Muh minerals

>muh minerals
Fuck off

Attached: th.jpg (474x266, 10K)

Attached: hank status.jpg (655x234, 19K)

>muh breakfast
Fuck off

Attached: 608x343.png (608x343, 313K)

>muh chicken
fuck off

Attached: gus.png (1600x900, 1.17M)

Hank, sweetie, your rock delivery is here!

>muh danger

Attached: breaking_bad.jpg (651x400, 19K)

>Fuck off


Attached: flynn.jpg (1280x720, 33K)

blacked sex gifs

he didnt say blacked, dont try to shift the timeline psyop illuminati propagandafjrjajksss

Attached: 1552585019885.jpg (460x580, 34K)

Fuck off

>has cerebral palsy
Walk up three stairs and tell me that to my face.


why do u have to be such a

>My name is Eye-sack Shray D. Er and you can go have sex with yourself, nazi incel
What did he mean by this?

i thought this was a the shield thread at first glance

>I will put you UNDER the jail!
What did he mean by this? Do burger jails have basements for bad boys?

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how did they get away with it?

fuck you marie!

are you actually retarded? hank is alive his twin brother issac schrader got killed


he really did fuck the cousins shit up though.