>da oozie nein milly meeda
Da oozie nein milly meeda
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you can't do that
phased... plasma rifle... in the 40 watt range... por favor...
da juicy prime willy beater
If the assassin sent to kill Kyle Reese was supposed to NOT draw attention, why did they send a bodybuilder with a funny foreign accent?
Precisely for that reason. He drew so much attention that Kyle Reese would never expect him to be the Terminator
Just what you see amigo
>unfortunately sir I won't be able to run your information through the FBI NICS background check unless you give me your full name; "da t-800 terminator" is not a real name, and besides you sound like you're straight from Austria, I can only sell to foreigners if you've established a 90 day residency.
>40 watt
Isn't that like the power output of an average incandescent lightbulb?
Machines are dumb
>power output
Haha no
Also, please go sit down infront of a 40W laser and turn it on. Tell us how it went.
>I'll take the lot!
incandescent lightbulb is unfocused and emitting on many wavelengths.
Typically, a laser is extremely focused and emitting on a narrow wavelength.
the most powerful laser for general purchase that i know of is a 3.5W Blue laser, and "It engraves on a great variety of surfaces including acrylic, glass, stone. Can cut 2-3 mm (1/8'') of acrylic with a single pass."
Also it will destroy all electro optical sensors if you pass it over them, even including those on aircraft or even possibly satellites if you can actually track it long enough.
Why didn't Skynet send a Terminator back to the start of the war to warn itself about the Resistance's every move?
It's just a movie bro
>sent to kill Kyle Reese
this is explained in a deleted scene from terminator 3
But we're talking about a phased plasma rifle, not a laser.
Laser can technically be used to form plasma, basically making a lightning gun. I think in the Terminator's case, they just used the term plasma rifle because it sounded cool.
i buy the suit sounding like a german
i don't buy arnold sounding like a fat black southerner
when he moves his mouth, it is very easy to tell that the sounds that would come out would not at all sound like a southern american.
have you ever touched an incandescent light bulb that's been on for two minutes?
now, suppose you could take that power, and transform it usefully and more efficiently into something more useful than just heat.
Arnie’s body was the T-800 template. All of them looked like him.
Also he was sent back to kill Sarah Conner, who would have no idea what a terminator is
He was sent to kill Sarah
You turdbrained moron
>Arnie’s body was the T-800 template
this was always stupid
>implying nics was a thing in the 80s
you can use it to "light people up"