Movies that were controversial upon release but went on to become certified kino?

movies that were controversial upon release but went on to become certified kino?

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allegory is the lowest form of art

You first OP.

>he fell for the allegory meme
>he lets the director's comments influence his interpretation of the film

you first

you don't need to hear shit that hack Aoronfsky says to understand the vapid and shallow biblical allusions

>vapid and shallow
What have you done with your life that even remotely compares to some of 'Aornofsky's' work

vapid AND shallow?

>hurr durr you can't criticize awful shit unless you've done better!
note how this poster didn't even try to defend that shit movie and went straight for the ad hominem

It's pretty obvious. He doesn't have to explain it. Also stop shilling this fucking film. The character of Ed Harris even has a scar on ribs, wow so deep.
Nothing by i'm also not a privileged kike hack.

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dude, it's just a movie about an artist's ego destroying his marriage

>'ad hominem'
>'hurr durr'
we both know you've learned your debating skills from Yea Forums infographics. it's pretty obvious. I actually didn't care as much about the 'vapid and shallow' comment (I wasn't crazy about mother) as I was about you labeling 'Aornofsky' a hack, which is ridiculous.

You interpret it that way but first and foremost it's a biblical allegory and it's fucking obvious. You can then string some other interpretations on it but the biblical one is the strongest one since it's so obvious and unsubtle.

>Literally his entire filmography is excellent

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ad, ad, ad hominem. You can keep doing it all you want. Aoronfsky is still a hack

I didn't say that he was a hack you moron.
>his filmography is excellent
We have already established that mother is mediocre. So is Requiem for a Dream and Noah.

Only good movie he's made was Black Swan and even that was iffy

Pi, Requiem and Mother are all great
Noah is bad
