Will she get the accent right?

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that's a pretty impressive likeness

It's okay to cast spics to play white women cause ya know, diewhiteysity

Thats a good resemblance actually

Looks kino and based

She can open up my border if you know what I mean.

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You can't recreate perfection

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care to explane?

I need a Cuban gf like Ana.

no way

She looks like her, but she has a fucking hispanic accent. How is she gonna convincingly play an American?


She's a white Hispanic.

Cope, seethe and dilate incel

Give her a break. She's in a spot where "true" latinas must be screeching at her for not having a darker skin tone.

Weird. Ana has a super thick Spanish accent when she speaks English. Not sure how she's going to hide it to play the quintessential American bimbo

Marilyn looked so good in some pics and absolutely terrible in others

Do you know hard it is to hide a thick Spanish accent like hers? Her English isn't even that good in the first place.


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no kids nor husband
What is wrong with her?

britbongs can do burger accents good but ive never seen a latina pull it off

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Ana De Armas?
More like Ana De Kino.

She’s waiting for me

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She used to be married to some Spanish guy.

Lmao. Was about to post this. Med girls are superior.


A failed marriage. Even worse. At least she's aging much better than anglo slags. She looks younger than her age

they have her in drag queen hip pads lmbo

Looks like Ana kino is back on the menu

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What the FUCK is this?

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Is this image anti-Semitic?

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will cuba still exist in 40 years and why would someone create their JOI to be cuban anyway

I hate Jews

You are very original

prosthetic toe... monroe had a wicked case of gout. look it up, its historically accurate

this nigga be lookin like the protagonist of a woody allen flick

I think most hold out because they now it might slow down their careers or even end it. The only actress that have kids are ones with steady work.

That or they dont want kids at all.

You just KNOW

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same lol

Imagine how much cum she must have swallowed in her life. How could her husbands deal with it?

>In February 1954, actress Marilyn Monroe postponed her honeymoon with husband Joe DiMaggio and traveled to Kqorea to entertain the American troops. She performed a quickly thrown-together show titled Anything Goes to audiences which totaled over 100,000 troops over 4 days. Then tour was also a chance for the film star to overcome a degree of stage fright.
>She remarked that the Korea trip “was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never felt like a star before in my heart. It was so wonderful to look down and see a fellow smiling at me”.

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MM was at least curvy. This bitch is way too thin. Brody looks a lot like Miller there, though

>This bitch is way too thin

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Adrien Brody look like Woody Allen

"joe dimaggio is a penis with a man attached to it." -pete rose

not a real thing

MM was tiny, look up pics of her lifting weights

I would have vaginal sex with her, for Catholic procreation

I'm saying irl Monroe was pretty curvy, and this girl is too thin to be playing her

Would you be willing to work a backbreaking job 12h/d to support her like a good catholic husband?

Both of her parents are from Spain

Marilyn Monroe never had an orgasm. She got off knowing how much pleasure men got from being with her. Sometimes she would fuck random nobodies (taxi drivers, janitors, bellboys) just to know that would be the highlight of their life. Frank Sinatra used to bring her to his Tahoe resort to get gangbanged by his friends.


You guys can be even worse than your average /pol/ poster. Congrats.

> She got off knowing how much pleasure men got from being with her. Sometimes she would fuck random nobodies (taxi drivers, janitors, bellboys) just to know that would be the highlight of their life.
Very based. I would do the same if i was highly desirable.

She probably just thinks it sounds attractive. Actors with really thick accents are usually a lot more capable to drop the accent than Americans to fake them


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>Sometimes she would fuck random nobodies (taxi drivers, janitors, bellboys) just to know that would be the highlight of their life.
Fuckin based

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She doesn't look anything like Marilyn Monroe and her cosplaying as Marilyn is kind of pissing me off.

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>t. third-world citizen

The cringe is that you have this sketch in your computer, user
Did your oneitis "cheated" you?

Hell yeah

I just stated a fact


Proof? According to wiki only her mother is of Spanish descent.

man, imagine nutting deep into prime Marylin

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Go away iDubbbz. You're a cuck who sold out by never saying nigger on Twitter again after your YouTube was suspended.

fuck off cumbrain.

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eat shit and die

Attached: Marilyn_4.jpg (1157x773, 155K) more Marilyn...

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You watch anime. You can't criticize anyone


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people are talking about her looks but can she even speak english w/o an accent.


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Knew a guy who swore that he banged Marilyn in the 50s saying she would whore herself out. I said he was full of shit and she was probably a look aliked prostitute.

please guys...

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I can and I will, besides anime is on par with and sometimes better than television/movies.

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How can she hide those chipmunk cheeks and underdeveloped jaw so successfully?

I want to pinch those cheeks and call her frumpy and fat

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Nah, definition of first world.
Do you disagree that actors with non-American accents tend to be much more capable of changing their accent? Especially that tv “non-accent”

>kike shill doing racebaiting D&C posts
>gets called out

>there are """people""" with this thing as their waifu
where did it all go so wrong?


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>women owned business
Fucking really? Isn't this reverse sexism?

Of course you incels hate cute women

yeah, me too

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the morticians didn't have to imagine it lmaoooo!!

Still cute as hell

Wow her dumper was that nice

>ywn have this ;_;

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have sex

Neither will Ana.

Looks average

>Isn't this reverse sexism?
no, retard

God I wish that were me

oh boy

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