This scene is so pathetic. The guy wrote himself into the movie as the cool, slick guy that can say the n word to Samuel Jackson with impunity. SJ in that movie is one of the biggest badasses in movie hisotry, and Tarantino wrote himself as the guy whose coffe Jackson praises.
It's so fucking transparent what he is doing. This is more pathetic than the nips that write isekai harem light novels.
Jacob Murphy
His character saying "nigger" in front of Jules, with no negative reaction from Jules, is a quick way to imply deep familiarity and friendship.
But if you have autism, and can't understand social cues, this may fly over your head.
this, also the fact that Jules wasn't an idiot and knew he couldn't chimp out about a word even if he wanted to. He 100% needed Jimmy's help, and wasn't going to piss him off even more.
Daniel Murphy
>It's so fucking transparent what he is doing. Having fun?
Anthony Anderson
The character was written for Steve Buscemi but he was busy.
Asher Lewis
Luke Jones
Only to act like a bitch in front of Mr wolfe
Andrew Allen
no matter how much you baby feed reddit with these simple ass spot on answers they will always find a way
Anthony Ortiz
It was also to imply how fucking ANGRY he was. Who gives a shit about race politics and politeness at this point, you cunts just dragged a fucking dead nigger into his garage.
David Jones
made me look based buscemi wouldve done it but hes already in the movie
Christopher Turner
So my post containing the word nigger gets deleted in a thread about exactly that word which is in a movie?
Well I guess if they were smart they wouldn't be jannies, eh
Mason Ortiz
You know what's on my mind? It's not the coffee in my kitchen. It's the dead nigger in my garage.
Logan Gutierrez
that's almost literally the TV version
Jason Cox
\Redditors with more than 10k Karma need to be genocided.
>Jules, when you guys pulled in did you see a sign that said "Dead Neighbor Storage"?
>Jules! DID you see a sign that said "Dead Neighbor Storage?!?"
>You know why you didn't see that sign? Because storing dead NEIGHBORS ain't my business!
Jack Davis
So is tarantino's character a civilian or a criminal . It wouldn't make sense if he was either because he wouldn't act cool around a dead body in the first , and if he was a criminal how would he have such a normal houselife
Nathan Flores
Civilian. He didn't know who Marcellus Wallace was and he wasn't particularly cool about the body, but he was such good friends with Jules that he allowed it anyway.
Jace White
The impression I get is that he's either a retired hitman who used to work with Jules or he's related to someone who's close to Marcellus Wallace and is therefore "connected." Isn't necessarily an active criminal but may help out in a pinch and keeps his mouth shut.
Caleb Wilson
He’s a time traveler. He’s the one that stole the holy grail in the briefcase.
Luis Murphy
Just rewatched the scene where Jules calls him before driving to his house. He does refer to Jimmy as "my partner in Toluca Lake"
Elijah Hall
Looking a little deeper into it, Jimmy (full name Jimmy Dimmick) seems to be related to (brother of?) Mr. White (Larry Dimmick) from Reservoir Dogs. Another character from Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Blonde (Vic Vega) is supposed to be the brother of Vincent Vega as well, so it seems the two films are set in the same universe. Jimmy then seems to be a gangster, probably ex gangster by the time of this film, from a family with distinguished roots in organized crime. Marcellus Wallace and the Cabot crime family must be partners too.
Nicholas Ross
Replace Tarantino with Buscemi in this scene in your mind and it gets ten times better.
Julian Reed
I mean its his movie, he wrote and directed it. do you not understand what that means? these are all his characters
Cameron Perry
Can someone post the chain link one?
Lincoln Hall
I bumped into Quintin Tarantino in a bakery and told him I loved him in Phantasm and asked about Reggie Bannister and if he kept in touch with him and how he was doing. I also asked in he planned to ever work with Don again. He just glared at me and stormed out without his order.
Next article I saw about him showed him with a haircut and different style. Weirdest thing.