Did they not know about DVD box sets?

Did they not know about DVD box sets?

Attached: netflix.png (720x756, 227K)

It continually makes tons of money in syndication you retard

But why get all hyped and excited for an old show coming to Netflix? If you're a fan you'd have them by now.

Does user not know about Blu-Ray box sets?
Or piracy?

>But why get all hyped and excited
I doubt anyone really is.

People who like netflix? Are you dense?

>I doubt anyone really is.

Classic sitcom syndication is big money

Attached: hbo max.jpg (790x745, 195K)

Sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean people are hyped or excited.

How many threads are you going to make about this? Literally who gives a fuck about shitflix?

I would say this is a waste of money but their originals they dump money into are even worse

>you could watch it on dvd
>you can watch it on blu Ray
>you can watch it on cable
>you can watch it illegally
>but you choose to watch it on a streaming service that ruins the quality of the video because it’s a stream

I'd rather own something I like. Not watch it when Netflix says so.

They are using it as replacement for Friends

Why bother making this fucking announcement? Who cares what's coming to shitflix in 2 (two) years?

Wow, 2 years to wait to see a show that airs everyday.

Netflix is saved.

And why make thread after thread about it? Wow it's fucking nothing.

women will love it since it has lots of casual sex in it.

Attached: 1565181830583.png (766x650, 395K)

It’s too bad incels can’t into casual sex. That would elevate there nofap memes and finally grant them the opportunity to rid their virginities.

My dad and me have the DVDs from years ago, how much better are the blu rays?

Seinfeld was shot on film like Friends so in theory should be HD quality.

>seinfeld heading to Netflix
They are fucking terrified of Disney+ so they're being desperate and adding massive TV shows, Scorsese film, bringing back A-List comics for multiple stand-up specials. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut a deal with HBO and add their entire catalog just to compete with Disney

Didn't I just watch all of this on Hulu? Or is Hulu losing it? If they're not, who cares

It's already on Amazon Prime so whatever

normies don't know they can just download a torrent of the HD hulu rips right now

Does this mean it's off TBS and local syndication ? It's usually on both of those for me here.

No thanks

It's literally more convenient than everything else you mentioned, except piracy. BUT, very few people pirate anyway.

You have to realize that friends and the office are the two biggest hits on shitflix. Seinfeld is a replacement.

>180 episodes
including the Puerto Rico episode? how dare they. especially in the age of Trump.

Seinfeld isn't funny

when you are sober it isn't but when you are 7/10 drunk it can be pretty comfy.

How many episodes will not air because it's problematic?

She cute yo

There is nothing cute about judging people because of their race.