Dark Crystal

>Dark Crystal

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just because you dont like something doesnt automatically make it onions; you can dislike a show without resorting to insulting its audience. actually, you are more onions than the show for making this post.

New series is soulless trash. You don’t film rubber puppets in 4K with led lights.

t. onion

why did you call him an onion

Oh shit is this awful series the new Alitaposting? This must be stopped.

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This faggot is still crying over superman and spiderman movies? He has to be getting paid for this bullshit, there's no way someone is that pathetic.

Onion is the latest white supremacist insult. It's what we, I mean they, call weak men.
Onions are the weak man's food. Onions are the food of the brown people.

>only blinks twice
Yeah he's forcing those tears hard. How disingenuous

He cries tears of joy at advertisements for soulless corporate products. He doesn't care about anything, he has nothing, he is nothing. He is the embodiment of human suffering in the 21st century western world. Perpetually kept in a state of suspended animation, fed through tubes, through screens and speakers, as his mind body and soul rots into dust. While he is assured by his masters that he is living, he blindly believes them, as they suck his life-force dry and leave him an empty inhuman husk, and he thanks them for all of it and begs them for more.

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It's so cringe watching people fawn over muppets, they're as bad as the Marvel-DC consuming cucks


Just once I want to experience this.
It looks like pure uninhibited joy.
He loves his life, he doesn't think dark thoughts.
What's this like?

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their mugs are so fucking ugly too

fuck this soi shit


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I know it's pasta written by some future school shooter basement dwelling NEET edgelord but it's true and every time I see this pathetic manchild weeping I die a little more inside.

sorry but the series is baised and redpilled. literally about a people reclaiming their land from (((skesis)))

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Me and Richard just finished the movie a couple of hours ago. I give it a 6/10, he leaned more towards a 7/10. The pacing is a little lopsided, and the Skesis received too much focus. While Jen and Kira were serviceable protags, I felt that some of the time given to the Skeksis could have been better spent developing the MCs a bit more. Maybe 10 minutes would have sufficed. The puppetry was also impressive, and I was barely taken out of the film by it—even though I was actively looking for immersion-breaking moments.
Overall decent, would recommend as a cozy evening time waster.

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Yup, this was bad. Just watch the old one again.

>every time I see someone really enjoying something I care so much it damages me
Sucks to be you then



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semicolons are automatically onions

You can laugh at him but he's a multi millionaire software engineer.

yet he spends his free time doing this shit
so who cares how much loot he has

This unironically changes things a bit.
I wouldn't blame a nigga for crying at his oatmeal if he's set for life like that.

maybe i am too

Hed have to be to compensate for being who he is

>completely missing the point


I feel more disgusted by him than anything. I'd laugh at him if I thought he was genuine, the reality is he desperately wants attention and fakes his emotions to do it. He was just begging for his Mandalorian reaction to go viral again. Guy's probably some kind of narcissist.

Maybe he's mentally ill

>they’re as bad as the Marvel-DC consuming cucks
At least I didn’t pay ten times to watch endgame in theaters, I just like puppets