I can't believe how fucking kino this movie is. It's the epitome of action cinema and philosophy...

I can't believe how fucking kino this movie is. It's the epitome of action cinema and philosophy. The ultimate soul journey of man.

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the sequel is also adventure kino, though obviously not as good as the first.


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>soul journey
Per Hero of a Thousand Faces, a hero must seek out a teacher who is not his father. Conan absorbed wisdom and possibly some skill from his father (which is established in just two brief opening scenes), but who were his other teachers? The slave owner? The Mongol-looking king? Thulsa Doom, as he claims to be at the end?

He left the northern hills to seek his fortune
A lone barbarian with only death lust to guide
He carved a kingdom of stone
King Conan, sitting on his bloody throne
His black mane sweeps across his face
Grim and silent with a steely blue gaze
Like a panther ready to strike
His blade crashes down to end your life
Conan rules with an iron fist
Many people, they look up to him
You think you're civilized, but you will never understand
Master swordsman of Hyborian Age
His name is legend to this very day
Even gods cower when his sword is unleashed
Nothing dare face him, neither man or beast
Cut a bloody swathe across this battlefield
Red mist rising, break your human shield
Slashed to pieces is to be your fate
Unleash berserker rage none shall escape
Conan rules…

Thulsa Doom. He is antagonist and mentor all in one. You're right about the Mongol king as well. Most of his mentoring occurs in that period.


>Steel is weak, boy, FLESH is stronger.

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Amazing villain.

Mediocre at best.

THAT is strength, boy
THAT... is power!

So basically Conan kills his mentor, who is also a cult leader, but Conan's purpose wasn't to liberate the cultists.
Nominally, Conan's mission was to save Max von Sydow's daughter, but that did not seem to motivate him. So then, revenge is his heroic purpose or mission but, even once he kills Thulsa Doom - what remains? His people are still dead. The cultists he never really cared about. Conan is unusual as a heroic story - but somehow it absolutely works.

Name something superior, with reasons why.

A movie from any genre?

He did it for the money. Conan works because the man who wrote the stories was a talented writer.
>At his best, Howard was the Thomas Wolfe of fantasy, and most of his Conan tales seem to almost fall over themselves in their need to get out. Yet his other work was either unremarkable or just abysmal... The word will hurt and anger his legion of fans, but I don't believe any other word fits. Robert Bloch, one of Howard's contemporaries, suggested in his first letter to Weird Tales that even Conan wasn't that much shakes. Bloch's idea was that Conan should be banished to the outer darkness where he could use his sword to cut out paper dolls. Needless to say, this suggestion did not go over well with the marching hordes of Conan fans; they probably would have lynched poor Bob Bloch on the spot, had they caught up with him back there in Milwaukee.
Thomas Wolfe's ramblings on a piece of scratch paper was better than anything ol' Cokenose ever shat out at the height of his ability, so there you go.

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No, something similar to Conan, to permit comparison. E.g. I would say that Conan, due to his physique, facial structure and accent, is a natural fit for the role of a barbarian. Who would be a better fit for the role?

For sword & sorcery, there isn't anything better. People will argue Lord of the Rings or Excalibur, but you're stretching it and I'm unwilling to lump pure fantasy with sword & sorcery. When I think of that sort of genre film, I think Beastmaster and things like that.

But the movie plot is not taken from a REH story or stories (elements are, but not plot). The plot is not a classic heroic journey. There are elements that are unnecessary or don't fit. But somehow it works. I can't really explain it - probably why I re-watch the movie regularly and always notice something new.

You won't find a good replacement for Conan's style. If you mean Beastmaster the TV show, hell no. Not even a contest. It wasn't even better than Hercules or Xena shows.

Talented writers write good shit. Talented directors make good shit. It's not complicated.
I did not say Don Coscarelli's magnum opus was better than Conan the Barbarian, merely that it's the sort of film I think of when I hear "sword and sorcery".

>Yet his other work was either unremarkable or just abysmal
the audacity of this nigger hack

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I think he tripped up during one interview and admitted he never actually read anything else by Robert Howard, but I can't find it.

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>it's all talent
Sure, talent is necessary, but I still say Conan has something that makes it work, and it is not because it follows the archetypal heroic journey. It stays close to it, but doesn't actually follow it, and is nowhere near as linear. What, precisely, is good about Conan - as I wrote, I don't really know. If you have no further insight, user, I guess we leave it at that.

>mfw i always liked the Kane stories more but the movie came out and was nowhere near conan tier

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My dad first showed me this movie when I was 8 years old and it’s been my favorite ever since. I watch it at least once a year if not more

Kill yourself, cunt

"There above the dead man’s torn body, man fought with demon under the pale light of the rising moon, with all the advantages with the demon, save one."

Kane could easily be as kino as Conan.

Always loved it.

It’s too late now. He chose politics

Good taste user
watch the second one, is not AS good but is fucking great too
and when you have some time watch this one
is like conan made by russians. Is fucking fantastic too.

The worst thing about the Solomon Kane movie is throughout the entire movie Kane isn't Kane until the last 30 seconds; which means the director and writer knew how to write Kane from the original stories, but decided not to so they could write a pointless origin story instead. Most frustrating thing ever.

I like the remake
is not as good as the original but is not a bad movie in any reggard other than the lack of gore

>stephen King
A hack known for writing printed diarrhea weak, derivative and futile Americana fan wank isnt talent, it is someone producing substandard 'literature' that become popular because of an excess of idiots masquerading as intellectuals.

Howard was at least trying to be original and weird, while King just enamored a lot of fools with loud opinions.

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>he never actually read anything else by Robert Howard
Wouldn't surprise me if he read nothing by him and just went with an opinion that'd be safe with his peer group.


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With Howard, you see some real effort. King is just shitting and putting in his books, it's not even funny.

>but is not a bad movie in any reggard

Checked. Tower series and the Stand are a complete waste of time. REH stuff has re-readability value.

Howard WAS original. Not only did he create Sword & Sorcery, but he created the Weird Western genre as well.

Hot take: Conan the Destroyer is underrated kino.

>Per Hero of a Thousand Faces, a hero must seek out a teacher who is not his father. Conan absorbed wisdom and possibly some skill from his father (which is established in just two brief opening scenes), but who were his other teachers?

His mentor was Krom, faggot.

I never really got it. It's good, and I worshiped Arnold as a kid, but it was never one of my favorites. Not even my favorite "adult" 80's fantasy. Then again it might not be Conquest either.
shit, now I want to binge a bunch of these, starting with Conan, it's been too many years.

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conan the destroyer was a hot take of shit

>Krom, I have never prayed to you before ... no one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad, why we fought, or why we died
>Krom is my mentor

Pick one, and only one, faggot.

Came to post this. Happy to see someone else already did. Can think of a movie with a better score, a movie with music that conveys so much on it's own. This song in particular fits what's going on on screen so well.

hello soiboi

First movie is an all time classic, but Conan the Destroyer is hot garbage. If you like it you’re probably the kind of rube that likes but Pulp Fiction but also unironically likes Boondock Saints.

Man a Conan series of his adventures would be great.

Instead we are getting a Witcher series full of onions.

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I've never seen conan

I don't know why people bitch about Arnold's performance. I thought it was flawless.
>haha funny accent therefore bad acting

It's a shame they pussed out for destroyer. Going for a PG rating just makes no sense given the nature of the original film and was probably based solely on the hopes of selling more toys if they could get people to take their kids to a Conan movie.

And the director was really well-established (he did 20,000 leagues under the sea, Fantastic Voage and Basedlenyt Green) but also an obvious studio guy who seemed an odd match for the material and was probably got the gig because he was easy to work with and willing to compromise compared to someone like Milius. The same dude also directed Red Sonja which was equally watchable but underwhelming.

Overall a waste of a franchise, especially considering they had the literal biggest star in the fucking world attached to it. Conan should have ruled cinema for 15 years if they did it right.

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