You ever considered suicide?

You ever considered suicide?

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of course

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every night while im trying to sleep and is left alone with my thoughts i think about it. but i could never put my mother through it.

>You ever considered suicide?
No, but I've considered genocide if ya know what I mean

Yes. I kind do it by not quitting smoking because I hate myself.

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second most kino scene after the train robbery

Dude he asked this eventually committed suicide.

rarely. its not worth it

>not the dinner table
You can literally see the precise moment Bob’s minds been changed about Jesse when Jesse laughs at Bobs stories and then talks about George Shepherd. Peak kino.

Both of them did. It’s like pottery

Not really. There was always something else I’d wanted to do. Doesn’t seem dignified.

I was going to do it today but my roommates came home. I already had the noose set up and everything.

>Charley Ford : Can't say that I have. There was always something else I wanted to do. Or my predicaments changed or I saw my hardships from a different slant; you know all what can happen. It never seemed respectable.

>Jesse James : I'll tell you one thing that's certain; you won't fight dying once you've peeked over to the other side; you'll no more want to go back to your body than you'd want to spoon up your own puke.

Serious answer? Yes. Nothing I do matters. I was born with a low IQ and all my life I’ve grown up indoctrinated with the fallacy “If you work hard enough you can achieve anything!” Fuck no. I’ve worked my ass off my whole life because I know I’m at a disadvantage compared to others, but in the end, I’m always behind those who do little work but are simply smarter. Success is determined by birth, not effort. My only options in life are becoming another cog in the machine of manual labor because I simply can’t compete for a successful position in life against those who are born better than me, no matter how hard I work. One day I’ll do it. One day I’ll kill myself, because I don’t matter. I will have no lasting impact on this world. I will have no family or loved ones to share a moment with. Ill never be happy. I’ll just be alone. Working day after day, night after night, while others are able to appreciate their life and enjoy the luxury of free time.

Effort can’t fill the void between intelligence. Either I accept my efforts are fruitless and conform to my inherit position as a bottom-rung worker, or I resist and kill myself. Soon. Soon it will be over.


literally never once, I've never even entertained the idea

t. depressed NEET incel

>Herzog proceeds to explain that the penguin will not go to the feeding grounds at the edge of the ice, nor will he return to the colony; instead he heads straight for the mountains, “some 70 kilometres away”. Catching him and bringing him back will make no difference – he’ll simply turn around and head again for the interior. “But why?” Herzog asks. We then see footage of another of these “deranged” penguins, 80 kilometres off course, sliding on its belly towards certain death. These shots of the solitary birds marching to their demise, mere black dots against the white expanse, are perfect in their portrayal of loneliness and desolation.

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whenever i drink. Then when I sober up the anger becomes directed outward at other people

Yeah all the time but the extreme guilt I experience when I think about how my mom and dad would feel always stops me.

you need to find your waifu man.
You'll feel better

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You were actually just indoctrinated by boomer ideology (puritan work ethic, everyone's equal, etc.) that's completely counter to human nature.

Relentlessly. I have scars all over my shoulder, I drink myself into the ground, I've been hospitalized twice, I tried to hang myself a couple weeks ago. One of my friends told my parents who flew me home to give me a break from work and take me to a doctor to get meds.

Got the meds, I've been on them for a week. I'm cutting down on the drinking so that I won't hang myself after a few too many. I'm trying to write more to have some kind of passion in life.

Hopefully shit will start to look up anons. Wish me luck.

you dont sound dumb at all, are you just bad at math or something?

I care for you user.
Hope that things turn up well soon.
If not, well, at least you tried.
Fuck them

>I tried to hang myself a couple weeks ago
did you black out? I tried it but didn't black out and I got scared
it's weird because I tried it in a way that wouldn't kill me and I did black out

This movie had a ton of kino scene's. The apology and giving him the gun and the scene shortly after where his daughter speaks 'the water is wide' as he watches her from the window before taking off his guns to be shot were beautiful.

If I had blacked out I would've died for sure, I had a good noose setup. I just couldn't hold my breath long enough to pass out. Maybe I was just scared.

He was ashamed of his persiflage, his boasting, his pretensions of courage and ruthlessness; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Jesse, that he missed the man as much as anybody and wished his murder hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated his saloon he knew that the smiles disappeared when he passed by. He received so many menacing letters that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to his apartment all day, flipping over playing cards, looking at his destiny in every King and Jack. Edward O'Kelly came up from Bachelor at one P.M. on the 8th. He had no grand scheme. No strategy. No agreement with higher authorities. Nothing but a vague longing for glory, and a generalized wish for revenge against Robert Ford. Edward O'Kelly would be ordered to serve a life sentence in the Colorado Penitentiary for second degree murder. Over seven thousand signatures would eventually be gathered in a petition asking for O'Kelly's release, and in 1902, Governor James B. Ullman would pardon the man. There would be no eulogies for Bob, no photographs of his body would be sold in sundries stores, no people would crowd the streets in the rain to see his funeral cortege, no biographies would be written about him, no children named after him, no one would ever pay twenty-five cents to stand in the rooms he grew up in. The shotgun would ignite, and Ella Mae would scream, but Robert Ford would only lay on the floor and look at the ceiling, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words.

hardly even had to hold my breath the first time
I just dozed off for a second and next thing I know I'm on the floor wondering what just happened
guess I closed an artery or something

Well, hopefully neither of us are going to try again.


Not suicide but I wish I never existed. My doctor was really "concerned" last time.

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>might still be alive
I believe

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I know that feeling dude. Never fit in with anyone. I’ve been a loner minus one or two friends for so long that I get annoyed easily when I have to be around people. I can put on a face long enough, especially with alcohol involved, but it’s all a mask to how sad I feel in my heart. Im just hoping for that break to come and it never does. Hard worker at any job I’ve ever had. Stay in shape at the gym. Healthy variety of hobbies but just can’t find a purpose or wife. Estranged from dad and basically all family except my aunt. Shitty job situation. I can’t fuckin sleep most nights and that’s without a smoking/drug or alcohol problem. So all you guys who have that can point at me and say “hey that guy doesn’t have my vices or problems and he’s just as fucked as me.”

Suicide is pointless, it’s always too late

all the time i don't see any other way out

If they had enough penguins for a 5% read, it'd still be equivalent I guarantee it

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Weird, I do that with drinking, kind of like a set the bomb regardless

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I’m immediately terrified of the idea. Maybe I’m a coward.
Also it goes against my religion.
That being said, I’m just waiting for the day when I can die saving a little kid from a fire or something. Just do one heroic thing. Don’t even want to be remembered for it, I just want to go out strong.

Take care user. I believe in you.

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I also wish i never existed my family would've been way better without me

Always, in the back of my mind everyday, 24/7, like a rush of running water!

Every day for years.

K I'm pretty much there
>Funny, and "real" funny, like most people never are, can make any friend I want
>"Paranoid/Abandonment so must stay away personality", shunning everyone nonstop over the past decade
>Not STEM, but can get good "equivalent" jobs, and work/learn well aka barely shit pay and don't want to try, just enough blackpill
>Bodies a tank, don't liftbro, but will run out of time eventually, I know, no biggie, see blackpill
>Plenty of hobbies if I want, but see blackpill
>No purpose, and cannot override personality to cuck myself for women, also see blackpill.
>Slept like shit for as long as I've remembered over the years, for varying reasons per so many years
>Had my fair share of drugs, still do occasionally.
>Hope you feel better
Because that seems to be the only thing that makes me feel better

Yes, but I killed someone else so it passed.

Everyday for the last 10 years lol

Every night
Not him but I go to college and it doesn't fix anything.

Nothing has ever made me consider putting a bullet in my head as much as college has

I'm objectively a loser but I'm usually pretty happy I don't really get bad thoughts. Even when I was at my lowest I was a pretty upbeat person I suppose depression really is a mental disorder as I understand even successful people with it are unhappy.

Hell it even got worse since you're surrounded by people genuinly enjoying their lives (unlike when wagecucking where everyone is miserable), and you for some reason fucking can't enjoy shit.

Everyday. In the end it's the effect it would have on others (even just in the financial sense) and my own existential fears about death being worse than life that holds me back...and I've been through hell on this planet more than once. I've had a series of opiate addictions and the withdrawal, especially cold turkey, alone off methadone, was an experience so horrible I can't even begin to describe it. My doctor told me afterwards I was lucky to have survived it, i should have at least had something to keep my heart rhythm normal (my heart is enlarged due to IV drug use). I basically didn't eat and barely drank for 2 weeks, and didn't sleep at all for a month, and even then the sleep came back in fits and starts. Plus the usual sickness, vomiting, the runs, constant sweating despite being freezing cold, everything hurting everywhere, a feeling in my stomach like a worm was twisting and turning and biting on my insides, crushing boredom, depression and anxiety the likes of which are beyond what even I can really remember of that time.

I know I did it to myself, but everyone who goes to hell does it to themselves. I can't imagine anything much worse than that process, except maybe feeling that way while also being physically tortured. But that almost certainly would have given me a heart attack. If you are in literal hell though, a heart attack wouldn't matter. In the end, it's not even hell that scares me so much as nothingness and it's finality. As long as I am here, at least I experience something, even if it is abhorrent. Sometimes I believe nothingness would be preferable, a deep, dreamless sleep. But you only get one chance at life, and realistically, all my problems have always been first world problems.

Sometimes I think about jumping into traffic or falling from great heights or some other intense life-ending scenario, however these thoughts are born purely from a position of morbid curiosity rather than a desire to actually die, what would the experience of dying this way actually be like?

What would it be like to be struck so violently that you go ass over head 5 times in the span of a single second before bouncing off the pavement? What would the combination of temporary weightlessness and abject mortal terror as you see the ground rushing towards you be like? If you have a heart attack, stroke or massive blood loss are you able to feel or somehow perceive the gradual failure of your brain or is it lights out before then, and even then what is the transition from simple unconsciousness to total death like?

I enjoy living and intend to continue doing it for as long as possible but I also find the process of death equal parts fascinating and also really frustrating because I'll only ever be able to get a definitive answer to just one of these questions.

Almost daily, the grind of life is miserable to me, it feels like I truly wasn't meant for this world.

Yes. Really no point in going forward and forcing myself to work if I don't have any sense of purpose and people to connect with. Stability and wealth provide comfort but there's no contentment in them.
I think I'm gonna start posting videos and artwork online as a method of meeting people who can grok with me, even if it is through a screen. Definitely will be hard to cultivate any audience, but its better than just giving up and going bye-bye all alone.
Thank you for reading my blog.

Don't know if I'd count my constant fantasies of self harm and suicide as genuinely considering it. Not without at least writing a note or something, that'd be threshold where I'd say I really considered suicide. I definitely get lost in thought about it and the potential ensuing fallout all the time though. I'm sure that's not really a shock to the general user base here.

I can relate. I have a career that pays pretty well but I literally don't care about it at all. I legitimately feel better rotting away in my parents basement than being forced to do shit I Don't care about for 40++ hours a week. I feel like I can't be a "live for the weekend" type guy, because at that point it just feels like I'm always emotionally recuperating from the misery of the week.

Whenever I'm not at work or drunk I inevitably end up considering it. I fucking hate life, I dont remember the last time I was happy.

itt: fatherless weak-willed losers who turn an Assassination of Jesse James thread into a pity party therapy session

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Something's always better than nothing, friend. Seems like you know that already. There's still a lot to like about living.

My best friend did and then he killed himself. It's been a year and I'm mad how easily I got over it. I figured when my first friend died it would be horrible but it was business as usual after the funeral.

Yo nigga are you describing a fetish thing?

yeah it's cringe especially when you consider that death has literally nothing to do with the movie whatsoever

you say fatherless like we can help it

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Post some of your art ITT user. Hell, throw out the username you're going to post shit online under too, I'll look at your shit

Not really but I can see how it might come across that way, I'd say it's more like daydreaming.

Everyday is a Walter Mitty-esque day dream where I think about dying in different scenarios

The level of stupidity you'd have to be at for that to be true would be near .mentally handicapped (albeit only slightly so) ANYONE who is willing to put forth the hours can absolutely 100% become a doctor. Im not saying its easy but the only barrier to being one is purely a matter of effort. And thats an extreme example. There are tons of jobs that would provide success enough to live comfortablu that basically only require you to slave away 6-10 years of your life then accept eternal boredom (accounting pharmacy civil engineering software programming).

If youve really pushed yourself hard and couldn't make anything of it then you're a retard with the highest verbal IQ ever. Or, more likely, you're fucking lazy and lying to yourself.

Lol I legit laughed reading that my bro

My life would've been better without my father.

True loneliness isn't people rejecting you.

Real loneliness is realizing that there is no one out there that you could form a real connection with, it's knowing that you could make dozens of friends today or tomorrow but still only end up playing some social primate game instead of getting anything meaningful or satisfying. You realize that you are stuck inside a biological machine, you realize that you do not have the capability of communicating anything truly meaningful, you realize that language cannot even begin to describe the gnawing existential dread of your daily life, you realize that even if you could connect with someone and transfer everything perfectly, the best you could hope for is the equivalent of "i know that feel, bro" because you're stuck in the same fucking game with no exit. True loneliness is realizing the absolute pointlessness of communication and being around people. True loneliness is being stuck on a planet full of 7.5 billion neo-primates that you aren't even sure are truly conscious.

every day

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>Real loneliness is realizing that there is no one out there that you could form a real connection with, it's knowing that you could make dozens of friends today or tomorrow but still only end up playing some social primate game instead of getting anything meaningful or satisfying. You realize that you are stuck inside a biological machine, you realize that you do not have the capability of communicating anything truly meaningful, you realize that language cannot even begin to describe the gnawing existential dread of your daily life, you realize that even if you could connect with someone and transfer everything perfectly, the best you could hope for is the equivalent of "i know that feel, bro" because you're stuck in the same fucking game with no exit. True loneliness is realizing the absolute pointlessness of communication and being around people. True loneliness is being stuck on a planet full of 7.5 billion neo-primates that you aren't even sure are truly conscious.

delet this

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Literally get your head out of your ass. You're not special. You're just full of yourself. Literally no better than roasties with a million friends who complain they are lonely. Fuck off.

The irony
You just said something meaningful
You faga are just shy nerds, stop over thinking it

I'm no better than anyone. I'm fucking filth. My features look like a perpetual arrogant/disgusted sneer. My movements are awkward and my mannerisms are effeminate and offputting. I am uncoordinated and unathletic. A quick glance at me is enough to cause a negative impression. People tend to visibly recoil in disgust/repulsion when they see me

A day may come when the courage of penguins fails, when they forsake their friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day!

Despite that, you still hold yourself in a special light. I don't know everything about you but I do know your mindset. I had the same during my early 20's. I refused to believe someone out there would ever get me. But guess what? This is what everyone believes. And so long as two people meet and they both think like this, well good luck with that. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophechy where you unintentionally start to shut people off because you've already made up your mind. Nobody will ever get you and you will never anyone else. And that's fine. Don't let that destroy your desire to reach out to people. Maybe you can atleast meet halfway there.

I wanted to die for 11 years now but I've been able to keep my mind off it by mindlessly consuming stuff like video games, youtube, movies, shows, anime, porn. Even though I haven't been outside my house in a year I'm probably in a better mental state than I was when I was working at retail. My suicidal idealization is not as intense from when I was younger. Perhaps the best thing is for me is to keep myself secluded and away from other people. Granted a lot of me wanting to stay indoors as much as possible driven by fear. I'm just really scared of people thinking about me, looking at me, talking to me, etc. I do miss the crazy ass dreams I had when I was younger though, now a days all I dream about is some planet like mars smashing in to the earth, or the moon.

If I were to attribute one thing to me being in this situation though its probably that I've been a special ed student all my life. People laughed at me like I'm a joke so I stopped trying all together. Lazy? Yeah I'm lazy but I feel better being lazy than I ever did when I was trying.

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>long paragraph of farting noises

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There's nothing to get user. I'm completely void. I have no interest in anything I have no thing to talk. I don't off myself because of my mom.
I do feel good about you leaving your depressed self behind.

I don't mind being lonely because of autism, but my shitty financial situation is nearly pushing me over the edge. I live in Brazil and things are tough as shit here when it comes to employment. Over 13 million unemployed people last time I checked.
Every job opening receives thousands of applications, no matter how shit it is. My mom is the only employed person in our family of 4. I had to quit college because we couldn't afford my transportation anymore.
So now I'm stuck in this loop where I can't find a job because every fucking employer wants someone with experience/a degree (to make the candidate pool at least a little smaller I suppose), but how am I gonna get that experience if I can't get employed?
I feel like deadweight. I am legitimately angry at myself. Almost had a "punch your own reflexion" moment in the bathroom last night. Fuck this economy.

i'm glad things are better for you, i hope they improve more. you might try actually trying to do some small stuff, it can feel nice to achieve things just for yourself like lifting a certain amount or cooking something new

For someone with low IQ you sure know how to bend your situation around making yourself feel like you're useless.
Seriously stop bringing yourself down user, I've been in that hole before and you're just gonna have to crawl out of it.
The other anons are right, you're poisoned by boomer idealogy and giving up too easily.
Get to it then, find out what your dream is and do everything to archieve that. If you're planning on killing yourself anyways, what have you got to loose?
Seriously though don't kill yourself and go talk to someone.

from time to time i have existential crisises. like i know i'm doomed when my mother dies. i can't cook, wash, clean or any of that stuff. there's no chance in hell i ever get married, although i'd like to. the future terrifies me, i will end up a smelly bum even though i work for the gov.

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If you're White enough then move to the U.S.

If I kill myself, that means they won. They were able to beat me down, and break my spirit. No, I won't give them the satisfaction. If they want me dead then, by God, they'll have to do it themselves.

All the time. At least 5 times just today.

The job situation isn't any better in the first world, I live in Australia and it took me 6 combined years of searching to find my second job after losing my first with 2 bouts of full time study in between, most of the people I went to school with were also unemployed through to their mid-20's whether they went to uni or not.

My new job also has nothing to do with my diploma.

Whiteness isn't a problem for me, but moving definitely is. Holy fuck it's hard to get there legally.
I can't just pack it up and go, I need to prove I can afford to live there on my own till I find a job or get a job offer from a company BEFORE moving. And I don't think common jobs can cut it either. Highly skilled/educated workers have a (slightly) easier time getting a stay permit, though I'm not sure about that.

A lot more now. I really hate my job and it's made me lose interest in things I used to love.

Well shit, now even first worlders have it bad.
Sorry about you and your friend's situation, user. I'm glad you got a job at last.

I often think of Jesus Christ, when I'm standing before him as he reads out my judgment, a tear rolling down his face as he wonders why I committed a sin of murdering my soul. I also ponder at what my parents think as their son lays there, in his bed, dead, lifeless, having slit his throat as my mother cries on the phone to her sister. I just cry thinking about it.

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It's only cowards that go on living when they see every reason to die. You have to be exceptionally strong willed and brave to end your own life.

Nice digits

I've stopped seeing suicide as a cowardly thing. I'm not necessarily sure I'd consider it brave either, but if someone wants to end their life, then who am I to call then a pussy? It's an entirely different thing if they're leaving children or an incontinent partner behind, but if someone wants to kill themselves then they decided it was the best thing to do

Everyday since I was 12. Was a moment it almost happened but I backed away. If I can't make my current endeavor work I think I might be done.

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I think you are just too scared to go through with it. It takes massive balls

I think I am going through with it next month. Helium exit bag is almost completely assembled.
Sayonara, you beautiful bastards.

I had trouble with the great height scenario you described because i was curious of the feeling, like how "flying" would be, so i went skydiving for a week, jumped 4 times with help and 2 solo... never had these thoughts anymore. You should go do it too.

Yes, I kind of feel that I have nothing to life for when my parents die. I will have nobody to talk to the way I talk with my mother every few days on the phone. I fear the loneliness that comes after they are both gone and I just wish I could just stop time so that things stay the same whenever I visit, instead it crushes me deep inside that whenever I visit a piece is lost that cannot be put back.

I am right now senpai

>have a few injuries and condition deteriorating
>go see psych docs every so often, med management and light counseling
>can't get a job because got injured and wasn't able to work for a bit, no one wants to take a chance on a guy who has a gap in employment this big on his resume
>wake up every day lamenting not dying in my sleep
>psych docs always ask about the suicidal ideations, response always the same: I'm ready for this to be over, but lack the courage to do it
I am very much ready to clock out, but lack the intestinal fortitude to go through with it. I don't know if it's lingering religion or fear of things getting worse after death or what, but it's something ingrained. I take a lot of xanax sometimes just to practice, I guess, and benzos are generally hard to kill yourself on in less than astronomical quantities.

user-kun, we're already dying. Just slowly.

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Wtf are you trying to say? I read your post like 4 times and I don't get it in the context it's used. What is a 5% read and what would it be equivalent to?

>I am very much ready to clock out, but lack the intestinal fortitude to go through with it. I don't know if it's lingering religion or fear of things getting worse after death or what, but it's something ingrained. I take a lot of xanax sometimes just to practice, I guess, and benzos are generally hard to kill yourself on in less than astronomical quantities.

Your sound a lot like me then. I am less afraid of death than of the near death experience, it's supposed to be like an intense MDMA trip.

Why was he so emo
He knew bob would do it, he wanted him to do it

But why?

i have no intention of living beyond january

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Why January?

>I take a lot of xanax sometimes just to practice, I guess, and benzos are generally hard to kill yourself on in less than astronomical quantities.
if you want to die feeling as awful as you possibly can, start taking a lot of them regularly and then stop abruptly

if it doesn't kill you it will make you want to die every day for the next two years or so, so you're still getting something out of it

>benzos bad
>but smoke weed and take all this adderall ya fuckin idiot
All things in moderation, even the binges.

i want to see it snow a few more times

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You must live a sheltered life my friend. Your paranoia and anxiety has turned you into recluse, i once thought this way.

Then i worked a retail job.

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>tfw you are fully aware you could make something if yourself through hardwork and determination
>go back to playing video games and shit posting
>repeat ad nauseam until death or suicide

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It's always an option like a lingering whisper in the back of my head. The only reason I've never acted on it is because I worry about how my family would find me, how they would respond to my demise, and I feel like an asshole thinking they'd blame themselves and not just my weakness. I know death is guaranteed in life, so eventually I will be relieved of the weight of my failures and be allowed to move on from this world. In the mean time, I suppose I'll just have to see if things get better.

Also, I don't like tall buildings precisely because I see myself too easily jumping out of a window. If I stay at a hotel with one of those full body windows, like in Vegas, I make the curtains stay closed at all times. Makes my feet feel funny and floaty.

I hate being around others. I just want to be alone.

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Such awful fucking advice.
Get fit.
Learn to dress.
Practice your deeper voice.
Get lifts.
Learn another language.
Get a hobby.
Stop fapping.

You cannot say you’re depressed if you haven’t tried these.

Suicide is not a good thing. It is reserved to honorable people in extreme circumstances. If you kill yourself you will spend eternity in hell surrounded by millions of african immigrants. Who would want that?

>wants to be alone
>gets dubs and is righteously showered in attention

>If you kill yourself you will spend eternity in hell surrounded by millions of african immigrants

Sounds like living in Germany.

this, just b urself anons

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I just tell my self that I'll do it in 3 years. I've been telling myself that for the past 10 years. It seems to work to relieve my anxiety, but is long enough to keep me thrifty and not quit working. It's a useful technique to fool yourself to continue moving along.

He lowered his hairline by getting a new haircut.

that's what happens when you don't go to Supercuts at your local Walmart complex user

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No, it doesn't, user.

You and the guy you replied to are men like me. Never fit in anywhere, abandonment issues, lost any sense of purpose, etc.
Three bits of advice I have:
See if you have sleep apnea and if you're overheated while sleeping. Breathing is important and there are snore aids that can help.

Find little goals to make for yourself. They might not last long but just take a step each day. It gives your days context.

Finally as someone who had and lost love, remember that having a woman doesn't make you a success. Going after your dreams does. Not even achieving them, just going after them makes you a success every day. Giving up is what failures do and you're better than that. Women can never understand this struggle so don't wait for them. They'll come around after you have the house and then you will know where they belong on the totem pole. Had that mixed up in my youth and was stressed out and unhappy. Never depend on someone else for your self-worth, you can't rely on them.

Realize that suicide is unnecessary if your life feels like hell.

yes it does

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>just wear black with combat boots
Is that all /fa/ has to offer?

delet this

Same here. The day or so after drinking heavily is usually extremely depressing and suicidal.

Alcohol is poison for the melancholic, all drugs basically. People in better time knew the cure for our aflictions:

- blacklist all drug / homosexual friends
- strolling
- move to the mountains or the mediterranean (depending on where you where Not)
- an art or craft, daily practice
- diet

Read Robert Burton.

no shortage of doctors or engineers in that case

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Also: 3 am drunkpOosting

But cancell everything the next day (you are a loser eemember, you are entitled to the occasional relapse)

That is hell coming to your neighborhood, yes. With some luck you can afford the white flight until Obama or the EU ship them to your new town.

based bonbibro

green hat guy has the best fit

764 000 killed themself this year in 2019.

250 in the past 24 hours.

You too, friend.

Lol fucking this. You're just a human,just like everyone else. To even write that, you're not depressed just fucking full of yourself and borderline delusional

This only proves you are surrounded by low IQ people or you have problems to communicate. You can solve both problems by reading good books. Try Russian novels.

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>benzos are generally hard to kill yourself on in less than astronomical quantities
not when taken in combination with a high amount of alcohol. you'll fall asleep/become unconscious and your respiratory function will grind to a halt which leads to you choking to death.

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Even that takes more than a handful to off yourself.

Good post. It's frustrating to see lower sentience people reply to this post in anger, unaware of the validity in your description of sentience, resorting to an emotional retort about how you're not special as if that is not already evident to any human with sufficient self awareness. Sentience exists on a scale like intelligence, some humans are of higher sentience than others. But most humans are low sentience. Typically lower sentience beings are more animalistic in behaviour and thus more prone to emotional responses such as the replies you have garnered from confused anons.


still too risky in terms of failure. you want a handful of oxy 80s or some really good dope.

duuuude barbiturates is where it's at but opiates aren't a bad take either

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i dont know what psychological trick is going on because until like a month ago i havent seen one thread about this movie ever and now i have watched it BAM it's here every day.
good movie too, wish there were more westerns made

hahahaha wtf am I reading

You are doing good man. Always think about your loved ones. Go ahead with your life, there' s always the chance for change. Know that this user cares about you, because he understands you.

i do all these things and it does nothing.
>just stop being depressed bro

Holy fucked what a based little guy.

This is where he went

I think about it regularly, sadly I don't have access to a gun otherwise it would be realized.

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I imagine blowing my head off at least every 2 hours or so. Not depressed or serious about it tho


everything is cringe bro
emotions? that's pretty cringe bro
depression? pretty cringe if you ask me
breathing? yeah gonna go with cringe on that one
just be a 100% chipper emotionless robot bro

Suicide is always my plan B for when shit gets really bad
Im not depressed or anything. Dont know what to call it

late night Yea Forums never fails to deliver

you fucking pussy, just lay yourself down to sleep on the railroad tracks then

I feel you, man.
Intense social anxiety as a result of child trauma fucked me up the same. Not that I'm the brightest candle either, I barely remember anything.
Your writing is pretty good though. I wouldn't be able to write anything like this.

that's terrible advice. what if he ends up catatonic from the withdrawals? then he'll be incapable of anything let alone suicide. a passive observer in his own personal hell.

pretty much why I haven't killed myself. Think about how happy people would be if you killed yourself. Your enemies, Your government, what ever political ideas you have, the opposite would rejoice in your death. It doesn't take a man to commit suicide it takes a man to live.

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the pussies way out

Never pay for something you can get for free.

when was the last time you made physical contact with a woman?

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>Success is determined by birth, not effort.
It's not determined at all, it's just possible.
I spent most of my life in gifted and talented programs and ended up accomplishing nothing as the idiots in the class got rewarded for not starting fights and the kids that actually did shit got nothing but bullied, suicide took a little longer to formulate but I was wishing I didn't exist since I was eight.

Capacity for success might be determined by birth, but you can still throw any potential away if you end up in a poor environment.