Was It really euthanasia propaganda?
Me Before You
Other urls found in this thread:
There's nothing wrong with euthanasia
Seriously this. My mother's been an advocate for assisted suicide for decades now.
He is a good lad
Based critics dabbing on euthanasia propaganda
>implying euthanasia propaganda is bad
>implying critics matter
There must be an easier way for her to get rid of you.
can you blame him?
>And I don’t want to look at you every day, to see you naked, to watch you wandering around the annexe in your crazy dresses and not... not be able to do what I want with you
>Oh, Clark, if you had any idea what I want to do to you right now. And I... I can’t live with that knowledge
There's nothing wrong with euthanasia. Sometimes people make a rational decision to end their lives. It's part of having bodily autonomy.
That said, I would not kill myself if I had an Emilia gf, you can be sure of that.
All waifu faggotry aside, why should anybody care if somebody else wants to kill themselves? I'm not buying the slippery slope argument. Would the people arguing against euthanasia be willing to take care of a quadriplegic?
I'd kill myself if I was forced to be around Emilia Clark too
>sjws are hypocrites
>Would the people arguing against euthanasia be willing to take care of a quadriplegic?
I think that's kind of the point though. Some people are simply not down with the reality of being dependent on other people for the rest of their lives, even if it was Emilia taking care of them. It's a depressing state to be in.
Total Hell.
Religious faggots are to blame, too, with their "life is a gift from God, so you can't kill yourself" bullshit.
I care if it's with government money (not this case)
Imagine a Yea Forums where the comfiest threads are about a 2016 romcom
I'm all up for euthanasia but disagree with abortion
I would have a difficult time killing myself if I had a woman like this with me every day.
Dave Chappelle said it best: "If she can kill the motherfucker, I can at least abandon it." Paraphrasing here, but the double standard on child rearing is ridiculous.
You have never been a quadriplegic, so I have to take your comment with a grain of salt.
Well yeah, euthanasia the person is choosing to kill himself, the baby doesn't have much choice in abortion
Characters kill themselves all the time he just happened to be crippled
People that enjoyed this movie should be euthanized.
Hath the Lord ever created a more perfect creature
>noooo, you can't enjoy a romcom
But the only reason this movie has bad reviews is because the cripple killed himself
5 days
>yfw she actually wins it but GoT wins Outstanding Writing too
>mfw she loses and got wins
why does emilia project a cutesy personality but is actually a xenophobic eugenicist that watches hitler speeches for """research"""?
Looks like the end of invaders
Extremely based
I have no idea what you are talking about.
>Thursday, October 28, 2010; 9:06 PM
>The disclosure Thursday that intelligence spending had risen to $80.1 billion, an increase of nearly 7 percent over the year before and a record high, led to immediate calls for fiscal restraint on Capitol Hill
>October 28, 2010; 10:54 PM
>Emilia Clarke is Daenerys
I heard that her favorite speech is the one at Siemens factory in Berlin
Based schizo
What did she mean by this?
This is how she wants to spend her life with a pack of sproglets
>20m budget
>208m box office
Good girl
>Emilia Clarke is box offic-
reeeeeee she's box off poison and everything she's been in has been a flop
>Clarke's response to a recent AskMen survey that named her Most Desirable Woman of 2014? "I'm sure it was some member of my family clicking a thousand times," jokes Clarke. "Maybe one of those men could ask me out on a date."
>“I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has like a dad bod,” Clarke added. “I don’t need no six-pack. Like, I ain’t kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I’ve been with has been too perfect.” That's definitely true, but we aren't complaining.
>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>But somehow a solution will be found. "Yes, I want babies," she says. "I don't know about marriage. That's probably quite a painfully millennial thing to say. But I do want to find a human that you'd want to create a family with." In England, in the country, not dissimilar to the Oxfordshire countryside where she grew up.
>"I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream," she says. "We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
>When I’m 90, I’ll have a million stories to tell my grandkids. It’ll be lovely
She's running out of time isn't?
short answer, yes and there is only a 7 year window
>dad bod
Fuck i‘m out guys.
>you will never raise kids with Emilia in the countryside
>Fuck i‘m out guys.
she's just being nice we know what she really wants
GoT is over, she can get preggo now
>7 year window
I wonder what the odds are that in 7 years I can get to London and become rich enough or prominent enough to end up at social events where Emilia is present so then I can seduce and marry and have children with her by then
Just bulk then
Would you really want to marry a 35+ yo woman?
Dad bod for woman = Cavill in Man of Steel btw
Better have children or a hand gun as my dad says
That was the joke...
I don't want some fat belly tbqwy.
I might be back in boys.
And it wasn't released in China and India
is that the dude from silicon valley?
No, its Mosley
No its the fashy boi from blinders
Youth in Asia doesn't need to be propagated.
It needs culling.
>Would you really want to marry a 35+ yo woman?
>Would you really want to marry a 35+ yo Emilia?
Was he any good in it I lost in interest in Peaky Blinders long ago.
Sam is ok but the writing is awful and they are making him anti semitic which he is not and also chopping and changing his speeches hurt my ears and also he is shown is being quote "Literally the Devil" and also a sex addict
One of, If not, the best thing of the season
They're trying to put him as the bad guy but its happening the Dany effect, he's just too charismatic
It's like pottery, it rhymes
I’m pretty sure you’ll die before I will, tranny.
Based and checked
HBO bought It, she's winning It right?
The Long Night won best editing so I'm guessing the whole thing is going to be a joke
Oh shit, CIA is on Peaky Blinders too
So it Tom Hardy
And Tom Hardy night return too
Emilia when though
I legitimately don't want any actor to win for that garbage script that D&D churned out. Award shows are a joke in general, but D&D don't deserve any credit whatsoever.
But you know they will win, they already won 10 awards last sunday
I just Hope Emilia is on the package
The Iron throne is gonna win best writting imao
This actually looks kino
Anyone who wouldn't put at least 6 babies in this before she turns 40 is a faggot
It's a silly cross-section between christcucks that think people suffering is God's love and autism/disability supportets who think euthenasia is a second coming of eugenics and that being severely crippled should not be viewed a disability. It's depressing people continue to suffer because we as a country can't comfortably acknowledge that some people are born to suffer and they should have an escape from that.
I would keep putting them in until she is infertile
Imagine all 27 of your kids sharing the same birth month and some sharing the same birthday. Imagine the mischief your twins and triplets could get up to. The horror, am I right?
Emmys when
She's already too old for children
Oh no what a terrible thing I sure hate children am I right lads haha
If she paid me good money, I'd put as much as 7.
She had 7 years left
Emilia winning an Emmy will not validate her performance in any way. All it would do would be giving a shit script a shit award that does not matter. I guess it would make you feel good, because a celebrity, whom you will never meet, would feel good, but I don't care about that at all.
Tell that to Brigitte Nielsen.
Well crafted cringe post friend
Nope. Enjoy retard children gahahhgahhahghahg dumbass.
This is one of the few situations where not doing it for free makes you a rerard. Faggot
It's not about quadriplegia, that's just how they start these things, like how LGBT activists started with be nice and now we have mandatory quotas for gays in workplaces and children must be forced to learn about trannies.
They will work to broaden what's acceptable.
That's not an argument.
*retard, damn you phoneposting
cmon bro you know the people who doesn't deserve it are winning, why don't cheer for those who actually deserve too?
I'll be honest with you chief, i would enjoy
>Yea Forums thinks this looks good
Good observation
>Yea Forums is right for once
Who would have ever guessed
it's ok if dudes are more your thing user
imagine if you found out this was gunna happen to your child but you and emilia want to keep it, and you devote yourself to being a good and patient father as well as being her rock when it comes to home life, further cementing her love for you as she sees how much you care for her and your kids, that'd so so weird and crazy haha
haha that would be nuts lol lmao lmfao haha
Imagine having real life goals instead of fantasizing about a celebrity you will never meet. That would be crazy ha ha!
>Imagine having real life goals
lmao what are you, a faggot?
Achieving the first is how you could get the second
>Implying that's not both
You're the dany dude arent you
>insert captain america meme
I'm gonna pull a Momoa and randomly meet Emilia at a pub, the rest will be history
i'd kms too if i were stuck with emelia clark for days on days. in fact, seeing these thinly veiled /ecg/ threads is enough for me to contemplate the rope.
Aren't we all?
No one's going to stop you
Thats a nice incentive to continue the threads, thanks. But what are you waiting for?
Well, yeah
Who is this fatty
Euphemia Rose
Considering she hasn’t mentioned the Emmy nomination whatsoever, I doubt she cares all that much. But if cheering on her friends and colleagues makes her happy, then I’m all for it.
did she eat her alter ego emily clarke?
>still no suicide booths
Do it faggot.
>the birthday scene
She's just humble
You mean Emilla? Maybe
>ywn be her porta potty
are they still selling death helium tanks or did they all get nerfed?
What's an Amelia Clark? No I'm talking about Emilee Glark, the fat hog from that picture.
How can you be anti euthanasia but pro abortion. I get euthanasia is done on people who have lived a life.. but it's their own choice to end their horrific suffering or circumstance. Youd think someone who was willing to scramble a baby's brain would be more sympathetic. Or not actually...
god damn shes such an awful fucking actor
is her overreacting and eyebrows the only thing that keeps her afloat in hollywood?
>what is the difference between a fetus and baby
This is one of many reasons why women don't talk to you bro
I think you must be mistaken, m8. This movie is an English production.
I don't talk to women about this shit retard. I'm able to differentiate between real life and Yea Forums.
this is exactly how roasties write lmao, fucking cringe f a m
youd have to be fucking braindead to think hollywood doesnt have its grasp in angloland
only places hollywood dont have a steady footing in (yet) is sone parts of yellow asia and india
Fat hog? Ok now I'm lost
she had a breakout role in got and will continue to get work from studios desperate to cash in on the meme actress of the moment. but got is totally forgotten, and she's getting old fast due to the shit bong-pajeet genes. so within 2-3 years we'll see less of her, but there will be Yea Forumsfags who still spam her every day because they have nothing of value to talk about.
Good thing she’s part Indian, then.
Imagine acting like there's anything of value on Yea Forums, let alone Yea Forums
ignore the roastie troll, post Emilia and discuss her career, roles and especially Me Before You
Sorry I didn’t bump your coomer thread, mate.
is she really?
you know what i can sorta see it when she moves her mouth area
the older she gets the more poo she gets
This is Amy-Lee Marke, fat face extraordinaire, I'm just wondering if she ate the other women people are all fawning over.
>replying to yourself
Damn, Sophie Turner discord raids looks like THAT?
That literally doesn't make sense, she wasn't raised in India and didn't even see it before she was fully grown
come again?
I saw this in theaters with my GF, it was alright
Oh, a schizo
>he knows how to inspect element
Mother of Burgers, breaker of chairs, queen of the lardos and the fat men, Khaloreesi of the great grease sea.
Last Christmas is low key a MBY sequel
I wish I cared about Emilia when this was in cinemas, my only big screen Emilia experience was Genisys and that movie is completely forgettable
>inspect element on a cell phone
dont be retarded user
We will get this hair at the Emmys boys
It's possible
how many £s of makeup is she wearing in that photo. think before you poast. she can't act and she's ugly, and when she appears in roles outside of got, she can't fade into that new role. she will forever be muhkweendany.
why does makeup trigger incels so much?
That photo is clearly edited by a fan you fucking retard
Dilate tranny
So you've never even seen a clip from Me Before You? She doesn't resemble Dany in the slightest and you probably wouldn't even know it's the same actress if no one told you
>says she's a bad actress
>someone asks why she's a bad actress
>no response
not a tranny, just someone tired of seeing the same shit every day. why not post emelia on /hr/
What's she laughin at?
>discussing movies on a porn board
Fuck off to your discord, tranny
>she's so ugly her photo needs to be touched up even further by "fans" who, by the way, will never get to fuck her even though whiteknight for her on a mongolian animation forum
>get called out for acting like a fag
>hurr white knights in da house tonite
every time
Emilia Clarke is so ugly am i right my fellow straight friends
Filter or hide the threads. You are fully aware that you could do this, but you intentionally look for the threads so you can shit them up. What a pathetic life you must live.
Ah yes, completely horrible
I can't let any man have the horrible destiny to marry this, so i volunteer to do the job
Your probably right, she's not into the industry politics shit which you need to make it in hollywood, she'll marry me instead
Some user confirmed that little dent is because of the aneurysms
No, a woman as ugly as this is reserved only for the lowest of men, I'll take her, t. blackegcchad
Nah bro, you should stick to your kind. Wakanda and all that shit you know
I don't mind tho, i'll do it
a noble attempt at self sacrifice but it is I, in fact, who is the most pathetic incel of all
I'll take one for the team, save yourself
Fucking phoneposting I swear to god
>Wakanda and all that shit you know
Was the subtext "You will never have Emilia gf so you may as well kill yourself"? That's the feeling I always get when coming to these threads.
Makes sense, that's the biggest change
Black Panther was a shit movie. And nah, an ugly unwanted shite white woman is perfect for someone like me
I'll do this bro, just consider me a noble savage
Didn’t realize it was her, my girlfriend was disappointed, but I think it’s cause I sewed seeds of doubt by making a lot of handicap and cripple jokes after the movie, but I don’t think I hated it.
I can't let you do that bro, you don't deserve such a disgusting hag. Let me do it. You don't deserve this. I do.
>Wakanda and all that shit you know
>/stg/ - Sophie Turner General
i refuse to believe
I want to kiss it
Someone with black blood like me has no hopes of doing any better than someone like Milly. You still have your chance. It was ordained
This length then.
Emmy 4 Emmy!
But she's just so hideous!
So are we getting a MBY sequel when she wins it? Maybe a trilogy? Who will they cast to play Emilia in the third book?
>So are we getting a MBY sequel
last christmas
>he thinks this tranny-looking aged cunt is attractive
>he claims he's discussing emelia's movies but the entire thread is just the same exact photos of her.
you're right. i could do those things. i am wrong. sorry for pointing out obvious shill-spam that shows up every day.
hurrrr emelia is so beautiful she's our waifu right ecgbros??
Yes, too hideous for any self respecting or non self respecting white man. Leave her to the trash and people like me
I can't let anyone to torture themselves marrying this walled uggo except for me
damn, look, she's so fucking beautiful
maybe if i poast about Emelia every day, she will notice me :3 and have sex with me XD
We broke the sophietranny lads
She's actually really cute there though. Sorry you're so bitter about your life.
this but unironically
>>he thinks this tranny-looking aged cunt is attractive
But i don't think Sophie Turner is attractive lmao
I can't sit by and watch someone white degrade themselves by marrying an infertile pig. It has to be me
She's quite the very opposite of that, probably wants to try atleast 3 times a day too
I can't let a fellow user get abused by this monster
Seems like bait, the few people who do waifu sophie and maisie seem alright
no thanks my dude
All tv and movies today are euthanasia propaganda.
Stop posting this crypt keeper tranny
im sick of ecg threads, why can't we go back to brie?
What the fuck is this lmao
No kids and she's already in her 30s. She's hitting the wall, she's ugly, years between boyfriends and they never last. You don't want any of that mess. I guarantee she wants a very large family and to have as many sproglets as possible. Can't let someone like you or anyone settle for that
>3 times a day
y-yeah that would be awful how could let this happen to you
Goddamnit I want to squeeze her thighs!
Go ahead make a thread then
No one's stopping you from making a brie thread, well except for the fact it will probably only get 5 replies an hour
Dude you could literally die of dehydration, she's extremely desperate for sproglets, It would be extremely irresponsable to let other user accomplish my destiny. We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty
Exactly, horrible stuff
>the anti-Emilia spammer is a briefag
At last everything makes sense
I always knew It was a tranny
Sorry. I can't let you bring shame on your kids by having an ugly wanton slag as their mother and her nudes all over the internet and telly. I'll fall on this grenade, live a good life for me. I will suffer the dozen or more children she'll seduce me into giving her
I will take it. I will take the wedding ring to Emilia and marry her
What colour is her dress going to be at the Emmys? I hope for red
>can't let you bring shame on your kids by having an ugly wanton slag as their mother
Exactly, the boys needs some good genes to balance it out. That's why i should do It, don't need to cry for me bro
She looks really good in red, wew. Me Before You red dress Emilia is iconic.
Red and black in reference to Dany would be rad
Brie Larson
>Oscar winner
>Golden Globe winner
Emilia Clarke
based and underrated post
Or will it be green? (Fire and blood vs Elf-kino)
It's funny because he's saying that Emilia is ugly and uses alot of makeup when he's a fucking briefag
You can talk about Brie in a Brie thread as much as you want, i can create a Brie thread for you if you want
You can't fix those genes, nothing can, the hope is just to keep the trash breeding amongst itself until the Final Crusade and day of the rope. I will bear that burden. Damn my bbc and resulting lack of standards
Move your big ass out of the way, Grognak.
The wedding ring is mine by rights. All those that deny that are my foes. I will take the precious to the cutie
>unrecognizable with the platinum wig
>muh dany
But then there's the fact that she doesn't date black guys. Don't worry, your bravery will be remembered in the tales i will tell to our sproglets
Join your 40% brethren, tranny faggot.
You must understand, Emilia is my burden to bear. She will destroy you, Stannis
Post some Lou, retards
Wtf is happening here?
It's because someone with her thighs, curves, face and height isn't good enough for one. It's like fucking a literal animal. Now you know that's illegal right? I'll do it, crime is in my blood. And checked
>average ecg poster
It's a based statue
I don't Emilia playing this shit character
I know the cost! Last night, gazing into my cellphone, I saw things in the pixels. I saw a man, a ring of gold on his finger, glittering ... glittering user. His golden band consuming his life turning him into a husband. Do you think I need anyone to tell me what that means? Or you?
Why are u so jealous?
Nah bro, she's not even a animal. She's so ugly she looks like some alien. You DON'T want to date a alien trust me i have experience in the business
Literally and unironically perfect. How?
The thread is full of Lous wdym
You are wise and fearless and fair, Stannis. I will give you the ring, if you ask for it. It is too great a matter for me
Yeah, but Dave Cuckelle also said that men aren't allowed to have an opinion on abortion. Theyre his child too.
fuck bros, it hurts. why do i even come to these threads anymore
I dub thee Reverse Psychology user.
Oh fugg.
Like Daisy Ridley or fSansa? Definitely not legal and very dangerous, she won't stop until she's consumed every drop and given birth to a horde like something from Species. You need to stay away and save yourself. I'm practically guaranteed to die young anyway because I'm black, it's not a problem for me. Live a fantastic life, for me
every frame of this webm would make a good reaction
>Like Daisy Ridley or fSansa?
No, not like them
Daisy species is infertile, addicted to a white powder only avaliable on earth and Sansa is a male
Emilia is worse. Brutal and without mercy, she's only satisfied with white souls
Why is everyone saying this alien will win?
Because it's a good pain
Because "diversity is our greatest strength."
That's why they'll give it to her and not Emilia. Emilia might deserve it the most, but she's white.
With jews, you lose.
b-but Emilia is 1/8 indian
that's not enough. yeah bros i'm thinking she's not confident either
not enough people to keep a brie thread alive
>being gay in 2019
maybe she's trying not to jinx it
Is she huffing her own fart?
>he actually did it
You should try "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" to attract coomers
And why the fuck he spams our threads If his thread dies?
>Sophie Turner discord
That's gonna be a yikes from me!
It's not about satisfying her, it's about keeping her safely away from people who shouldn't know a thing like her exists much less wants to breed and make more. Don't betray your race user. Leave that to me, I'm already a mutt and tainted. She'll be just satisfied enough to leave wholesome people like you safe. I'll keep her fed and breed her often. When humanity finally rises to cleanse the Earth she'll be too pregnant to fight back
I thought there was a non-aggression pact between Brie and Emilia threads. Something like "You don't spam my threads i don't spam yours"
How can they even compete?
I don't even care about Captain Fungus, but this retard is spamming Emilia threads for quite some time now
Envy i bet
exquisitely grabbable thighs
imagine squeeze them
>survived two brain aneurysms
>got asked if she could dance in her Got audition, did the funky chicken and the robot
>was invited to a party after learning she'd got the part, declined and spent the night in her hotel room eating oreos and watching friends
>doesn't like nude/sex scenes, finds them gratuitous, turned down 50 shades of gray for this reason
>had to get drunk to do a "sexy" photoshoot because she found it uncomfortable
>doesn't date actors or famous people anymore, because they're mostly dicks
>doesn't do drugs
>still friends with people she was friends with before becoming famous
>on more than one occasion had used the words "human bean"
>hates hollywood
>qt as fuck
>burned all those westerosi scum
>triggers the fuck out of the jannies
Add to the fact she's quick to laugh and smile, friendly, wholesome, expressive, quirky, amazing smile, eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips, great teeth and hair, pure, maternal, noncombative, likes anyone as long as they're nice, wants to love and be loved, enjoys the simple things, loyal, smol, etc and you have literal perfection
For me it's popping out how many sproglets as she can
She cute
>tfw I've spent more time reading and posting in these threads than watching /got/
Tbf it was a great funky chicken
It's such an improvement
Also that she listened to death grips
Sounds pretty based
it's a girl
lil sneed
Maario Naharis
Daenerys obviously
Also Metallica
Brie thread has only 44 posts.
>27 ips
I helped them out seems like it's picking up steam now
society is so opposed to euthanasia for if we deemed it socially acceptable to kill ourselves and made the process of doing so easy and comfortable, the masses of average men would depart from their hopeless lives en masse.
and then who would keep the system going?
Based. I'd go for Danielle so she isn't bullied
Just saw someone linked this thread in our own. Thanks bro. Brie threads ain't what it used to be.
yeah, i really think it was
Reminder that in the book Patrick did go to Norway and did compete in the triathlon, but he only came on 160th or some shit, and Lou didn't give a fuck.