>was it kino?
>wtf was his/her problem?
>(now that the dust has settled) who was in the wrong here?
>what did he/she mean by this?
>what's his/her expression trying to convey?
>cast him/her
>kinos for this feel?
>who will play him/her in the inevitable biopic?
>what went wrong/right?
>Idris Elba
Was it kino?
someone get this hothead out of here!
>Looks like kino is back on the menu boys.
>kinos for this aesthetic?
But, seriously, who WAS in the wrong?
It's a little formulaic, but it can be good to work within a formula.
seems like plebbit would be more of your liking
you're the problem here not him.
The director who thought she was too prissy for hardcore assfucking
This cesspit is so intellectually barren that there really is no better way to get a discussion going than by starting a thread off with one of these.
based metaposter
Also maario naharis
Yea Forums/nel is shit.
Always has , and always will be .The sooner you realize that the better
>you're the problem here not him.
>le reddit frog thread
Honestly just go to another board, this whole site is fucked now. When you get talking to people who enjoy what they do and don't give a shit about what others think (unlike this site) you'll start to enjoy yourself again. This site has become a parody of itself and it's gone to hell for it.
But she was a bit of a princess though, wasn't she?
>you're the problem here not him.
When this shit gets posted too I don't even bother to read the posts or click the topics. They are a great way to filter out shit.
>movies women will never understand
>the great debate
>you just know
>he did nothing wrong
>he killed millions
>he can't keep getting away with it
>*blocks your path*
>imagine the smell
>just marathoned FILM. What did I think of it?
>was it kino?
Well, was it kino?
This place has been dead since 2012
>your the problem here not him
>thoughts on this tummy?
It's almost like Yea Forums is a braindead contrarian circlejerk where one-upping eachother with meaningless buzzwords and forced memes is more important than having watched the fucking movie in question. Might as well take the t out of Yea Forums because it's that far gone.
Based meta frogposter
The other site is honestly a better option at this point.
Face it, us reddit-discorders have won
>complaining about formulaic threads on a television and film board
If you hate those threads, why don’t you just return to Reddit?
where is cunnyposter when you need him?
You make that sound like a bad thing, like he will lose out on top quality threads posted here if he leaves.
Its funny because almost every board has this problem. 4channel is shit.
I just don’t understand. If you hate Yea Forums, just leave. Moderation is cancer and if you want it, go to any other Internet forum.
relatively speaking
it's good for us when redditors leave
I've started going to reddit anyway, this place is dead compared to how it was. I'm enjoying talking to people there. I come here hoping one day it will one day go back to how it was but I know that day will never come again. This place was funny almost 24/7 even with shit-posting but now it's just fucked. Enjoy your husk.
dumb frogposter
>This place was funny almost 24/7 even with shit-posting but now it's just fucked. Enjoy your husk.
That's why me and the discorders bring MORE redditors with our EPIC screen caps!!