So let me get this straight. Tolkien fought in fucking WW2 and created the LOTR narrative around his experiences, right...

So let me get this straight. Tolkien fought in fucking WW2 and created the LOTR narrative around his experiences, right? Then why the fuck wasn't there a baller ass Normandy-type invasion scene? Imagine how sweet the Mordor scene would have been if it had long since conquered Gondor and the Rohirrim--the finest sealords in Middle Earth--launched the most daring amphibious invasion the Third Age had ever witnessed, landing thousands of troops on Gondoran beaches and swooping through the provinces liberating the enslaved men and arriving on the doorsteps of Sauron's empire, only to have the Ringbearer (parachuted in by the Eagles) to sneak in as the enemy was distracted.

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are you stupid on purpose?

World War 1 retard

>Tolkien fought in fucking WW2 and created the LOTR narrative around his experiences
No, he has always denied this. Also it was the first world war.

Tolkien didn't engage in combat. His "war experience" was limited at most.

>Tolkien fought in fucking WW2
So that pretty much confirms that Mordor where nazis and Sauron was Hitler, huh? Incels BTFO'd by their own favorite nerdy shit

yeah lotr incels are retarded

His WW1 experience was portrayed in the Dead Marshes, which were based on the no-man's land between trenches

It was WWI, and because his aim was to create a believably mythological piece of literature that drew from European/Anglo mythology, not to write an allegory for the war

He did both, he also fought in the Spanish Civil War.

No, he hated analogies.

He fought in the star wars, idiots.

If Sauron is LITERALLY hitler, then what are the orcs?

Nazis obviously.
>get their asses kicked
>years later, even uglier, dumber people still idolize them for some reason

That sounds like you're describing Americans.

Why are people on this board so fucking ignorant and braindead?

He hated _allegories_, for boxing in the potential understanding a reader might take from a story by. His letters talk about no shortage of historical allusions in the work. The Palantir, for example, were based in part on fascist strongmen using the radio to whip people up.

Because they spend all day around people pretending to be idiots or around legit idiots. Either way they are all fucking retarded.

Wh*tes, obviously.
>obsessed with world domination
>corrupt version of the chosen race (elves/jews)

He fought WW1, STUPID
god user you are so fucking STUPUD abd RETARDED

Uruks were meant to represent Germans but the true redpill is that they actually represent all anglos and germanics

At one point Tolkien was working on a sequel to Lord of the Rings taking place a hundred years later in Gondor where men's quick satiety with good was turning them to disorientation and restlessness and "boys were playing at being Orcs" - basically the alt-right


Dwarves were Jews, Numenor was Thule (by way of Atlantis). Elves are literally just Elves

>he also fought in the Spanish Civil War
I was going to make a joke about how he supported the fascists but then i looked into it and yeah he really did support the fascists. Fucking based dude.

Attached: communism.png (1600x900, 2.32M)

One side was raping nuns and shooting priests in the head while the other side fought communism.