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Reminder that Jason has a higher kill count than Michael as well as a higher movie count and was able to avoid rebooting his series 3 times
What was michael’s problem against is his family?
jason was always dope
True but Michael's the only one between the two who was ever in a good movie.
>reminder that the hacks that made Friday the 13th watched halloween with notepads because they had no idea how to make a horror movie
>reminder that they’re stupid asses took everything they saw super literal and then over used them in the friday series and now because of this these stupid tropes are still used to this day
>”those people just had sex and micheal killed them”
>”that guy just said ‘I’ll be right back’ and then he got killed”
>”they smoked the devils lettuce and drank alcohol and then got killed”
>”are you writing all this down?”
nothing worse than pretentious idiots assigning meaning to literally everything they see
No fighting, post slasher kino instead
sleepaway camp 2
It's funny because Halloween II did the same thing with Friday the 13th.
Yes, because kill count equals better. What retard logic.
I guess Darth Vader is king villain since he blew up an entire planet. His kill count is billions
>took everything they saw super literal and then over used them in the friday series and now because of this these stupid tropes are still used to this day
So Friday the 13th was more influential than Halloween? Neat
theyre slasher movies. Kill count is one of the only things that matters.
Only for retard slasher movies. Real slasher movies rely on suspense and atmosphere. TCM had a low kill count and gore and it’s an all time classic.
The granddaddy of slashers Psycho had a low kill count. It was all suspense
Based. Angela was a qt
Michael is the most realistic. We had this tall retard in our neighbourhood who rarely spoke and would jump around like a fucking madman. His hyperactivity made him look creepy as hell. One time, he randomly broke a store’s windows and almost attacked the employees and 8 cops had to detain him like he was Michael fucking Myers.
>TCM had a low kill count and gore and it’s an all time classic.The granddaddy of slashers Psycho had a low kill count. It was all suspense
And guess which franchises have had more longevity?
Friday the 13th has the most movies out of all the big slashers
Second most movies and 2nd highest kill count is? Halloween. Why? Its due in part to the kill count.
F13th Part 2 is a solid slasher movie on its own. The rest are terrible but entertaining.
>The rest are terrible but entertaining.
Nah. F13 2009, VI, and even IV are all decent.
I will say Michael's highs are higher than Jason's but, Friday the 13th is more consistently decent
Halloween is an overrated franchise.
>We had this tall retard in our neighbourhood who rarely spoke and would jump around like a fucking madman.
sounds like a description for Boo Radley in to kill a mockingbird
i always felt that halloween tried making proper good movies whereas friday 13th just had fun with it
Longevity doesn’t mean good. How many shitty Hellraiser’s are there?
F13 series turned to utter shit when it just relied on Kills than suspense like the earlier F13 movies. Kill count was the 80s jump scares
>How many shitty Hellraiser’s are there?
Not as many as Bad Halloween and Friday the 13th movies.
And its not all about suspense
F VI is one of the most popular movies in the series, and it doesn't take its self seriously.
Idea for reboot based on F13 game lore:
Jason: Birth- 8/13/76
"Death": 6/13/86
Pamela: Birth- 6/3/56
Death: 7/13/90
Pamela is raped by Jason's demonic father on 11/2/75, this destroys her mind.
Pamela marries Elias 12/22/76
Pamela kills Elias in 1978
Pamela starts working at Camp Crystal lake at the beginning of June 1986, 3 days into working there, her 10 year old son drowns in the lake after being thrown in by a group of children. Pamela blames the counselors that were assigned to lakeside because they were too busy having sex while all this went on.
Pamela sues the camp, putting it out of business
In 1988, 3 of the 5 children who threw Jason in were killed, and both of the counselors that were supposed to be watching Jason died in accidents near the camp (they were locals), police suspected Pamela, but were forced to let her go due to lack of evidence.
In the summer of 1989, 4 squatters are beheaded in two of the cabins.
In the summer of 1990, a new owner gets ahold of the campgrounds and begins renovating it, hoping to have it running by the next summer, but Pamela attacks, and over the course of 3 days, kills 4 workers, but is beheaded during a fight with the new owner.
The new owner gives up the campgrounds and it remains empty until 2018. But stories of an evil spirit roaming the grounds run rampant for years, along with 15 disappearances being attributed to the area.
This leads to an attempted re-opening in 2018 where Jason kills 10 counselors and 2 demonologists but leaves a sequel open by having one of the demonologists giving a male survivor his notes on how to hunt Jason.
Vader is king villain, you're correct
And through all those fuck-ups, they made a successful franchise.
What have you done, user?
Vanilla slashers are terrible.
>dude, what if a guy just stabbed people over and over
The genre is only worthwhile when you add a creative twist to it.
>jason comes up behind you
>hears something vibrating
>you bend over
>he sees the outline of the plug in your ass
What if jason was a girl, and instead of murder you, she shoves her ass on your dick; penetrating her pussy till she leaks on your thighs?
The best lore change that the game brought was that Jason is a Cambion/half demon
>Jason is a deformed mentally challenged person
>doesn’t apply to r63 Jason
>And its not all about suspense
>F VI is one of the most popular movies in the series, and it doesn't take its self seriously.
You just made my point. That movie had the lowest kill count and zero gore.
It replaced generic kill count with action and comedy
Hellraiser has been shit since the third movie, user.
>F13 2009, VI, and even IV are all decent
>listing the meme ones
Sounds more like Jason. Michael was a manlet. No the Rob Zombie movies don't count.
I don't get the general appeal for II. It has some good qualities but is overall purposelessly uneventful for the most part. It's not unwatchable, just ok. IV on the other hand is a much stronger and better constructed slasher.
IV was shit lmao
This. I was having a hard time watching 3, and was actually falling asleep while watching 4. As soon as they started to change the series formula up a little bit, and introduced zombie Jason, it started to actually get interesting.
Wrong order, idiot
IV > VIII > V > VI > III > X > II > I > VII > IX
Jason is Michael Myers taken to the next level.
>better look/mask
>better weapon
>higher kill count
>more memorable kills
>higher BO
Vader didn't blow up the planet, Tarkin did. But yeah, Vader is the most iconic villain of all time. It's not even debatable.
>Myers recently had an extremely successful movie with another sequel in the works, is featured character in popular videogame
>Jason is trapped in limbo hell and his game was shit
Jason dominated the 80s, 90s and early 00s.
No Freddy did. Freddy was the most financially successful series.
>Space Jason
Freddy is the only one who can salvage a Jason movie.
Freddy would still be dominating if Englund wasn’t so old. He’s so iconic it’s impossible to replace him. Where any reasonable size stuntmen can play Jason
>still getting cucked by Freddy Krueger
I'm as pro-Jason as they come, but you have to go either-or with "kill count" and "movie count", because they go hand-in-hand. What would do better is replacing the raw kills with average kills per movie.
>higher BO
Halloween 2018 made 253 million domestically.
Highest Jason BO movie was Freddy vs Jason at 114 million.
Even adjusted for higher ticket prices and inflation Halloween still made more. And biggest reason FvJ was a success was because of Freddy
>higher BO
wasn't aware they did smell-o-vision for these
does someone have and infographic about Slashers? I wanna get into them
>Even adjusted for higher ticket prices and inflation Halloween still made more. And biggest reason FvJ was a success was because of Freddy
>Halloween 2018 made 253 million domestically
The chart is adjusted for ticket inflation
>worldwide (unadjusted)
also where's the source for
>And biggest reason FvJ was a success was because of Freddy
>sees ranking he doesn't like
>posts ebin vomit reaction instead of posting his own
I see. Yeah, worldwide. Still higher domestically then FVJ
>I see
thank god
the natty king
Halloween is the better movie but Jason is the scarier, more memorable antagonistic force of the two
I don't but watch these:
Alice Sweet Alice
Halloween (1978)
Maniac (1980)
My Bloody Valentine (1981, unrated cut)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
The Burning
Really? You need a source for that? Go look how much Elm Street made compared to Friday and that’s all you need to know
NoES 1-3 >> Halloween 1-3 > F13 > the rest
>any of the hodder movies above Jason’s Lives
Better songs dedicated to him
Lol no. Halloween 1-3 is way better than NoES
H1 > NOES 1
H2 > NOES 2
H3 > NOES 3
JtM is underappreciated, especially because "title say thing but movie not thing >:(". If its title had to do with boats, it'd be more well liked. Meanwhile people can see Jason X's advertisement spam Uber Jason and not lose their shit when he only appears in the last twenty minutes.
thanks bro
Id have like JtM better if there wasn't the retarded ghost Jason kid and if Jason's design was better (like in VII). Don't care that hes only in New York for like five seconds
That's reasonable.
Which ones?
Reminder that the best movie out of both series combined has neither Jason or michael in it.
To be fair Jason does kinda have an iconic walk where he lumbers forward. Even his running is sorta lumbertastic.
Race-mixing. Now that's scary.
>Really? You need a source for that?
Which one is that?
>no black christmas
I've been saving it and don't want to recommend something I haven't yet seen.
I don't know what youre referring to
Michael is in Halloween 3
Jason is in F13 and F13 part V
>Why yes, I do need a source for that, how could you tell?
John Vick is literally fucking reddit
fair play
Jason has had 9 people play him. Each one has moved differently. Only lumbering Jason was awful Hodder.
Freddy been played only by two people. The non Englund was fully rejected by people and why there hasn’t been anymore
John Wick vs Jason Voorhees and Michale Myers kino when?
>can't swim
>single mother
>low iq
Reminder that Jason is LITERALLY the nigger of Slashers (besides Candyman)
Can anyone explain the appeal of Friday the 13th 2009 to me? I just watched it and it was genuinely awful.
It streamlined all the inconsistencies of the original movies into a more coherent storyline. It’s basically Friday 1-4.
Got rid of the awful lumbering, heavy breathing Hodder Jason and zombie Jason. Made Jason a survivalist. Which is more realistic if he’s been surviving in the woods all those years.
The down side is it’s top studio and slick and lacks the raw, cheap, quality of the originals
Return to human Jason and stupendous tits
Why are there so few Slashers these days?
Terrifier is the last one I can think of that was good.
Pic related was one I found on Amazon not too long ago. Actually enjoyed it quite a bit, even if the acting was a bit dodgy.
>plotfagging Friday movies
>Preferring a generic guy who runs to real Jason
I’ll give you tits, those were good.
My turn:
>shit kills
>shit characters
>shit direction
My roommate and I will be shooting a slasher movie at our old high school next summer. Wish us luck bros.
Horror movies reflect the fears of the current times. In the past under Christian rule, demonic shit scared people. Vampire, the undead, ghosts.
Slashers became popular in the late ‘70s during the serial killer craze
Today, people I guess are scared of Black Mirror shit
>Preferring a generic guy who runs to real Jason
What real Jason! Jason wasn’t slow in 2, 3, 4, or 6. Only Hodder’s stupid Jason was. His Jason moves like slow Myers
i think people are more scared of sources these days to be honest
He could swim in IV
He wasn’t that nimble. Either way, bad kills, bad characters, shit movie.
>>shit kills
Burning sleeping bag, floor machete and the outrageous bow double kill were all great
Yeah, his kills were fine.
Only prob with F13 was it was too slick and studio. It lacked the cheap, raw, campy feel of the originals. But that can’t be replicated
Jason ran several times in the old films, particularly when he was pissed
>Only prob with F13 was it was too slick and studio. It lacked the cheap, raw, campy feel of the originals. But that can’t be replicated
True, but there were still some great moments, like 'perfect nipple placement' or when Jason no-sells getting attacked with a bat.
Personally, I think it's fine, even if it's weak in the climax and after introducing the 2nd group of teens.
Out of all the remakes I thought it was the best one. It sucks the lawsuit kept it from going
Jason Takes Manhattan is just plain boring.
Jason's dad is like fetch, they need to stop trying to make it happen.
>You see, Freddy, I may be stuck in lawsuit hell 16 years from now but I'll have grossed over $100,000,000 more than you adjusted for ticket price inflation, and that's all you need to know.
6 > 2009 > 3 > 2 > X > FvJ > 8 > 4 > 5
haven't seen the others yet
>shit kills
The axe throw kill is one of the best in the series and the asian guy getting a screwdriver through his throat is grisly as fuck
Awwww boo hoo