Name a more autistic movie than this

Name a more autistic movie than this

Protip: you can’t

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it's essential incelcore

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fuckin depressing you ask me
what did the ending mean? did he truly become a lobster

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we're left to wonder if being with rachel weisz was worth gouging his eyes out or he ditched the blind bitch at the diner

we're left to wonder if love is truly blind

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ahhh, I liked it. funniest movie I saw all year probably.

I noticed that their speech patterns resemble a text conversation in type, I think that was the directors intention, not to make everyone autistic.

My life.

One of the best movies of the 2010s. What are some other movies with similar humour?

Not possible. Though I wouldn't call it autistic, more like Asperger syndrome: the movie.

I figured the actors' delivery was intended to give an idea of the emotionally-suppressed society they live in. It's a sorta-1984 setting. The state has turned True Love in to just another bureaucratic structure. Of course the people are going to be flat and emotionless. You notice John C Reilly's character (who's one of the least successful at the institute or whatever) is very bad at controlling himself and shows a lot of emotion. Whereas one of the most successful residents is a literal psychopath.

I was living in East London when this came out. The fanbase was predictable.

post the webm of the handjob

I realize this movie attracts hipsters, but you shouldn't let that take away from enjoying the movie for what it is.

Although, if the irony is lost on you of being so determined not to be influenced by hipsters that you're completely influenced by hipsters, you may not enjoy it.

I accidentally watched this movie with a voice track for deaf people that had a narrator explaining everything visually happening on the screen. I didn't realize until the last scene in the diner. It was honestly kino and I wish more films had a narrator

Are you fucking retarded? There has practically never been a more bitter and hilarious film about marriage ever made. The Lobster is literally anti-autism, anti-incel, the film.

I need Léa to tie me up and torture me with her feet for finding her attractive.

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>deaf people

Oh no, I'm retared