Growing up is realizing The Terminator is better than Terminator 2

Growing up is realizing The Terminator is better than Terminator 2.

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>Take a dark and atmospheric action film and turn it into a generic popcorn quip fest
Cameron is a fucking retard.
Ruined both the Terminator and Alien franchises.

All his movies are complete shit besides T1.

>b-b-but T2 has more explosions
T1 vs T2 is the perfect contrast between 80's and 90's movies.

But I always already knew this.

Last Action Hero is the true connosiuer's Arnold kino btw.

Then I guess I was never a child.

t2 is good on first watch but then you realize the whole cyberdyne plot is stupid and badly paced and the kid is beyond awful
but the best thing about all these movies? arnolds genuinely amazing screen presence

>the kid is beyond awful
Young John Connor is on the same level as young Anakin. I always hated him. I also hated how they tried to humanize the T800. What made T1 so horrifying was how inhumane and unrelenting it (IT, not HE) was.

I watch The Terminator way more these days. But T2 has way fucking better action scenes, which is an objective fact.

>way fucking better action scenes
And 0 atmosphere. It's made for the general American audience that jacks off to explosions. I will admit though, the T1000 was pretty awesome.


Oy vey I've come for my intellectual property

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Still recall the moment of realization that i don't have to pretend to like all the Schwarzeg****r movies. Was very revealing.

Relieving too.

Actually I've known this fact since I was 10 years old

But they are both good and original

I prefer the first Terminator but T2 has better special effects and a better soundtrack. It still looks so good 28 years later. T1 has aged a bit, especially with the puppets and stop motion.

The thing I don’t like about T2 is the movie comes to a grinding halt when they go to the desert. The pacing stops dead in it’s tracks. The first film doesn’t have that problem. It’s pacing and story are perfect.

They’re both great though. I don’t see why autistic retards try to put the two against each other. Same writers, same director, same actors, same cast and crew, same artists. T1 and T2 are virtually the same movie.

t1 has the better first two thirds
t2 has the better last third
fight me

>t2 has the better last third

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Fucking based. Arnie should really do a Jack Slater Returns.

Fuck you, asshole.

T1000 still hasn’t been topped

grow up some more and you will realize that you can like both and stop being a contrarian faggot

I like the first one more than the second. I think it's the 80s appeal for me.

They are both great


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truly based

Snyderfags, Prometheusfags, SWsequel/prequelfags and you. All the same

children ruin every movie, should be illegal, force them to use midgets instead. also as a bonus jews would leave hollywood pretty quick

>ey not for nuttin, but why didn't they just fly T-1959 into LA to stop the terminator?

Terminator 1 was stolen from a short story.