ITT Movies only you remember

ITT Movies only you remember

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I watched this so much on VHS as a kid.

Me too

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I used to fap to the scene where the guys put their hands down those 2 ladies shirts.

Gay porno.

W-wait... I thought it was called "Mouse Trap". Am I being Mandella'd?

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>made a joke about mousehunt once
>get told to kms 10 times in the thread

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That's the board game

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i think more people than you remember Logan's Run. it was one of the biggest sci-fi movies of the 70s before Star Wars came along

Holy shit flashbacks.

>the part where the coin flip ended up on its side
>"It's just a toy!"
>"Be still. Be perfectly still." SNAP SNAP SNAP
>$17,000,000 going once! $17,000,000 going twice!"

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it was on tv last month

I used to buy fleetway sonic the comic and this movie was constantly advertised

still never seen it

stupidly funny movie, i still die laughing every time it comes on

Used to watch these on VHS all the time, Dunston Checks In included.


>one of the most finely crafted films of our time
>only you remember
fucking retard

doesn't he like puke up a cheesebuger while in the robot-alien suit?

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everyone's grandparent's had this movie on vhs

Yeah. I rewatched it recently and it held up better than I expected. Same with pic related.

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we watched this in elementary school once when it was raining and we couldn't have outside recess. I remember a scene where they laid mouse traps all over the floor and ended up triggering them all on themselves.

>that scene where Kazaam makes it rain stacks of pizza and candy and stuff


>6.4/10 rating on IMDb
>42% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

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The rap scenes were so cheesy they did a 180 and became good

>it was one of the biggest sci-fi movies of the 70s before Star Wars came along
I've never understood that. I watched it for the first time a couple years ago and I didn't find it particularly exciting or entertaining. Compared to movies that came before it, it didn't seem to have a lot going on other than some nice special effects, like the robot in the cave. Did I miss something?

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GOAT webm

What was the joke?

This was on my local broadcast station last Saturday afternoon

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>You know what they say, if the cybersuit fits, go kick some alien butt!

thanks, I hate it

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>ya roll your dice, ya move your mice
>nobody gets hurt

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I had that and Runaway Ralph on tape. Watched them all the time as a kid.

man fuck that movie i remember when the exterminator was screaming and all bloody during the staircase scene

also, the movie i remember that no one else probably does or even watched is >metilda
>milo and otis

everyone remembers flight of the navigator

I watched Matilda. Really did not care for the scene with the kid gorging on cake.

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Mousehunt is a Yea Forums favorite, OP. One guy even wrote a letter to Criterion asking them to consider rereleasing it.

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Comedy or horror above a 6 on IMDB is worth a shot in my experience

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That's not Macaulay Culkin

Fuck both of you. My cousin was exactly like you assholes and monopolized the TV watching it every day just like you fucking autists. Seriously though, it's an alright movie, but what is it that makes so many retarded kids want to watch it an infinite number of times?

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that was too long and disturbing
not even funny either there was no point to it to be that long

Was hyoed for this but forgot about it and never saw it.

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When I was a kid I loved this movie and wanted to be a mouse because it looked fun.

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I'm glad this movie sucks because it always reminds me of my now dead friend I watched it with (because he wouldn't shut up about how unrealistic the movie is because in real life the criminals who captured Penelope Cruz would definitely have raped her) and if it was good it would probably be ruined for me.

I mean, he was right.

That's honestly one of the only live action movies I've seen where the slapstick comedy truly works.
They went full Tom and Jerry in some parts.

>killing your friend over a movie
how are you out prison?

>all that cargo in a single kino poster

I was a minor in 2005 and I'm white.

Also he didn't die until this year for unrelated reasons.

Holy shot I forgot about this

It has a robot retractable dick

Was watching this when I found out my grandfather died