Where did it all go so horribly, tragically wrong?

where did it all go so horribly, tragically wrong?

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>haha redditors look sooooo gay amirite fellow cunnyposters?

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2010-2012 is where it all went wrong

Here's the thing

Um here's the thing, I fecken hate Trump: He embarrasses me everyday, He makes us all look like backwards idiots (and frankly the fact he got elected means that we probably all are backwards idiots), uhh He's ruining people's lives..., He's making horrible racist decisions which are probably going to have long lasting repercussions long after he's out of office. Overall, I'd be a much happier person if we found a way to deport him from every position of power he has ever had.

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He fell in love with a tranny on the internet

>watches the Paul is dead video
>30 minutes talking about the actual conspiracy
>other 10 minutes preaching about how conspiracy theorist like Alex Jones is toxic that you should always trust the media

hes a commie tranny lover

then he doubles down on the politics in childrens programming bideo. how does he take himself seriously

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He's just so boring.

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It happened before the politics.
I started following him due to the oddparents live action movie reviews, I enjoyed how, even cynically, he managed to find merit and praise for stupid stuff like those movies, Garfield and whatnot.
I particularly enjoyed his bee movie analysis but I could see him becoming slowly more hostile instead of celebrating the absurd while also mocking it.
Finally after a few lackluster videos where he took himself too seriously i saw the Thinning part 2 review.
I was particularly excited because I had enjoyed his review of the first one.
However at one point in the review he shows a clip of him drunk reacting to a scene, and he has such clear virulent hate for something so innocuous, he laughs trying play it casually but his words as demeanor betray his real feelings.
At that moment realizing how stupidly serious he took this stuff, how unnecessarily hostile he was I realized that guy who managed to find praiseworthy stuff on a fucking Oddparents live action movie was gone and another angry reviewer had emerged.
I stopped the video and unsubscribed, only weeks later would I discover through some random commentary channel that he had interrupted the video to go on a Trump rant.
The politics are bad, but the worst part about his opinions is that they changed him into a worse person, more arrogant, hostile and joyless, I could have endured some politics a disagree with, but the main issue is that the content suffered from it.

fat fuckin' loser idiot with bad beard rash that makes me itch. he's so far up his own ass it hurts to watch. plus he has all those toys on the wall that distract me while he tries to dissect and breakdown a child's cartoon or movie while inserting some terrible political message.

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As soon as I realised he was a cuck. It’s hard to enjoy these mindless reviews when you realise the person behind them is so juvenile and devoid of individual thought.

>Mumkey Jones tries to cancel him
>turns into an even bigger and more pathetic lolcow than even Quinton

Does going after Quinton cause one to get cursed?

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Quinton really is a fat cuck, but at least he's not dating a furry pedophile.

Only because he's chasing a communist tranny

He explains in one of his videos that he started watching Contrapoints religiously and then decided that he wanted his videos to be more """"meaningful"""". He's the type of guy that thinks that stupid entertainment media aggressively influences peoples behavior, so now when he picks apart a bad movie/tv show, he feels like he's a brave freedom fighter changing the world for the better. It's really embarrassing.

Really having a hard time supporting this guy's videos ever since he applauded someone getting kicked off youtube. Literally someone not knowing where his next paycheck will be from, but it's good because he some edgy jokes once.

ecelebs and their etrannies are becomming a trope *chuckles*

Bread tube is the up and coming thing on YT right now he’s trying to get in their good graces he did the same thing with skeptics at their height

He made the mistake of fucking with jontron

It’s sad really to see the joyful little chubster he was on his old vidcon vlogs and the miserable angry guy he’s become.

I think he later said that his tweet was because Mumkey had made fun of him in the past, and he assumed Mumkey would be back in a day anyway.

Who did he applaud getting kicked?

I think he’s genuine, it’s just he’s easily manipulated, he need an idol, and that idol can do no wrong.

>Full of cancel culture feminists, male feminists, trannies, commies, reddit users, and "allies"
This shit is going to crash and burn harder than channel awesome ever could, cant wait for the day the ship sinks.

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Mumkey Jones.
He's had a long time hatred for him because Mumkey kept making fun of him.

It probably wasn't as bad as my memory makes it out to be, and Mumkey had a live-in girlfriend and patreon anyways but it's really rubbed me the wrong way. Not even that but the sideways jab that it was, didn't even have the guts to name out Mumkey directly.

Also that DM to Mumkey being pure cringe. I'm back to watching some of his videos, but with reservations.


real boomers ruining society. I plan to kill myself by self immolation in the far future.

>cheats on his qt loving girlfriend in favor of a pedophile

Mumkey deserves everything he gets, fuck that fag.

Yeah it's honestly hard to tell which one of them is more embarrassing.

I don't know who this guy is, but in terms of appearance he looks like a numale caricature, right down to the flannel shirt in OP's picture.
Judging by the comments in this entire thread, it would appear that the guy actually IS a numale in thought and not just in looks alone. I honestly don't know how it is that so many of these dudes somehow manage to look and dress alike.

They always have that exact same fucking beard and hair combination, as well as that same exact empty toothy open mouthed expression in photographs.

Mumkey has lost my complete ability to take him serious. I hope he stays off jewtube for good.


Apparently he's getting content cop'd.

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Seems like punching down desu. Idubbbz is usually better than this.

Doesn’t fit content cop mo. And that series is dead anyway, when was the last one released?

can't wait for it especially contra's fallout there's some good stuff on kf already
for just cheating? don't be ridicoulous

Why do they all look like this?

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Personally, I think it's gonna be Shane Dawson. Every 3am and flex YouTubers are too easy of targets. Shane would be out of no where like with Ricegum

He's a Youtuber though...

What youtuber would you recommend for a mumkey fan?

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>when was the last one released?
2017. A whole 2 fucking years. Christ the time just fucks off. He said it was coming back soon and his hint was Garfield

>mumkey fan

none. I recommend you get better taste.

And when it does Quinton is gonna make a “fallen titans” on it like the blood sucking parasite he is.

>for just cheating?

She supported him even after losing a job, yet he cheated on her with a furry pedophile who has slept with underage boys and is now defending that behavior. Fuck Mumkey.

I mean, I just stopped watching the dude. You like really, seriously studied his downfall.


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This guy is basically a shapeshifting trend hopper. He's copied Emperor Lemon, tried to coast off the success of Contrapoints and Lindsay Ellis and ultimately has shallow basic insights that are not even entertaining but get views because Quentin always makes videos on media that is in the public conciousness. I used to watch his stuff when I had no self-respect but I figured this fat man out and I lot of others have to. His days of relevance are numbered.

Fuck off dont shit talk lgr you fucking faggot

are you his ex or something

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Calm down, nig, I just think there are bigger targets that deserve to get taken down a peg. Quinton's already been milked dry and isn't even that popular.

autodefenestration is where it's at

Are you Mumkey?

Which* youtuber. I recommend GrammarRevolution

Yeah I have a feeling it’ll be Shane. He had that god awful transition into trying to be a serious documentarian with his bullshit “Are the Paul Brothers Sociopaths?” videos.

I get easily attached to YouTube channels, it’s a long process for me to actually unsubscribe, usually I keep the sub as a gratefulness for past enjoyment, usually my tastes just changed. I mean I’m still subbed to Smosh and I haven’t watched them since 2012.
I still stand by Quinton’s Oddparents vids, they are my favorite of his.
But it’s just that a lot of people blame his content becoming randomly political as his downfall.
As a genuine frustrated fan I feel the issue isn’t politics, it’s that he became someone too different from who he was, and his content and presentation suffered from it.
Not really an elaborate analysis, just a general feeling I had from when i loved watching his vids until I unsubscribed.

All I know about Mumkey is at some point he did stuff with Digibro, who is the lowest of the low. That’s enough for me to be glad he apparently got shitcanned off youtube.

i just want them to make good content that makes me laugh. wow mumkey cheated? you mean the thing almost every single person in a fucking relationship in america is doing right now? not mumkey jones, the bastion of purity and morality!!!!! no!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO MUMKEY JONES BETRAYED US!!
note: i do think hes a retard for cheating on his qtpiegf but I WANT MUMKEY JONES BACK GOD DAMN IT, simian jimmy SUCKS DICK

>freedom fighter
That's not how leftists think. They don't have the iq levels to care for abstrations like freedom.

bro but i mean.... havent we all been there?

Is there any other video streaming website that can compete with YouTube? Not just something like liveleak but a website that has whatever their version of “youtubers” is that actively makes content?

what the literal fuck were you taking seriously about him? hes a fucking comedian, you retard

maybe rusty cage

Bitchute is the place where all banned youtubers are going to.

LGR is a hack. AkBKukU is the real nigger shit.

I routinely deliver pizzas to this cute receptionist and just recently her and her boyfriend actually came into my shop. He kind of, sort of looked like this, but he was maybe 6' 3" and robust. Life lesson: leftist dorks, take time out of not reading, not playing chess, not inventing anything etc. etc. and work out a tad. You can get some real cuties.


What a fucking terrible name.

He really fuckin hates trump

not really. There's a new attempt every 2-3 years, but nothing really sticks. Daily Motion is still around some how, but generally there's nothing that competes with Youtube. Right now people are trying for Bitchute, but a look at the view counts and you realize it's not exactly taking off. Vidme is dead, blip is dead, google video is dead, veoh i'm pretty sure is dead. Youtube has a monopoly, and baring a miracle it always will.

Idk, I occasionally watched one of his video because youtube would practically shove them down my throat for weeks on end. It was kind of a throw back to Channel Awesome style movie reviewing but with less skits. So in other words, a recap of the whole movie scene for scene with the occasional obvious joke. I got through it ok, but then he went on some 10 rant about Trump and it took me out of the video so hard I haven't watched one since.

What is it with people trying to shove politics into their videos? I'm doing everything I can to avoid politics, and people keep trying to shove it back in my face.

Did someone say flannel?

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When he decided to become a jewtuber