Kinos about the loss of hope?
Kinos about the loss of hope?
Just shave it bro and you’ll look JUST LIKE JASON STATHAM BRO
>dad went bald at 20
>full head of hippie hair at 37
can I get a BASED muh niggas
God bless america
what's your mother's side like?
thank your mother
I bet you've got no hair left on your temples and a thinning crown.
Body Bags
glad i'm not becoming a bonehead but i am going gray already
by god this board's fear of going bald is just the most pathetic thing in the world. not like you take care of your hair now, you greasy retards
Hair cloning is coming soon brothers, then balding will be cured forever
they always say it skips a generation
your kids will be slapheads
just buzz it off. if it doesn't look good wear a hat and grow it back, or get a transplant, or get a hairpiece
just get on fin like all actors do. A topical maintenance drug will come out in 5 years.
They say that every ten years.
most actors get transplants
Is finasteride safe, bros? You either see a lot of horror stories on the internet or guys claiming it’s 100% safe
it hasn't killed my dick if that's what you're asking, but I don't think it has helped that much with hair loss, unless you do rogaine too
I've been using Dutasteride, which is far more potent than Fin for nearly 2 years. never had a single side effect. They are perfectly safe drugs.
ashton kutcher was on fin for the last ten years.
related kino tunes
Went to a derma today and she straight up put me in a stack of minox, fin, a shampoo and a foam. Am I gonna make it?
transplants would look like shit if they had to cover the whole mpb-affected area (no density). It's usually only fin or fin + transplant for the hairline
your dad is a cuck
kill your mother
Fin made me depressed and I didn't even notice the connection at first. I started taking slightly more and got suicidal.
Don't underestimate the sides, keep your eyes wide fucking open and remember what the sides are. If you start being depressed it may literally be induced, not because of real life, though you'll feel it to be real life related nonetheless.
Another great on-topic Yea Forums thread.
I sure hope the hard-working mods of Yea Forums don't delete this great on-topic thread.
The genes for baldness comes from both mother and father
Articles like this come out literally every year and nothing has ever changed.
shut the fuck up
>t. Baldie
Yeah no shit, that's why I was asking about his mother's side too. A crucial gene can only be inherited from your mother, but it's not the only factor.
Are you neurotic or anxious generally? You’ll start attributing anything and everything that goes wrong in your life to finasteride. Ive seen it happen many times.
It sounds like fat soibois trying to sound like Nick Cave.
>Is taking this weird shit that messes with my hormone levels safe?
was she hot?
Baldness is (roughly speaking) heterozygous dominant for males. You only need one gene from either parent to show some kind of baldness.
For women it is homozygous, meaning they need both genes from both parents and even then it's mostly thinning and not total baldness.
This is an example of a sex-influenced gene
thanks for the info nice post user
If you're still in the early stages of balding like thinning hair, patches, receding temples etc etc get on that shit asap. It's a lost cause once you've lost too much hair.
lmao your mums a fag
actually two shampoos and also a hair growing pill.
yes, but mostly because I have a thing for older career women.
You know what's worse than losing your hair?
Fretting like a bitch about gradual aging.
Jannies are trannies
>third son out of four
>bald father
>other brothers balding, too
>full head of hair
Life isn't all bad!
>nick cave
>not beloved by soibois everywhere the world over
Just shave it off, don't mess with your health just because you're an insecure fuck.
You're adopted, fag.
>I'm the only one out of my brothers and cousins that is receding
Literally a 1/10 chance and balding genes still chose me. Cool.
*just embrace it
It will get you too in time.
You just wait, you'll lose it all in one random summer.
gee i wonder which finasteride sales rep is behind that post
better to be adopted than a genelet
>young guy has head full of hair
Im pretty sure it made my hairline recede faster
I'm gonna assume you're a retard and meant to reply to that pic. That pic doesn't advocate for fin, retard.
Hey, Yea Forums mods... what movie or television show is this thread about again?
Is there an evolutionary reason for balding? Or is god being a bitch nigga?
>dad finally starts balding at 50
He had a good run.
Hair is pointless evolutionary.
Uhhh hate to do this to you but once I reached mid 20s with no signs of hair loss I thought I’d be in the clear till 40+ but literally halfway through age 26 I started thinning pretty rapidly.
No recession yet though after 1 and a half years so who knows what that means but I’m still losing lots of hair in the shower. Terrified of fin though, right now my plan is to wear a wig and be ironic about it
Something something DHT levels and test.
get a rug
I wouldn't give a shit if I started balding at 50, but early 20s? I think God hates me for real.
You do realize you lose like over 100 hairs a day right.
nature wants you to kill yourself or at least get your brain cooked by the sun.
This thread was brought to you by the little bitches that complain non-stop about women being superficial.
Honestly, if youre not a natural blonde guy, you should just shave it off or let it go bald. I mean, black hair just cant compete. Every asian girl ive talk to always want to stroke my kinpatsu hair; black hair just does not have that effect. And the guys who dye their hair blonde looks so unnatural. I know being the Aryan master race is a meme, but i just cant compare myself to non blondes. I will always have the advantage of having blonde hair over you dark hair cucks, and i only feel intimidate by fellow blondes. Might as well shave it off your hair is the color of pic in OP.
I'm pretty sure that there is at least one documentary about hair loss.
Evolution only filters out things that get you killed or affects your ability to reproduce. Balding for nearly 200k years hasn't been an issue for men until a few decades ago because of fashion norms and other menial shit.
Hate to break it to you, but I am two weeks shy of 29 and no balding in sight.
most guys start going bald when they're like 25+, thats enough time to reproduce, nature doesnt care about you after that
Also because you're expected to have passed on your genes by 20 or so.
You hear that everyone? Natural selection expects you to have had enough sex by 20 to have passed on your genes.
Each time I run my hand through my hair in the shower several long pieces come out. Prior to a year and a half ago I would rarely if ever notice anything.
Also I know for a fact it’s thinning, I’d say it’s esdily half the thickness it was and I can see lots of skin between my hairs right at the hairline.
Point is it can happen at any time. I used to think like you but I was less cocky about it because I was afraid of karma. I wish you the best of luck though.
It's so you can absorb more sunlight and make vitamin D
he looks ridiculous, at least get a better fucking hair style if youre going to do that
warning potential mates of your shit genes
Older bother balding at 20 when I was 8 ... I'm now 30 and have gorgeous long thick hair.
The faster you get on fin the better. Doctor told me the biggest negative is that it might make your dick soft, but if you ever stop your dick goes back to normal. My hair started receding in high school but I thought it was my mature hairline, five years later I experience extreme thining but no patches. I freaked the fuck out when almost exactly a year later I started to notice a patch forming.
Blondes are barbarians subhumans. Civilized people have brown or black hair.
>baldness doesnt exist on both sides of family
>hair grows fast, have to get haircut every 2 weeks or will become shaggy
I feel for hairlets
I wouldn't know, I have good genes when it comes to hair and will have a full set unit l my 90s, at the very least by t I'll live to possibly 100.
Must feel bad, being a poorly genetic incel.
How’s your dick size?
>wah women get wigs so i can get one too
yea nah, women care about trivial shit like that, i suppose you wanna start wearing makeup and dresses too
nothing will dry up a cunt faster than a woman seeing a man wear a wig
8 inch. girth of a soda can.
I guarantee that you have a recessed chin, along with other unattractive features, and you cope with your one good attribute
Above average, only have heard compliments.
imagine being so ugly you cant pull off the bald look hahaha
Watch Adaptation by Spike Jonze
I don't have baldness or receding hairline, but my hairline is just naturally shit (I'm 22). What do I do?
Imagine having godlike Chad genes and having nothing but daughters.
>tfw my dad’s been balding for 20 years
>my brother in his mid-20’s has started balding
>I’m almost 20
wish me luck lads. my granddad on my mum’s side is 90 with a full head of hair though so maybe I’ll get lucky
>not even 12 inches
Well I guess you can’t win em all lol
the problem with bald men is that they cant look attractive, its just that they will never look young. I know lots of girls like older men, but if youre bald, you wont be attracting the girl with a shota fetish
want to look young is a girl thing
10 inch is the perfect size for fucking girls. The maximum pleasure is having the dick touch the tail bone. Only really big sluts like having the penis make a fracture and stab into the tail bone.
How likely are fin side effects?
Who gives a fuck
fin has more benefits than side effects to be honest. it pumps more blood into the muscle, so youll hear about non balding guys taking it in the body building community. And i last really long in bed because of it. And i love lasting long desu.
99% of men have a mature hairline by their mid twenties. That's probably all that's happening. Regular ass male aging.