ITT the worst part of your favorite movies

ITT the worst part of your favorite movies

Blade Runner 2049: Jared Leto

Attached: Ihavewaitedforyouforsoverylong.jpg (1600x800, 163K)

he's not a good actor and his band sucks.

why is this twink famous?

have you seen Dallas Buyers Club?
he's amazing in it
his portrayal of joker was terrible tho

Dude what's your problem?

Did Leto unironically fuck your mom or something?

He gets alot of shit but Paul Allen is Oscar worthy, he was good getting his teeth knocked out in Fight club and Panic room. And The Outsider is underrated

And the police chief. For Jared Leto at least I know he was meant to be robotic and non-human like and in the process became too much of an anime villain. However the police chief was just cringe, I didn't like any of her scenes

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I don't have anything against him personally but he did suck in BR 2049

shut up retard that movie blew big balls

He's one of those actors that can shine with a good script and a director that doesn't let him do whatever. This hasn't happened in a while though

I liked him.

shit, didn't know he played Paul Allen.

Hey, me too

Jesus, Leto's cult has infiltrated Yea Forums

>be blind
>eyes still move

>Paul Allen is Oscar worthy,
>he was good getting his teeth knocked out in Fight club
all he did was stand there. he might as well have been a prop

I legitimately can't think of a flaw from the top of my head, perfect pacing, great acting, beyond god like script, excellent cinematography, amazing casting, everything in this movie is god-tier

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On my second viewing I actually quite liked his performance.


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Dbc was ok tho
And he was good in older movies

Not harison ford

nah the worst part was this cringey le rebel alliance scene. Completely goes against the tone of the movie and turns it into some generic star wars shit

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I actually would agree that Ford kinda stinks up the sequel and he's far too important for what his performance deserved.

>perfect pacing

The point of the movie is that it was not perfect pacing

>Hey Harrison here's this cool outfit we designed you
>I'll just wear a t-shirt

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Attached: harrisonford.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Ford sucked in this film and the film got worse when the focus switched from K to Deckard.
Imagine the bait and switch if it turned out Deckard was dead and K just figured out everything he exposition dumped through the environments, the film itself wouldn't even change much.