This would have been pure kino Yea Forums. but the autistic fanbase hard to sperg out and fuck it all up

This would have been pure kino Yea Forums. but the autistic fanbase hard to sperg out and fuck it all up.
If people didn't cry about a child movie, we could have had one of the greatest twists in film history, possibly besting the "I am your Father".
but no.

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Is there any proof that this was meant to be the original idea?

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Yeah. Lucas was also at fault. He should never have chickened out and just ignored the faggot critics and haters.

No, it's literally just service for retarded fanboys like OP


Can you give me your answer again in a less retarded way?

Tons. You won't believe though even if it's well presented.

I have an open mind about it and I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Didn't Jar Jar's actor more or less confirm? He could just be attention whoring, but there you go.

Sinister Jar Jar concept art.

Attached: WlIrhRs.png (990x723, 1.08M)

Confirm what? I'm still confused where the theory even came from. I've asked to be given some proofs ITT but got none.

He said something along the lines of "I'm glad people finally understand what we were trying to do".

Ok, that is fairly good. What other evidence is there? Where did the theory come from?

Generally the idea is that Jar Jar being a Sith Lord would mirror Yoda being a master Jedi depsite appearences, and we know George loves his pottery.

There are a lot of action scenes where Jar Jar seems to subtly control the things happening around him, and he's present for basically every important event during Sheev's rise to power.
Like this for example

Which could obviously just be people looking into things too hard, but he's a CGI character, every small action he makes would be very deliberate.

For me honestly the biggest indicator is Jar Jar's yellow eyes, matching Anakin/Maul/Sheev's 'dark side' look. It's so small and insignificant but also too perfect, and hard to believe accidental.

That's actually pretty good.
I'm gonna look some more of this up when I get home.

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Remember George famously said "Jar Jar is the key to all of this", which people laughed at him for, not understanding the context.

>believing niggers
Whats next, we give women the right to vote?

it's literally just fanservice for fanboys like OP

Hes full of shit retard. Remember when the guy who plays barriston selmy said george was finished both books and he was waiting for the show to rap up. You literal fucking gullible retard

Nearly there. Drop the "literally" you threw in there for no reason and you have a normal post.

No. It's a fun idea, but George always intended JarJar to be a fun side character and comedic relief like the droids were in the OT.

Based and strawman pilled

Here's the original plebbit thread where the guy hashes everything out. It is actually quite convincing. I just wish george had the balls to go through with it

This goes against everything George is about.

>jar jar doing the sheev spin
What could have been

Watch this one, more stuff here

Check out the r/darthjarjar sub on plebbit. Sort by top posts of all time.

No he didn't. George is a big fan of the "hidden master" trope. He did it with Yoda. He planned to do the same with jar jar. Where Yoda was short and green, Jar jar was tall and orange.

All those scenes of jar jar doing strange movements and actions in the phantom menace were deliberately inserted. We know this because they were cgi and there were so many of them.

>"Yoda really comes from a tradition in mythological storytelling- fairy tales- of the hero finding a little creature on the side of the road that seems very insignificant and not very important, but who turns out to be the master wizard, or the master thing..."

>joke character turns out to be the big bad pulling the string

Can you tell me anywhere else this was done well and wasnt tonally fucked?

George's mistake was not making Jar Jar charismatic enough so that people would actually want to see him again in the next film. He'd have been the perfect anti-Yoda.


Darth Jar Jar is better than anything in the sequels.

Attached: 81102274.jpg (376x369, 38K)

Regular Jar Jar too

a regular jar is also better than the sequels

Attached: jar.jpg (1000x1000, 60K)

It is

Attached: 1561244553999.jpg (500x650, 120K)

He said “proof” not theories faggot

Yeah nah, this would have been just like Usual Suspect except it would have been shit

this guy?

Attached: Why episode 1 was a sucess.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

>just wish george had the balls to go through with it
Would’ve been minda difficult to do, considering the theory was created years after the films came out

>all the scenes were deliberately inserted
No shit idiot that’s how movies work lol


He said that there was "larger role intended for the character', but left the details ambiguous. He was probably just going to continue being the comic relief character into the other movies.

Would have been better than yoda vs Count dooku fight
The problem is that jar jar is an awful character design. Nothing would make him look cool or intimidating

Darth Jar Jar or Obi Wan being a clone (clone war was about someone cloning Jedi) are both fan theories better than what Lucas came up with

No and anyone who unironically believes this is an idiot.
>"Always two there are: a master and an apprentice."
Palpatine was the master. Maul was the apprentice, then Dooku, then Anakin.
All of the Gungans have yellow eyes.
You make fun of others for not grasping the context of this conversation when you don't even realize that the context was a specific scene.
Jar Jar's role is the fool. Yoda plays a similar role at first in ESB to teach Luke a lesson; Jar Jar is a genuine fool, but his purpose is to bridge the gap between the humans and the Gungans.

Asimov did it in the Foundation Series, Jar Jar as the sith Mule could work it just seems ridiculous after the fact

I could, but then you'd know and there's have been no point telling you in the first place.

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>All of the Gungans have yellow eyes.
You know Gungans aren't real right? They were designed.

that's one of those fancy jars though with the attached lid

Are you saying that ALL of the Gungas are Sith Lords??????? You're blowing my mind bro it just gets deeper and deeper!

It only takes proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict someone of murder user, but not 100% incontrovertible evidence.

how did they ever act with a straight face?

>conflating fans with the media and """influencers"""

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