Name a better acted character in the history of television/film/play
Name a better acted character in the history of television/film/play
Bert Cooper.
jack Nicholson was the best joker
Agent Dale Cooper
In television? No problem.
it was a flawless performance
Schillinger in Oz
Freddy Quell
Daniel Plainview
Robert Ford
>Just one more thing, Mr said you were smoking gabagool, right? Fresh? I just can't remember what you said, my wife is always saying I can't remember anything these days. That's why I wanted to ask, just to make sure my notes aren't all screwed up. You were? That's interesting, that's very interesting. Y'know, I'm not Italian, but I grew up surrounded by them. Great people, so friendly, my dad was a beat cop and I was one of those, uh...what's the word...I forget...latch kids. Latch something or other. Anyway, they'd always have me and my mother over for dinner when my dad was working late processing mob lackeys. Mostly errand boys, small fry. Those dinners! So intense! So huge! I gained five inches on my waist but I wish I had gained five inches in height! What was I saying? Oh, yeah, gabagool, interesting stuff. You know...they would call it capicola. You ever hear of capicola? No? Well...maybe it's a regional thing. Where are you from again? Really? Interesting. You know, I always thought it was cured. Salted. I never saw an Italian smoke gabagool.
Rust from True Detective
unironically, no body.
he absolutely killed that role.
in whitecaps I had anxiety watching tony and carmela fight. It felt like I was spying on a real married couple having it the fuck out.
Of course he was, that's how he knew what gabagool actually was and how it's made. It was all a string of what seemed like incoherent rambling and you fell for it hook line and sinker. Now he knows you're the one who is spamming cp all the time. Hope you got a good lawyer, user.
Single best character to ever be on a television show.
This thread made me realize columbo was better than tony
This guy carried the entire show.
Absolute kino user
British "people's" opinions don't matter, thankfully.
I always skip their fights because they're too accurate
except he wasn't playing a character, he was playing himself
rust from your sister cunt
He was the best if we are being real
You're at the club and this guy comes up and slaps cuffs on your gf and tells you to stick around for just one more thing, what do you do?
help him as much as I can, but also be put out by it the whole time