So now we gotta pretend this 50 IQ hobo who makes movies for insane clown posse jugalos and meth addicts is a...

so now we gotta pretend this 50 IQ hobo who makes movies for insane clown posse jugalos and meth addicts is a respectable director and cinephile? naw im good

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what you don't think that the hangover was the best movie of the past 20 years? what are you a retard?

also i agree with joe that seth rogen never misses and is hilarious.

House of 1000 Corpses is the only good thing he's ever made.

That's a low bar.

>insane clown posse jugalos and meth addicts
Mafacka dont make me swing my hatchet at u big money hustla$ was one of the best movys of all time woop woop mmfwcl

he claims that he just flunked his way into a career. is that possible?

that movie is funny

I thought his version of Halloween was good, but the sequel was trash.

movies don't have to be citizen kane to be enjoyed

enjoying a movie doesn't make it good

Devil's Rejects is a way better film. Both are shameless rip offs. Zombie is creatively bankrupt, but he is capable of creating some nice visuals. His films have good music as well.

>Both are shameless rip offs
of what?

also the ending to devils rejects where the song free bird plays is such a weird boomer choice that only rob could make

>muh freebird!
>muh tootie fuckin' fruity
Devil's Rejects sucked

Whatever, Dragula still slaps tho

Trump was elected president and he's a literal retard who can't read.

They shouldn't be dogshit either.

since we're all here, what did you think of lords of salem?

laughable dogshit

>devils rejects
more like devils retards

hur dur drummp

>DR. SATAN..!!

well you do watch a 50IQ ufc wannabe radio host so I don't get why you're complaining op?

I thought Devils Rejects was great desu
And Lords of Salem is massively underrated

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whoop whoop

>t. trumpcels

Same here, my mate who's a horror film-aficionado fucking loves the guy's films, I've tried pic related and a couple of others, could not see much of value at all. Silly, not scary.

Nobody ever said he was good, all he does is make edgy shit movies about muh white trash. Devil's rejects and house of 1000 corpses are the only passable movies he's made and even those were mediocre. Still more enjoyable than capeshit at least.

>horror film-aficionado
Gorehounds aren't really horror fans, they just like blood and monsters.

he's a self admitted retard, can't even play an instrument.

i would say it's more of a product of it's time than actually good movies. back then they just seemed to fit and make sense, kinda like the macarene or something

>horror fans
horror fans arent really movie fans, they just like to suck dick

Remember when rob zombie was in a twisted metal game?

when joe lets it slip that he doesn't know what rob does musically. kek

Terribly predictable, saw the ending coming from a mile away. His wife can't act for shit, let alone carry a film.

The only thing i liked were the sounds the record made, for some reason.

no, but it doesn't surprise me

I always thought his movies were 4/10 quality and his wife isn't that good of an actress.

>also i agree with joe that seth rogen never misses and is hilarious.

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>his wife isn't that good of an actress.
she showed her ass a few times, got me diamonds when i was younger

Go to bed, grandad.


Oh no he does enjoy more cerebral stuff, absolutely...but his faves tend to be the iconic slashers, Freddie, Jason, Leatherface, Michael Myers etc.
Yeah he got into all that stuff when it came out, we're both 40+. I didn't watch them until relatively recently though. I will say Sid Myers (?--the guy from the first scene of Bone Tomahawk) is deliciously OTT, though.

i think i liked the final scene visually, but the movie was a mess

Did Joe ask him if his Halloween remake was intentionally comedic?

I'd really like to see him direct someone elses material... and, maybe not cast Sherri so much.

House of 1000 Corpses
Devils Rejects

All kino, deal with it nerds

you know that you don’t have to “pretend” anything.
you’re allowed to have your own opinion, you’re allowed to disagree with popular consensus, you’re allowed to shit on things that you dislike.
you will learn all this as you get older.

also House of 1000 Corpses is kino and fuck anyone who disagrees

It does

1000 Corpses is kino but that's it.

he talks about trying to make a few movies that don't really seem like his usually thing, but that it didnt work out in the end. he definitely should branch out though

they do to autists. they cannot into grey areas, everything must be great or shit, nuance does not exist

>It does
people enjoy "the room"
you saying that's a good movie?

then what does?



They don't enjoy it because it's a good movie do they?

it is to the people that enjoyed it, yes.
unless they enjoyed it because they think it was bad, in which case it’s bad, to them.
good and bad are subjective opinions that vary from person to person.

>They don't enjoy it because it's a good movie do they?
so then you agree?

>then what does?
that's subjective to some extent, but my point is that you can enjoy something and still recognize that it's garbage

>you can enjoy something and still recognize that it's garbage
oh I agree, trust me I like all sorts of movies that many people would consider garbage. but the inverse is also true. if you don’t personally like a movie, it doesn’t mean that it’s bad. it just means you didn’t like it.

>but the inverse is also true
yeah, i've not enjoyed movies, but at the same time i recognized why other people did and that it was a good movie, just wasnt for me.

very in-your-face satanic propaganda
i'm a horror fan, but this looked more like a satanic devotional flick in the vein of pureflix more than anything else
he's probably a member of the church of satan too, like every other low-impulse control, low iq, pop culture fed imbecile out there

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Lords of Salem got a lot of laughs when I saw it in the theater

Lords of Salem was the wannabe rosemarys baby

Rob Zombie is a terrible filmmaker. He's almost on par with Kevin Smith.


Stay seething.

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Fapped to the first scene of his wife where she is naked in bed

This is insulting to Kevin Smith, who at one point in time had massive talent and even to this day, can write competent material and has remained relevant in pop culture while Rob Zombie is a total hack.. Kevin Smith is only half a hack

That's just being an adult mate. No facetiousness intended btw, user

Agreed, I really, really liked Red State and even Tusk was entertaining in a meme-worthy way

>and even to this day, can write competent material
Such as?

>This is insulting to Kevin Smith, who at one point in time had massive talent
Kevin Smith is insulting to the eyes and the only thing that's massive about that fat piece of shit is the amount of weight he lost after almost dying from eating too much american "cheese". He made cult-classic flicks aimed at teenagers who grew up in the 90's. If you watch them today and remove your nostalgia glasses you'll realize everything he's ever made is shit and it only got worse as time went on.

I only like JRE episodes where Rogan has someone smart on to teach him things.

me too. unless that person is neil degrasse tyson.

>seth rogen

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lurk more

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>>t. trumpcels

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this but not as harsh.

I think Kevin Smiths best work has been his Panels or commentary DVDs or specials where he just talks about shit on stage from people who ask him questions. hes got funny stories and seems like a bro, but hes not a good filmmaker.

this gud too

>neil degrasse tyson
verbose maybe

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juggalos vs. antifa

who would win?

His Halloween 1 and 2 are great and among the better Halloween films. Them changing the nature of Michael and how he was presented was the only way to make them tolerable and not nerdy masturbation of the original like most of the films, especially 2018, are. Michael as he was originally depicted only worked for the first film and isn't good enough to carry more than the one without getting changed in ways that'd upset the manchildren. These films didn't give a shit about bothering them and reimagined not only Michael but Halloween as a franchise into something that's actually sustainable for multiple films.


well juggalos are peaceful and nonviolent so

Rogan's podacast is useful for identifying hacks in academia who only look for publicity rather than engaging in any meaningful work.

What are you even hoping to accomplish by responding like this? I'm correct. The original Halloween is a limited concept and shouldn't have been a series without alterations.

Well, dude's an astrophysicist. You may not like him anymore than I do but the guy is pretty smart.

i think it was bit rosemarys baby, bit shining and bit of suspiria
but thats why i liked it

Devil's Rejects is a great movie

Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 has some weird choices (ie: how Micheal's only line is "Die") but I really appreciated how openly hostile it is to nerdy fans that jack off over the originals.

>His Halloween 1 and 2 are great and among the better Halloween films

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