Kills your show

>Kills your show
What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Should've showed a little leg.

she has shoes and/or socks on in this image

She's not funny at all.

Late night's been dead since the Leno/Conan feud and Letterman retired.

typical disgusting curry feet

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Wrinkly ass gargoyle claws


>the crowd hardly laughing
>just whypipo jokes

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This. Ferguson tried to jolt it back but he was snuffed out.

>1:30 AM slot

lol i thought she had the craig ferguson slot, not the really really fucking late one. i don't know anyone who actually watched the carson daly show, so i assume if even some of her die hard fans tune in, it'll be enough for people to call it a huge success

There's only room for one Indian talk show host in these parts

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She should really fire her writing staff

Late night benefitted from two things that are long dead: a near-universal work schedule and cultural homogeneity.

The strange thing is that Carson Daly spent ten years doing this stale old stupid fucking talk show format before realizing nobody gives a shit at 1:30am and turning it into a hipster newsmagazine instead to relative success.

And then they went right back to it as soon as he left.

interesting hypothesis, i happen to think that podcasts and other internet shit is just more appealing to people

Perhaps because podcasts and internet shit is more available for free and at anytime of the day really.

I've never heard of either of these people/shows, let me guess what they talk about:


>redpills moderate whites


Who watches this shit

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Women aren't funny and neither are brown people, especially pakis and pajeets who are the most racist people on Earth but claim they're oppressed by ebil whitey

I thought female sikhs were called Kaur and males were called Singh?
Does that person identify as male?

is there like 10 people in the audience?

oh for sure

imagine the smell

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Rotten meat, cabbage and curry.

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>always watched Carson Dalys show because of insomnia
>usually the bands were extremely shit but the interviews were interesting
>he finally retires after something like decade
>replaced by this shit

I watch the first episode out of curiosity. It was a half hour long with two commercial breaks so more like 20 minutes. She spent 15 minutes hating white people and the last 5 talking to another Indian about casting Indians. This shit is going to get cancelled so fast.

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I agree with that but also the format is really unappealing to modern audiences. It has gone the way of the variety show. People love celebrities and interviews but the late night format doesn't work anymore. They'd rather see them eat hot wings or have a jerk off challenge or something.

She's just not funny, regardless of the shitty writing. Her delivery sucks.

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Yes, but the Indian guy actually puts some effort into his show.

Late shows should die, really.

women can't do comedy
brown american women especially can't do comedy.
Comedy is peak when someone can laugh at themselves and the world around them.
Female comedians ego restrict them to laugh at the world or their genitalia.
The differnece being they never strike down their ego for comedy they demand to be viewed as sex objects all the time.
>old school female comedians knew this and could be successful, think Joan Rivers

>this is her debut episode material
It would be terrible no matter what but wow

Why did she choose to be so patronizing? She was acting like no one in America had seen a an Indian woman before and she wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

had she been barefoot in this photoshoot it would've been kino

what's the demographic for this?

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When will they retire that boring old Daily Show joke delivery?

Why did she think middle America would be "terrified" to see someone like her on television?

Do these people even know any white people that aren't basedboy twitter journalists or feminist dyke urbanite art hoes?

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boomers and literal idiots. These two aren't mutually exclusive.

High-caste Westernized Indian women are the absolute worst people in the world

I've noticed this too senpai. They are total ingrates

when they actually have funny jokes. that type of delivery tricks people into thinking something is funny, just like dramatic pauses on youtube video essays trick people into thinking it's deep.

She has ugly soles and wrinkly claw toes. Look at the pics in this thread.

is that sexual harassment?

literally thousands of years of breeding and grooming to make them entitled rulers. they are the most arrogant people on the planet. they are manipulating wokeness for their own gain. it's ironic, they are the very definition of "privilege"

its because she literally knows nothing about middle america
Do you think a worthless youtube comedian like her has even been to middle america?

How many “late night” shows does America have? Feel like there’s two for every night of the week and it’s such a dated medium, host sitting at a desk promoting other people’s shit with some jokes and a live band who the fuck thinks this is interesting in 2019?

>People love celebrities
el o fucking el

>a wealthy indian girl who grew up in Canada dresses & talks like a black american woman & thinks shes oppressed

Thanks Youtube for pushing her on us, Pewdiepie was right, shes the golden girl, though not for her talents, but her skin color

fuck nbc in their ass.

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Is that on real television, or is it for one of those online platforms everyone is making?

I love the vote manipulation Youtube is doing on that video.

Fuck these people

Are you implying they don't? You do realize most people are hive minded NPCs who are interested in the most shallow and accessible parts of culture, not cynical misanthropes who post on imageboards.

It's for that 2 AM Timeslot that was always awful television but now even more awful since now people can watch whatever they want on streaming. Frankly I don't even get the point of Late Night TV anymore since we have Youtube.

>doesn’t land one joke

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Pewds said that?

Yeah. I'm sure Jo Blow working in middle America is a total star fucker

Boomers wouldn't be watching some show made by some eceleb

>Not white and not black
>Desperately tries to talk like a black person

Every time. The fuck is it with 30 year olds pretending they're 20 year olds but come off like 40 year olds?

Jo Blo in middle America is overdosing on opiates. Everyone else is invested in a hyper reality populated by celebrities.

at least eight, maybe a dozen each night, Monday through Friday

damn it,i would worship those feet for ages

Its on at 1:35am after two other late night shows and the nightly news. The only people who might watch this are stoners getting back from a Taco Bell run.

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what a dishonest thing to say. that's like saying "people like basketball? yeah, i'm sure old white ladies in Appalachia love it." fucking clown

Sure thing, reddit

Niggers aren't people, user


>Do these people even know any white people that aren't basedboy twitter journalists or feminist dyke urbanite art hoes?

The answer is no. They live in their own little world/bubble. Completely disconnected from reality.

Anyone who likes basketball is just a clump of cells.

Holy hell the fucking cringe! Like stand up made by a committee of diversity hires with an ax to grind. No wonder late night (((comedy))) gets less views than a fucking Pewdiepie video. You can tell the crowd is so small.

because theses no middle left in the liberal enclaves anymore, all they know are trust funds and street shitters

Do you think she fucks white guys even though she has such strong internalized hatred for them?

Almost a 100% chance


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To be fair I don't think she mentioned BLUMPF once

Joan Rivers was absolutely hilarious, because she had razor sharp wit regardless of her sex and incredible timing. She was one of the few comedians in the same vein as Robin Williams that could make every and any topic funny.

And then they killed her for exposing Obama as a faggot with a tranny "wife"

Stoners wouldn't even watch this because her "material" would kill their high.

lilly singh is a coon for upper-class whites

self-loathing white narcissists

>mfw i watched the clip of her interview with mindy kaling just for mindy's stacked ass
Troll me all you want but mindy kaling is thick and i want to fuck her.

Fake laughs Fallon tier
Ridiculous shit skin haircut
Leftist «««««humour»»»»

OK, I will haha.

Absolutely 100% would hate-fuck her.

At least Kaling is sometimes funny. This Singh bitch is cringe incarnate. A popular girl who everyone wanted to bone so they never told her how unfunny her jokes were giving her a massively inflated sense of self-importance.

an indian?

When did shoe fashion turn into ugly, orthopedic, corrective footwear for retards?

>suit jacket mixed with athletic pants


>mindy kaling
Literally what do people see attractive in her?
Post ass

t. fat pajeet

Can it get any worse?

Absolutely based. I can't fully explain it, but I want to fuck the shit out of her.

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To be fair pewdiepie literally has 100 million subscribers and gets millions of views on every video he posts

She has a fungal infection in her toe nails

Joan Rivers did it better.

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I'm more interested in the middle age mommy bodied with thick mommy arms and meaty milkers on the right

so what he does a little dance while he "droooomphs"?

t. fat pajeet

In case it wasn't absolutely clear that they hate you, lmao


Is she just going to race bait every episode?

Who seriously thinks they'll get to fuck an aggressive, outspoken lesbian and that it'll be fun?

She got the Carson Daly timeslot.

She's not even American, she's from Canada

What'sup with those shoes?

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Yikes. I'm sorry we keep dumping our trash in your country and it's not right.

gotta be hip for them young folks


She's just a regular person like you and me

Maybe the Orange Man will revoke her visa

>the Leno/Conan feud and Letterman retired.
what about the 5 years in between?

Her strength is above the waist but below the neck, if ya know what I mean.

why does she have a fucking studio? Carson was just interviews and performances, not hacky propogandous monologues

I'm sure the viewer count is real high.

not going to lie the middle-class Asian-Canadian doing the black American accent thing is really infuriating to me. maybe I just need to have sex but does that bother anyone else?

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Everyone in this image.

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funny how it's always the colored comedians talking about race 99% of the time

not to mention the lack of content and time restrictions makes podcasts more interesting

f r e s h

>Hey, Mike. What was your reaction for Clash of Champions?

>cultural homogeneity
Letterman never tried to be overly political

the answer to your first question is that middle America supports Hollywood and prefers seeing whites

>stoners getting back from a Taco Bell run
because NBC is the first choice for stoners for entertainment: not the internet, not even cable, the fucking wasteland that is broadcast television SNL is still based tho

>he thought being a pleasant person to be around was too "phony" to stay on this show and The Office

>in an alternate universe, Joan still has The Tonight Show

>make fun of whiteoids show #324

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You are just desperate.
pay a russian hooker, get your poison out and look at mindy again, you will see her by what she is (a loopig)


Yeah it's like italians trying to get under the people of color umbrella. Very obvious attempt to profit from a political movement thats not about you. Kinda like trans women.

why does every indian celebrity have to mention that they’re “brown” every 5 seconds?

Minority fags. They can take a shit on a baby sitting on the American flag and if you criticize... Then YOU are the problem.

>Yeah it's like italians trying to get under the people of color umbrella

Name one instance of this happening outside of that Chris Cuomo thing

Got a problem you fucking BIGOTS?


do zoomers like this?

Because their identity is their skin color
Just like fags base their identity on who they fuck

So this is the power......of left-wing comedy......

Sorry Mr. Bruscetto but IA's who pass as PoC are absolutely trying to hop onto that bandwagon. If you haven't picked up on that, it's not really my fault.



No, the majority of us are sick of this shit. The only people that like this are the liberal art college students and the woke twitter crowd.

t. Zoomer

t. virgin

that ass would look absolutely grotesque naked. 2 shapeless pancake flabs

turned it off when I saw her shoes

haha hashtag jokes, very funny stuff on display here

Nice try, Tony.

i keep seeing this shit all over youtube
fuck off

Name one example


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Canadian sikhs are so fucking cringe. They're obsessed with nigger culture and leftist ideologies.
t. sikh

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Having the same name as a porn star.

>actually knowing this

It went private, what was it?

> A Canadian poo dyke.

Just what America wanted to see.

> her first show kicked off with a sketch … that morphed into a musical number. It served as an introduction to who she is, but also the tone the show is going to take: inclusive, progressive, and cheeky. It’s a Donald-free zone, “unless his last name is Glover,” she rapped.

How brave!

Jesus christ this is bad

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Her "rap"

She starts off by spitting the rhymes: “Hello my name is Lilly and I ain’t a white man/My skin has some color and it ain’t a spray tan/I know you’re only used to Jimmys up in the spotlight/but I’m gonna throw some melanin up in your late-night”.

From there, the lyrics start to catch fire: “My writers’ room look like a mini-United Nations/More than 50 percent women and people of all races/And that’s not because I had to, it’s because I could/This the new standard so take note Hollywood”.

Then at one point, she talks about her love life: “I’m about spice up your life/so if you want to be my lover/I put B in LGBT/I’ll take Sansa and her brother”.

She's not just a pajeet, she's a Canadian pajeet. Let me explain, here in Canada Pakis and Pajeets are the most fucking entitled bunch of cunts you could ever have the displeasure of meeting. They get off the boat, take all of our service jobs, then live in a house rented out to them by some Chinese slumlord with their dozens of cousins they ship over from Fagistan and have no regard for the culture and customs of Canada. But in spite of being human cockroaches, they have the sheer audacity to claim that they are true Canadians and that everyone should be grateful that they are diversifying up old Canadian cities and neighborhoods with their funny smelling restaurants and shady convenience stores. They literally and figuratively smell their own farts every day.

this is on national television? i dont find it funny but this could be alright as a yt channel or amazon series

The brown M&M joke was the only thing there with any potential and it still fell flat. The rest of the set was genuinely abysmal and I don't know how it made it to air.

>SNL is still based tho
Yeah, I love hearing some Jews who get an easy ride through Harvard telling me how great fags and blacks are and how evil whites are.

seems like an unoffensive and forgettable show, i don't see why everyone is cringing so hard about it, is it really this jarring for you when you are not the target audience of something?

> the 96-episode first season was block-shot during the fall so that Singh could devote time to her other projects,

Enjoy watching canned six month old shows.

True dat. There's an entire section of my city that people call Little Baghdad.

NICE. I have been waiting for something like this for ages. Do we know the ratings yet? The ratings for this will be a perfect barometer for how fucked this country is and how powerful the Indian Demographic is for keeping a show around.

lmaoooo. Its gonna get cancelled and shell go on a rant about how NBC is sexist/racist

The show comes on at 1:30 in the fucking morning

More like

reddit. zoomer

>hey did I mention I'm brown
>hey did I mention I'm bi
Great material

wow she fucking sucks, it's like she's at a talent show or something.

what the fark

Same as Daily had, and this is as high as she gets, with the media push.

> the first episode of Singh’s series, which featured guest Mindy Kaling, averaged a 0.6 rating/3 share in metered-market households

Why do women wear suits? They always look terrible, what’s wrong someone with a vagina wearing a dress? Unless she’s built like a brickfuckshack women always looks better in a dress

Dresses are sexist and pant suits are empowering or something.

She was shite in the demo. She was supposed to trawl in the zoomies

> A Little Late’s” debut also received a 0.2/2 among the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demographic in the 25 markets with local people meters,

Interesting strategy. I would imagine the ones who watch late night still are people in the south and midwest since they don't have anything better going on and she essentially starts with "fuck you" to that demographic.

Pretty much confirms the current culture being pushed is demographic rights trump individual rights. If you look at her as an individual you see an unfunny cunt that is as entertaining as a root canal. But if you see her as all the boxes she checks off, by just being there you MUST laugh or be labeled a bigot forever and be canceled.

Boomers are retarded, just because you move over a B-list youtuber (she hasn't posted a video in 9 months or so) over to television doesn't mean her followers will blindly follow her.

Hardly any zoomers even know how to work their TV. And the television format is too different from the youtube skit format so it's not even she's the same person when they see her on TV.

What’s empowering about obvious penis envy?

Please clap.

> A network insider told TheWrap it’s important to keep in mind that NBC isn’t using Singh’s “linear” ratings as the “yardstick” by which to measure her show’s performance, as it is “designed to build off of Lilly’s already strong YouTube presence.”

How does that make money for NBC?

> Dunno.

> Speaking of the social side, there were more than 13,000 tweets about Singh’s new show after NBC dropped the first episode on YouTube Monday, several hours ahead of “A Little Late’s” linear premiere at 1:35 a.m.

How does that make money for NBC?

> Dunno.

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her voice is fucking shit for one

More people are tweeting about Rob Schneider FFS

You know, we have to keep hearing about this vague notion about how Trump "validates" racism to his followers as shit like this is sneaking by without criticism.

was thinking this exact same thing. total disconnect between the target audience and the actual viewers most likely.

That description

>Lilly Singh's monologue from Monday, September 16 highlights the "bawses" who came before her and tackles how some people are afraid that minorities are taking over. And maybe… they are

1.4 billion and yet they're still clinging onto muh minority status

Dude I don't know. I'm not a dyke gender studies professor so their insane ramblings on women's attire (or anything else really) is lost on me.

What minorities? Fucking Juan or Chang isn't going to watch this garbage. Most Indians in the US or Canada are semi-successful and don't ride the "muh POC status". This show's only target audience are woke whites and niggers. Thats it.

Yea Indians already work 12 hour days for Mr. Shekelstien's IT department. No way will they be staying up for this

> Taped all your shows months ago

> 5 shows a week

> Fridays are still repeats

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why the fuck are there so many indians

How can you do this with a late show? Isn't the point of the late show to be somewhat relative to that weeks events?

women's sneakers are unironically my fetish
I'm delighted they are in style now

not even kidding

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>I’m brown hahaha

The Chinese government realized overpopulation was going to be an issue so they initiated the single child policy- India has a very fractured government and never initiated any population control programs. Culturally the Indians have always viewed the next generation as a spurce of income during retirement, so having as many healthy children as possible is an economic model for the lower castes.

Of course it is a jew

I mean a Jewish writer in late night, this was already implied

put some respect on his name you bitch

That is the most stereotypical jewish last name.

>this is on national television?
not for long

There has got to be something weird going on with that like ratio. I mean she was a youtube star so what are the chances they helped her? I've seen less offensive shit get thundercrushed with downvotes

I’m a Midwesterner and nobody I know has watched late night or any form of cable tv in years.

didnt that commie latina do it too at some new york rally? I don't care about politics much but saw a youtube vid of her suddenly acting way more black for that crowd.


> NBC will air A Little Late with Lilly Singh: The Primetime Special on Wednesday at 10 p.m. ET/PT. The 60-minute special — which has been slated following the two-hour season finale of America’s Got Talent — will feature Singh in a variety of sketches, games, and interviews. Guests for this special include Christina Aguilera, Tony Hale (working with a variety of wigs), This Is Us stars Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia, Kenan Thompson, and a performance by 5 Seconds of Summer.

Kenan Thompson will do anything for a check. He's on a Disney special this week pimping Galaxy's Edge.

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They’re not sending their best.

Kenan Thompson is the guest tonight, should i make a watch thread? starts at 1:38am US EST (hour and 23 minutes or so)

>having as many healthy children as possible is an economic model for the lower castes.

Pretty much this. Not to mention they want, ironically, as many boys as possible, so you keep pumping them out until you have a good ratio.

Arrogant, self hating liberal knee-jerkers.

I have a theory. Something is "dying" when it was once filled with white people and they change it to cater to brown people. It's like a last gasp of relevancy to squeeze money out of something. I don't watch the Walking Dead anymore but from what I see it's becoming a blacker show and the ratings keep dropping.


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arent zoomers getting more and more conservative, they're sick of the LGBT stuff at least thanks to trannies ruining everything

Yes please in fact find a site that will stream lets hate watch together.

In political terms this is known as a thermidorian reaction

do americans know that canadian indians act like blacks?

do it

Probably why they’re airing it every day, 4 20 minute eps a week will help keep some of the relevancy of the topics if there is any, the longer they stretch it out the worse it is

>i've already come this far, surely just a little more and i'll get laid

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Then where my Revolutionary Courts and Madame Guillotine at

God damn this keeps getting worse as the thread goes on

We never made it to the reign of terror part since hillary lost

If the show is nothing but
>vague references to some dumb thing Trump just did
>wypipo jokes
>yaaasss queen slay
They could run the same block of 96 episodes forever and no one would know the difference.

Name one late night show that isn’t written and produced by Jews

The Daily Shoah

The jokes were shit but she could have saved a few of them if her delivery and comedic timing wasn't so terrible. Just awful.

Daily Shoah?

>vague references to some dumb thing Trump just did

Nothing in the show can be topical, because the shows are all taped months ago. Giant Crawling Eye Monsters from Vega could invade tomorrow and the show still couldn't make mention of it.

Because they have sex


>i don't see why everyone is cringing so hard about it
Nobody is cringing about this, this is the worst kind of bad, the kind where it's just extremely forgettable. At least if it was cringeworthy I would be able to enjoy it on some level.

No, Kaur and Singh are just surnames. Not sure what Kaur translates to, but afaik Singh means king.

It's all so tiresome.

Sounds like a scene from The Hunger Games movie, with Caesar Flickerman.

They should make a sequel to the Late Shift about how Lilly Singh smashed the glass ceiling and defeated evil Carson Daily and took her job from the evil white man

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I'm actually a Midwesterner and all we do is watch tv

found a stream, will make it around 1:15-1:20am or so

WHAT?? YOU HAVE got to be kidding! So it won't be topical at all. lolololololo

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down to watch this mess

I will view it

sounds good to me, how long is it until then?

i'll make the thread in 25 min

Viral TV is impossible, if that's what their going for. Pulling a million viewers for news and the average sitcom is a battle. Much less a she fag with the old tired "me ethnic, you not" shtick at 2am.

Like 45 minutes

i'll make a thread in 25 min, at 1:15am here. That's 23 min before the show starts. i'm pretty autistic about timing, it will be there

Can you link to the stream?

thanks lad, timezones are tricky so countdown type posts work best

i will in the OP for the watch thread, turn off adblocking or the site won't work, doubt enough people will be watching to crash it so should be fine


Who is this? Ive never seen her in fucking anything.

>turn off adblocking or the site won't work
i was wrong just checked, you can keep it on

YouTuber that replaced Carson Daly on NBC.

Fucking how does that even happen?

Did anyone notice that she farts @ 2:23. Not a Tarantino joke, she literally does fart.

96 episodes block shot? It will just exclusively be fuck white people and retarded interviews since it wont relate to anything.

Carson daly is alive?

He also called her "the definition of trying too hard"

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I think she was that superwoman person. don't remember her using a black accent though.

>1.3 billion Indians on planet earth
>still regarded as a ‘minority’
I hate liberals.

no i didnt at first, guess its already a shitshow a little over 2 minutes in

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Of course this faggot would chime in.


where is that gamethread faggot?

here fucker, i had to edit the the stream address since it kept calling the OP spam

>everyone wanted to bone
"everyone wants to bone a pudgy, femlet pajette"

Holy shit, it’s real. Might be compelled to watch if she keeps farting like that.

>Viral TV is impossible, if that's what their going for.
it's not, all they need to do is eek or one or two "viral" clips a week and have youtube astroturf the fuck out of it
prog evangelicals obviously realize nobody is staying up till 2am to watch this shit

this is absolutely insufferable

I don’t think one joke landed and I slightly smirked at like one. Hopefully she can work on that shit but this doesn’t help with the women aren’t funny meme. She tries really hard to be aloof and charismatic but it just feels so shallow.

how does that cover the expense of a television show. unless she is working for free which would be funny too.

legitimately cringeworthy, that hurt to watch

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this is like if maddox got a television show. some people don't belong in the big spotlight.

you're talking about a network that gave megyn kelly a $20 million salary, it's not always about dollars and cents and they'll just get youtube/google to cooperate in astroturfing her videos

Most Indians I know have kitchens in the garage because their food smells

this fucking settles it. I'm voting mad max.

eh, I mean it's bad but it's not any worse than Conan's first monologue, same introduction jokes more or less, just a better/bigger audience.

Being Indian is all she has.

I don't know about Lily Sing, but for the Patriot Act, no rarely does he talk about Trump. Stop giving into outrage culture

>one of the biggest fears of white American is that minority’s are coming to take their jobs
>we are

*white audience cheers*


first 3 minutes was funnier than anything on late night in years

Yeah well she’s white and dead so fuck off racist

>same introduction jokes
precisely, and this show is being hosted by a diverse, youthful firebrand so one would assume that it might be different than formulaic crap that was played out 25 years ago

What is it about Indian culture that leads to such cringey behavior? No matter who they are or where they grew up they're the most cringe race. Is it just because they look goofy, because I assume it's a cultural thing

I am white, I don't care they laugh at white people.
BUT IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!! If they made funny anti-white jokes I would love it, but nooooooo.
Indians, women and lefties are not funny.
Humor is grounded in reality, and lefties are not grounded in reality. You need real life situations to make jokes from them.

Joan Rivers is hilarious, even funnier then most male comedians these days.

Joan Rivers is dead


>Jannies deleted all posts about the Indian caste system

Interesting, isn't it?

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shes trying so hard to be black

The janny deleted my post where I stated no races would want to see this, especially Indians.

I've never been so repulsed by someone so pretty before. The amount of arrogance this bitch has is unbelievable.

Smells like outsourcing to me.

A step down from Goldstein

but a step up from shmeckledorfer

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How is his comment giving into outrage culture? He is just guessing the jokes.

what's the targer audience for this

Indians are fucking retarded.

>all those You’s

Damn, this is gonna be good.

liberal whites have this weird notion thart white people are the majority on the planet

Minorities that have no faith in their own culture, are so starved to be cool that they’ll pick the most popular minority: blacks. Any Asians that are into black culture and rap are automatically trash for this reason.

kek does this mean we're being moderated by poo's

hes literally getting outraged at jokes he doesn't know exist

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I got to admit the Brown M&M joke was kinda funny.


Based and redpilled

>Why did she think middle America would be "terrified" to see someone like her on television?
Because whites yet do not realize they're actively replaced and genocided, non-whites take their taxes, lives and now jobs too

Sounds exactly like the jews and their holocostcos