They think that we’re just going to SIT here and take it, like GOOD LITTLE BOYS, that we won’t WEREWOLF AND GO WILD!!

>They think that we’re just going to SIT here and take it, like GOOD LITTLE BOYS, that we won’t WEREWOLF AND GO WILD!!

This is gonna rule

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Clowns start murdering all the rich people
>Theater audience starts cheering

I really want to see this movie as soon as possible but I also really don't want to be shot.

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Why does the jokester sound like a mtf transgender person in this scene?

He sounds like that the whole movie, but it makes sense, he's a mentally ill loser who gets bullied, and he was sexually abused as a child.

Because you're a discord tranny

Is this some mandela shit? There's no way the line was WEREWOLF AND GO WILD when this scene first leaked, or else... why wasn't it immediately a meme?

The script that leaked was a very early outdated script and not the final one.

low testosterone

because _e is

Okay, so it wasn't WEREWOLF AND GO WILD in the video leak of this scene? I didn't save it, does anyone have it?

How has Yea Forums already seen this?

releases earlier in spic countries

All incels got a free advance screening

I went from being pretty apathetic about this movie to very excited after I watched the cam of that scene. It definitely seems like they're drawing heavy inspiration from Miller's Dark Knight Returns, which is my favorite graphic novel and the only animated movie I've seen more than once. Miller definitely wrote Joker with a feminine flair that Somehow it adds to the disturbing nature of the character.
Here's the animated version of the inspiration for the talk show scene, unfortunately I don't think Phoenix's Joker will go quite this far, but it's pretty good stuff.

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has the actual movie been released or just snippets?

lmao why would anyone agree to go to something like this

You mean the audience?

Do people not know that even during his darkest storylines, Joker is always kinda feminine?

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Oh werewolf and go wild is in the video, they just cut out the scene of him howling autistically.

>JOKER: Knock knock.
>CHAD: Who's there?
>JOKER: It's the police, sir. Your trans son-- er, daughter had slit her wrists and throat. She's dead.
>DISCORD TRANNY: Ahhhh! No,no-- you can not joke about that.
>CHAD: Yeah, that's not funny user, that's not the kind of humor we do on this board.
>JOKER: Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. It's just, y'know... It's been a rough few weeks, Chad! Ever since I... said the N word.
>CHAD: Okay, I'm waiting for the punchline.
>JOKER: There is no punchline. It's not a joke.
>'re serious, aren't you? You're telling us that you said the N word on 4channel?
>JOKER: Mm-hmm.
>CHAD: And why should we believe you?
>JOKER: I got nothing left to lose, Chad. Nothing can hurt me anymore. My life is nothing but a shitpost!
>CHAD: Lemme get this straight, you think racism is funny?
>JOKER: I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective, Chad, isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what's progressive or problematic, the same way that you decide what's based or not!
>CHAD: Okay, I think I understand. You did it to start a movement? to become a symbol?
>JOKER: C'mon, Chad. Do I look like a kind of shitposter who could start a movement? I said the N word because the board is cringe and bluepilled. Everybody's cringe and bluepilled these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy.
>CHAD: So that's it, you're crazy. That's your defense for being racist? Because 13% of the population is too much for you?
>JOKER: No. It's because 13% of the population commits 50% of the crimes. Why is everyone so upset about racism, anyway? Because some Jew went and cried about it on Twitter?
>CHAD: You have a problem with Jews, too?
>JOKER: Yeah. I do. Everything comes so easy for them.
>CHAD: And what's wrong with that?

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>JOKER: Have you seen what it's like out there, Chad? Do you ever actually leave the Hills? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think Jews ever actually wonder what it's like to be a white man? To be anybody but themselves? They don't. They think we'll all just sit there and take it like good little goys! That we won't werewolf and go autistic!
>CHAD: You finished? I mean it's so much self pity, user. You sound like you're making excuses for offending minorities. #notallblackpeople are "cringe and bluepilled".
>JOKER: You're cringe and bluepilled, Chad.
>CHAD: Me? I'm "cringe and bluepilled"? Oh yeah, how am I cringe and bluepilled?
>JOKER: Revealing my manifesto. Stealing Veronica from me. You just wanted to make fun of me. You're just like the rest of them!
>CHAD: You don't know the first thing about me, bro. Look what happened because of who you memed into presidency, what it led to! USA is on the brink of civil war! The fire rises with each passing day and you're laughing. You're laughing! People have killed themselves because Trump got elected!
>JOKER: I know!
>JOKER: How about another joke, Chad?
>CHAD: No, I think we had enough of your jokes. Janny call up the mods.

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He's not even the Joker anymore. Orig joker fell in bat of acid and it made him neurotic and crazy but in a comedic, maniacal sort of way. There was a method to the madness and it was always well thought out, as evinced in the comics and the Burton film (the first and my favorite Joker portrayal) where he is plotting his schemes multiple times and in multiple scenes. He also wanted to run Gothem his way, not create some anarchist murder spree free-for-all. I can't take the last 2, and now third portrayals of him. Seems to me they are using the joker as the guise to espouse cringy freud-nihilistic psuedo philo/psychology and it doesn't make any sense, and elicits a big yikes from me that so many people like this shit.

RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!

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post the damn leak you faggots

Heath's Joker is great you boomer twat. He might not use laughing gas or goofy gadgets but he embodies the Joker much more than Jack Nicholson did

If you're really a fan of TDKR, then stop recommending the godawful animated adaptation. It removes some of the best lines from the graphic novel, adds or changes several scenes that alter the tone and intention of what's being presented, has awkward pacing from trying to fit a four chapter story into a two part film, is cheaply animated, and opts for an ugly butchering of Miller's art style. It's a film that can't stand up on it's own merits, and is also completely lacking in the depth and nuance that makes its source material so great. The best thing that can be said about it is that it isn't the Killing Joke movie.

>werewolf and go wild

What does this even mean?
Who came up with this genius line? Was it improvised?

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you cant have everything


It’s meant to be this weird disillusioned future where Joker isn’t completely forgotten but the severity of his crimes has been
That and the audience are repeatedly assured beforehand that Joker is completely cured and sane now, they click on to it all being a ruse the second he gets out on stage but by then it’s too late

anyone have the part where he murders the dude with a knife? i want to see what happens to the short guy afterwards

The script says Arthur just lets him out after he can’t reach the bolt on the door
Arthur’s so coo coo crazy he won’t even put a scared midge out of his misery, the madman

dang, was hoping Arthur was making an actual "Joke" by saying "yeah you can leave so long as you reach the lock"

here it is
just had to google "joker leak"

it's kino

Now someone should record the recording of the recording.

its in it, the audios just weird

I like the comic portrayals of the joker as an eccentric mob boss who's good to his closest. Which makes sense; how could you be in business as a mobster or organised criminal if you were a mood swing away from killing everyone around you?

I can't remember the story but it was from the pov of some no-name street level guy getting involved with Joker's gang and The Joker was just an eccentric mob boss and his insanity towards the new guy was partly because he didn't care for him at all and was just using him as a throwaway resource, while he was super tight with his real henchmen.

We live in a society

Cringe but Redpilled

>literally and explicitly advocating rising up against society
holy based

Oh good. I tracked it back down, was confused how the hell I missed that, and it didn't immediately bubble the meme back up

>I like the comic portrayals of the joker as an eccentric mob boss who's good to his closest. Which makes sense; how could you be in business as a mobster or organised criminal if you were a mood swing away from killing everyone around you?

Exactly. In the first scene of the Dark Knight he basically kills all his henchmen. It's called 'organized' crime for a reason. All those criminals know each other, know someone who knows someone etc. he'd never get anyone to work for him again if he killed those people. And then when he forces those people into his crew in that restaurant kitchen, there's literally no way those guys don't kill him the second they get a chance or the second he turns his back. Just show some how out of touch Nolan is.

Also important to not that in the Burton Film, Nicholson Joker never kills or even threatens a single one of his henchmen until the very end, and even then he does so because he his plot has fallen apart and he has exhausted all avenues of recourse. And if I'm not mistaken he does so to get the bazooka or something from him lol.

Zoom zoom

I'm 26 btw.

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He doesn't embody the joker at all though. And the performance is contrived and forced. nothing special or revolutionary like people were making it out to be. They turned the Joker into anarchist nihilistic 'woe is humanity' mouth piece, which was never what he was. An arguement could be made that the Joker loves humanity and the joy of living (and killing/dying) more than anyone; Heath's joker seemed like he wanted to hang himself the whole movie, never funny even once. He was mentally unwell during filming, however, as evidenced by his suicide, essentially, so it's not surprising his portrayal was so lifeless and glum



MCU fags on life support

Keep trying to force this. Only trannies hate this movie

He isn't chaotic evil in the movie, the only reason he kills the guy is because he screwed him over earlier.

>he actually loudly utters "society" in the film
it's perfect

>he thinks directors write the scripts

No, comes out on the 2nd

>takes serious issues men have and ruins all credibility and legitimate grievances by making them into an over the top capeshit movie character

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It's the ideas user. The only way you will make these ideas palatable to a large amount of people is by wrapping it in capeshit.
If this was about a random guy and not the joker, Yea Forums would love it but it would have no mainstream audience. You're also wrongly assuming people nowadays are even able to make the distinction between real life and movies.
Cheer up!

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