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They're going to remove the Christian themes to appeal to a broader audience
Logan Walker
Nicholas Gray
So it won't be Narnia then
Isaiah Ramirez
>Remove the Christian themes from Narnia
There'll be nothing left!
Justin Nelson
The (mediocre) movies already did that.
Narnia is a pretty low-tier fantasy franchise desu. Clusterfuck of random stuff, none of the characters are especially memorable, the forced allegories get more obnoxious over time, etc. Lewis was 1/1000th the author Tolkien was.
Nathaniel Brooks
The movies are better than the books they adapted.
Hudson Anderson
>to appeal to a broader audience
No, when a movie has budhist themes they are not removed to appeal to non-budhists.
Christian themes are removed because the producers belong to an ethnicity that despises christian things.
Matthew Perez
Disney almost had a franchise out of these but tripped over themselves by spending way too much money. The first one made 760 million. The second made 420 mil but that meant Disney lost millions. Fox made the 3rd and despite being good it barely made 400 mil.
Why do normies flock to Harry Potter but not Based Narnia?
Christian Sanchez
Christianity is the cancer responsible for every liberal idea degrading the West. Quit LARPing.
Bentley Campbell
>Hey, Johnny, I'm going to take the opposite approach to you & make my story 100% allegory
This is why LOTR will always be superior.
John Taylor
Its newer so they're more likely to have read it when they were kids. Honestly I don't get Harry Potter, its escapist literature but its set in a fucking school? How boring is your imagination that you read a book about magic and you want it set in a fucking school instead of having the characters forging their own destinies. Its like writing a Scifi story and setting it in an office.
Owen Thompson
I don't know, but they'll definitely remove the racism. Which is too bad. The racism is hilarious.
Jose Bell
It makes me sad that less children are reading Narnia. The Magician's Nephew is such a beautiful book.
Levi Turner
They better not mess with the Tisroc (May he live forever).
Honestly, A horse and his boy would be great because middle eastern easthetic is such a breath of fresh air against yet some more European medieval shit.
Zachary Adams
I found all of them inoffensive but dull in comparison to other books of the genre.
Except The Last Battle. Boy, how did Lewis shit the bed with that one.
Luis Evans
Didn't they already make, like, two movies that already did that?
Bentley Morris
Isaiah Bennett
>two movies that already did that?
What do you mean? In the first movie the lion willingly sacrifices himself after being betrayed by one of his own, to redeem him from his sins, and is later brought back to life.
Just how harder does the allegory have to hit over the head?
Henry Reed
Jaxon Diaz
a horse and his boy, the magician's nephew, and the last battle are the more interesting books in the series so of course they'll never get adapted.
Brayden Sullivan
>the last battle
How so? I was a kid when I read it and can't recall all of it but I remember seriously disliking it. I mean, a fucking donkey on a lion costume brings down the apocalypse?
James Myers
Christopher Jackson
>Lewis was 1/1000th the author Tolkien was.
t. never read Lewis's apologetics.
Brandon Nguyen
Good. Better yet, they should adapt something better instead.
Carter Young
I think they waited too long after the first movie. Tbh a lot of the appeal of the movie were the siblings and they're mostly gone in the sequel. Doesnt translate to the movie as well to revolve casts.
Parker Bennett
>mostly gone in the sequel
They're all there and have prominent roles. Are you thinking about the third movie?
Xavier Perry
Aslan is gay
Ian Morris
it's one of the stranger books, essentially the book of revelations, and it bookends nicely with the magicians nephew. also tash shows up. love that guy.
Connor Fisher
You sure about that?
Daniel Russell
That one is challenging to do as a movie because it's a bunch of random plots tied together by the voyage, there's really no cohesion. It works as a book and it'd probably work as a season of a show, but while the execution wasn't the best I can kinda see why they wanted to create a villain to fight.
And Tilda as the personification of all evil will always be fitting.
Bentley Barnes
Christians are cucks anyway. Most powerful religion in the world and they allow people worshipping stone gods to roll over them.
Levi Rivera
he's like Dark Magician's Red