah. It's funny seeing people go "but he has to be a Holocaust survivor" when no, not at all. They changed that for Ultimate X-Men. Hell, you could make him a survivor of the Rwandan genocide.

>Industrial genocide is comparable to segregation
Yeah... no.

Magneto is a mutant supremasist
He's suppused to be an allegory for white supemasist and Dr X is a diversity beliver and is supposed to be an allegory for white cucks

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Denzel Washington is my favourite black actor

Tbh i hope marvel do it just for the bants to annoy you insecure faggots

people have gotten tired of jews
in 10 years zoomers will start a real holocaust

oh so do I but not for that reason, I wan't them to crash the MCU with no survivors

His face says it all, poor guy just wants to coom in peace

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oh is it gonna how how he lived like a animal until nice white people gave him a job,that he wanted.

because that's what happened

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not gonna happen anytime soon, stop being delusional

this. i love denzel but hes too saggy at this point

snatchin' all the purses!

>Yea Forums shitposts make actual news

God, I love this timeline.

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>Dr X

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Should just be some chink

>He's not my favourite actor of all time by the way. No, my favourite actor of all time... is Mr Sidney Poitier.

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Could be kino. I imagine Denzel would be very good at pulling of a sympathetic, yet cruel Magneto, in the same way that Ian has played him. He has the range for it

Also a reminder that all actual jews are Black, and that the rest are larping neanderthals


Yeah dude apartheid was terrible. Crime rates, quality of life for both whites and blacks, infrastructure, economy....YUCK. Mandella fixed everything. SA is a great place now. Almost heavenly.

phase 4 looks like complete dog shit, and i didn't even bother watching endgame, fatigue is real.

What the fuck. Do capeshit makers have no shame? Just keep milking the cows.

I doesn't and it isn't, you're anecdote is not representative bud

That's a blast from the past.

malcom x-men





tbqh at this point it's hard to believe a fucking holocaust survivor would still be both alive and active enough to do half the shit magneto does in the comics.
they have to update his storyline somehow.

Wouldn’t the Jews be upset with their mutant being turned into a black guy?

Prof X

How based would this be?

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why do the storylines need to be constantly updated to the present?

they don't and no one wants to see blackneto

the based levels are over nine thousand

Would make more sense as a flaming homo or tranny, desu.

Fucking hell...

idris elba

I would fucking love that. You can't put anyone better than Fassbender into the role, he was basically the comic-character come to life. Denzel is a monumental actor. It would be really interesting to see him in that kind of role.

Considering the absolute state of USA race climate, what could possibly go wrong?

>wields mastery over magnetism
>is repelled by fatherhood

That's a stupid casting choice not because he's black but because a superhero movie is below him.

That's like Laurence Olivier starring in a remake of Nightmare On Elm Street, makes you sit back and go, why?

Sean Connery did League of extraordinary gentlemen. Alec Guinness did star wars. George Peppard did A-team.

that's unfortunate
but I guess capeshit money is too good to pass up

I'd love to see him terrorizing the black ghetto, stealing all of their gold teeth saying it's gold taken from his granny.

What's it about Laurence Oliver? i saw him in Spartacus and I don't understand why evryone is wanking over him?

>industrial genocide & pogroms are comparable to slave trade for centuries, & institutionalized segregation/racism world-wide widespread due to western colonization
yup... makes sense

I just chose a highly praised actor.

I almost chose Brando but he was in Superman, nullifying my point.

>slave trade for centuries
so not apartheid
>racism world-wide widespread due to western colonization
aka things that don't exist

>apartheid ends
>black unemployment skyrockets
>black murder rate skyrockets
>black HIV rate skyrockets
>black literacy rate plummets
>black life expectancy plummets
>a country that was once a tech and finance capital with a fucking nuclear arsenal now doesn't even have regular electrical power
What did South Africans mean by this?

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>oh fuck we don't have spiderman again
>quick let's change magneto into a nigger who dindu nuffin rong and a mutant supremacist!

white man bad

Same thing fro Brando. i think they wer just handsome in their prime and that's about it.

>George Peppard
Not even the same league as the others

Here is your magneto

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honestly who fucking cares
capeshit sucks anyways

Shut the fuck up, you lost.

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Worthy it just for the inevitable kike vs nigger oppression olympics

he's got a point you know

>t. infant rape supporter

that happens when you remove the status quo and replace it with illiterate communist niggers who are too retarded to understand figures of speech and metaphors by their white constituents to the point where they scream and chimp out in parliament

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Magnegro the ultimate bike robber

Magneto was inspired by Malcolm X to contrast the MLK like approach of Professor X.


I like Denzel.

How's that economy going for you Kunta Kinte

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Honestly I dunno who's dumber here

literally jews. Reminds of one jewish user, on Yea Forums actually, writing about how his family emigrated to Israel when it became too dangerous.

There's some Galaxy brains over there

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For me, It's Tom Hanks

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Fuck... you win

Well at least he wont rust


People like this legitimately make me think that segregation was a good thing.

Will he play a white Magneto with black skin or a black Magneto?

How will they address his backstory? Isn't he supposed to be a jew that survived the holocaust?

Are the writers of this good or retarded feminists that have no idea what they are doing?


at this point, anybody who thinks the new Xmen wont just be 100% polical and 100% black lives matter commentary is crazy

I have family who live in south africa, the place is going to shit, Africans can't govern themselves.

all the xmen are going to be black kilmonger knock-offs

why did (((they))) let this happen? just didnt want one of the tribe to be the villain anymore?

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>Magneto is a negro man
>Still holocaust survivor

>blue checkmarks when the Holocaust survivor Jew is replaced by a lynching survivor black man

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will he use his abilities to shoplift?


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Denzel is to good for this comic shit

Why doesn't Magneto just move to Wakanda?

>You have a superpower? HAH? nigga

Denzel is based as so idc

I'll believe it when I see it. No way in hell will Hollywood replace a jewish character with a negro.

>Black Magneto
>Steals copper plumbing from walls
>Attracts gold grills and chains
>Steals all the guns in a block radius

>black magneto
>steal everyones phone

I laughed more than I should have at this.

Really making the Malcolm X v. MLK allegory explicit, eh?

Everyone would cheer for the humans to win against the mutant terrorists

Ian McKellen was oldervwhen he was magneto and no one gave a shit.

Considering how Mags treated his own 3 kids...

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Blaming white people for Africans selling other Africans as slaves

Just realized magneto is just magnet then they threw an o at the end

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How would any of that kill his mother? That would all be pages in a history book for him.

Jews are the ones making the decision in the first place.

we need another holocaust

isnt Magneto a jew in the old X-Man movies?

But real this time.

*toilet bowl echo bowel movement noises*

is this holocaust denial?


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I mean, at least one of those actually happened

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Sidney is great and was truly a pioneer of black right in the movie industry


They won't do Magneto again for the same reason they are not using the Osborn family in Spiderman.

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magneto was a jew, do you really think they would let a jew character be replaced?

>by kobus
You know this is from a fake article, right?

>blacking a Jew character
>decent actor who fits the part
Could be worse.

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Was Magneto a jew in the comics or only in the movies ?

>blacking a jew
you realize one of the jewish tribes are 100% black people, right? ethiopa is crawling with black jews

put that samefag on the screencap

He's too good of an actor to play Magneto. He's also getting older so unless they want to go that route again it's going to take too long for anything to happen with that series.

Also important to mention that black isn't really a race or really anything. You kinda disrespect them by calling them black even if they were dark skinned. Black really doesn't mean shit. There's no Blackland. No Blackistan.

Two of those are not his kid anymore.

Being too good to play Magneto applies to everyone whose played Magneto.

>mfw this tanks

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>replying to yourself

He's way too good then.

oy vey dis is like annudah shoah!!

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here’s a picture of his Asteroid M

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That jew tribe is not in Ethiopia iirc.

The upcoming trilogy
X-Men re-Origins
X-Men Segregation
X-Men Race War

it never ends, this shit

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You realize they're not really Jews, right? You realize Israel racially discriminates against them hugely, right?

She's responsible for taking Ms Marvel's leotard and renaming it for Captain Marvel and making her look like his wife

why would they stop if you keep paying for it?

Perfect cast to Magneto could be Brad Pitt

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Look at me, Xavier.

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to play magneto?


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Wasn’t the whole point of magneto being Jewish in the holocaust was that the experience made him a huge hypocrite for copying the same tactics that persecuted him and his family

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For me Feige and Alonso are destroying the MCU with these miscast.
Marvel and MCU has numerous characters of various ethnicities.
No need to change anymore, this is insult and disrespect for those who follow the X-Men.

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>jews replacing a jewish character

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Amongst other things, yes.
Really, the reason it has to be the Holocaust and general racism doesn't work, is because of the paranoia.
It doesn't matter how many times Xavier demonstrates that people are not hostile, and are more or less okay with mutants. In Magneto's mind, it will always only take one influential group coming to a place of authority to turn things around and start extermination.

God that Tessa bitch is so fucking ugly it makes me jealous of Helen Keller.

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genderswap, raceswap, ageswap, religionswap, sexual orientation swap, species-swap,

swap swap swap

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Im ok with it, Denzel is based.

I don't think they are that comparable, but I think bringing Megneto into the modern age with a modern catastrophe is a good idea. Maybe have him part of a War.

Denzel is based and is replacing a jew, I don't see a problem

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Same thing as White, it's just easy categorisation.

All of you are discussing whether or not Magneto should be black and not whether or not we need a third fucking Xmen franchise in

Because then they would have to set the new Xmen in the 60s like they did with First Class, and it would avoid the current MCU timeline.
I want to see the Xmen join the MCU, and for that the make sense they have to update the story.

Magneto to Black Panther: stay in your place

Black Panter literally is unable to move

X-men was always political and “black lives matter”

I swear to God if they change the title of Xmen for the MCU... they already had that fucking awful joke from JLaw in Dark Phoenix.

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Still want to see Dave Chappelle to play the Joker.

>black magneto
>has the power to bend Steal

Wait what???

This is Hollywood were are talking about. They will milk the cow until it bleeds from the udders. And after that they'll milk some more.

I don't know how they would translate Magneto into the modern age. There really isn't anything near that shitty in the last 40 years. Maybe you could make something with Islamic terrorism?

ISIS could work I guess

It's money, faggot, no sane actor would refuse cash from disney. but i agree that capeshit is way below him

ISIS might be too recent, no? Unless you want a Magneto that's 18 at most.
I can't think of anything that compares to the Holocaust. Maybe have him a Holocaust survivor and freeze him like Cap. It would be shitty but it would work at least.

>based Denzel
Not even mad

Brando was incredibly skilled, same for Olivier


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>dyke wife is hotter and more femine than brie

It actually could be interesting. He has good mannerism for it.

>short hair
>even more mannish face than Brie
get your eyes checked user


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pretty ebin

>triggered goyim detected

You could go with Soviet Union gulags or something

Fuck stan lee

You could do the Balkan wars in the 1990s

Cope fungus lover

Id be okay with that. Washington is a based Christian and stays out of all that politics bullshit

>Managing dumb niggers so they don't slaughter each other and ruin the county is ebil

fuck off.


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They’re not as sensitive as you incels

you joke but he still has basic access to a ool, a trampoline, a driveway side of the house. Lawnwork the bikes naturally choke out. An impregnable rear thanks to the bikewalls.

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>casting based on actor skill and presence instead of skin color
based 2bh. Washington would make a great magneto — he has the gravity for it.


I can't wait for Disney to ruin X-Men characters in new, exciting ways. At least the first 2 X-Men movies are near perfect, besides Rogue not being like the comics.

>They’re not as sensitive as you incels
Implying kikes aren't a large force behind social justice.

fucking kek

Why not asian?

Like pottery

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You're literally fucking brainwashed lmao

Yay communism!

It's already happening dumbass literally no one seems to care minus the Disney shills. Not even actual comic book nerds are excited

but hasnt it only been like 10 years?????

I feel the same user. Nothing is sacred anymore

He's a great actor

You're more like your pic than you realize. Magnetos are a real world device to create electricity by using rotating magnetic fields.

>that fucking awful joke from JLaw in Dark Phoenix.
which was?

>a superhero movie is below him
and the fucking Equalizer isn't?

"We should call it X-Women because the women keep saving everyone."

>I laughed more than I should have at this.
what does that even mean you redditfag? is there a recommended amount of laughs for specific jokes?

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glad i never saw this shit
at least Deadpool had the decency to say "X-Force"


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Im willing to bet money half the people in the thread didnt know that no need to be rude and call me a beetlejuice :(

I'd actually watch this just for him.


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Isn't the whole point of magneto that he's a butthurt jew? How are you supposed to compare segregation to the Holocaust?

Dare I say, Based?

>south africa
>slave trade
lol imagine being this uneducated
dilate tranny

Shouldn't charles also then too be black? I mean it's well known they were stand ins for mlk and mx. Might as well play that up.

This is actually a decent shout. Holocaust is not apartheid, but you have figures such as Julius Malema whose politics square pretty much exactly with the allegories Magneto's character embodies.

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Born and bred here. They don't even belong here to begin with. Junglebunnies.

Anything could work, literally anything. Afghan wars, Balkan wars, middle east conflicts, ISIS, vietnam, colombia and FARC, Liberian warlord conflicts, and so on. For a kid in a war zone, it doesn't really make a difference if the avalanche of corpses around him are done by nazis or anyone else. Unlike what people from first world countries think while complaining about lines they deem offensive in books and movies, the rest of the world is still burning, burning with real fire, instead of imaginary one.

Now, picking something as violent as this and turning into american apartheid bullshit... It only serves to show how egocentric and imperialistic americans are. Do you really think that people calling you names and telling you to sit on the other side of the bus is terrible? Try to walk in the street and see human corpses rotting in the sideways, or giving a 180° in your car because the building right in front of you just exploded, like ukranians just a few years ago, and then you can talk about having a PTSD inducing childhood.

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Why do jannies even bother trying to defend (((them))) in here via censorship? Archive is a thing, and 4chanX links it automatically to it in case of deletion.

I can visualize anything you people delete, you have no real power.

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Keep fighting the good fight, brother

Because we're only allowed to talk about how great the slop Hollywood feeds us is, not who's making the slop or what they're putting in it.

True....but you KNOW it'll be something American like the slave owning south.

They look like washed up porn actresses

Friendly reminder only 1% of people in the south owned slaves (40% of them were jews) and most of them fled to the North to start up businesses after the war.

>not perpetually offended about everything
Surely you jest

Honestly, this could actually be pretty based. For you /pol/cels and underagefags (I'm repeating myself here), Magneto has always been about being an extremist for the minority and oppressed (Mutants in the MCU), his skin color never really mattered. Now it makes sense to make him black due to the current environment in the US. Literally due to the way you underagefags are reacting right now is why it is being made. If you didn't cry about everything that has to do with someone's skin color this wouldn't be a thing.

>Now it makes sense to make him black due to the current environment in the US
Thanks Obama made me do this. I'm mexican so this is not racist even if it is i don't care

>Somewhere in Detroit. A young Eric runs do down stairs to find the police have raided his home and are arresting his mom and dad
I know all blacks usually don't have fathers but bear with me
>The police have his Dad and mom in cuffs and are asking about the money and drugs and stolen Wakandan tech.
As usual the black man tries to fight the cop when all he has to do is cooperate and ends up getting shot
>Young black Eric watches his parents die and unsurprisingly goes ape mode. He uses his magnetic powers to kill the cops while raising a fist to the sky
>He runs away and hides from the law while killing cops greatly increasing the % of crimes committed by blacks from 37 to 48%.
>He then starts Magnegroes Brothahood to recruit Mutants of Color to fight the police.
I don't know how you'd explain Scarlett witch being his daughter maybe he fucked (more likely sexually assaulted) a white woman and thought he got her pregnant and naturally ran away. That's it


i don’t actually mind he is a good actor

Even when the last white man in South Africa is dead or evacuated, they will still be blamed for it being a shithole.

>I'm mexican so this is not racist
>Hating on niggers
Checks out

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Blacks complain when there are no blacks in movies but are happy when there are no Jews in movies.

>when there are no Jews in movies.
This has never happened

Ian McKellen was magneto.

>no Jews in movies.

As a jewish homosexual X-Men has always been by far my favorite comic and capekino. I swear I will never watch wakanda X-Men. This is an outrage.

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I'm actually ok with this, Denzel is based.

This. Seeing it get deleted just makes me want to go to the archive to see what was deleted also weird someone here was banned for racism but i say nigger all the time and never get banned. (Please dont ban me jani im too lazy to turn my router on and off)

>Thank you for killing our children and destroying our cities, Magneto! It's what we oppressors deserve!

Denzel is a nigger with basic Jew-implanted nigger opinions. Literally the opposite of based.

Too many reset xmen timeline. What the fuck

>(Please dont ban me jani im too lazy to turn my router on and off)
This literally never fucking works, at least for Optimum.

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

>im too lazy to turn my router on and off
this but unironically

Why don't you fuck off back to /pol/?

Lol based retard thanks for the laugh if only you knew


Slit your wrists, faggot. you might actually make your family smile for once.

One of Washington's lifelong friends was a Jewish actor turned pastor who heard the voice of God that told him to return to Israel and who founded Kehilat HaCarmel, a Zionist sect of Judaism that seeks to merge Christianity and Judaism.

Woah settle down there tough guy

why is this thread still up

Why, can't a nigger be a survivor of the Holocaust? It's not like there were only jews in concentration camps

niggers were actually treated well by the nazis since they wanted them for propaganda

Why is it always a fucking nigger? Why not make him a spic whose parents got killed while crossing the border? That would make it more relevant nowadays and give him a valid reason to hate Americucks and better yet, not a fucking nigger.

pretty simple.

black people go to movies. they're not an aging population.

younger white people who also go to movies aren't alienated by black people being in them.

it's about demographics. you're being left behind.

>black people go to movies
Remember when theaters had to literally give out tickets in the hood for free for niggers to show up to black panther? Remember when they counted all these free tickets towards domestic sales?

Bull fucking shit.

Spics go more to movies nowadays. They are everywhere.

Again some producers change the comics because MUH MCU?

Oh, my

Oh wow your switch gave you a new internal IP!
>What is NAT

>Industrial genocide
my grandfather was in a concentration camp when the soldiers came to take him to the battering machine that made pizza dough from the prisoners. he managed to escape by tricking the soldiers into thinking he was a pizzaiolo so he convinced the soldiers to enter the machine to make sure the dough would taste good

Have him be friend zoned by Stacy for being a mutant

>not having a static ip


Magneto should be a black National Socialist fighting against the rootless international clique.

Attached: nazis and race, your teachers lied to you.jpg (672x372, 51K)

Fuck off wetback.

Obviously fake. Denzel can't act for shit.

>Current Year
>not be overly political
user, I....

What'd it say?

farmer #1 as xavier and farmer #2 as magneto

Magneto is Malcolm X to Xavier's MLK

Are comic books too subtle for you?

The American slave trade and subsequent oppression of blacks was unironically worse than the Holocaust.

fucj janny

>imagine being a janny

Good one.

>Oh no whitewashing is so evil and problematic :((
>Wow blackwashing so progressive

Apex clownworld

I hate niggers and I'm more annoyed at the fact that Denzel would do capeshit than about them turning another character black

Do you think whites segregated just because? It was for survival, safety and prosperity. Concepts unrelatable with blacks.

>yup, the only case of race swaping I see fit
Palestinian makes more sense because he could get most of the nazi concentration camps material. Just change Germany with Israel.

Here's some in depth analysis for anyone interested. Light spoilers