SNL almost hired someone funny for the first time in 15 years...

SNL almost hired someone funny for the first time in 15 years. Glad to see they dodged that bullet and can sink back into total cultural irrelevance.

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Him being fired from SNL has given him more attention and admiration from legit comedians than he ever would of if he stayed there. Who gives a fuck if you're too edgy for SNL? Everyone knows it's shit and is no longer a good job for someone who wants to be an actual comedian now.

What did he do to get fired?

he said lots of chinese people are in chinatown

to many if you asked me

respect from legit comedians doesn't give you an actual career.


I can't tell what part is supposed to be 'racist'. When he says 'chinks' he's clearly asking the questions as some 19th century New Yorker wondering WTF chinatown is about would, but looking at commenters this is Mein Kampf so I guess I've been warped by Yea Forums.

Don't act like you ever listened to his shit or found modern standup comedy funny, the only reason you care is that you want some dude who made racist jokes to be socially accepted

Uhh it's 2019, you're not allowed to have a job unless you've been perfect your entire life.

No it doesn't, but the publicity created from the response they gave has made us all aware of who this guy is when he was a nobody a few weeks ago. Crashing and burning in the writers room of SNL because no one else there is on your level doesn't give you an actual career either. This fiasco could be a blessing in disguise for him.

Did Norm getting fired improve his career?

How fucking hard is it to not go CHING CHONG ME SO SOLLY on a live broadcast less than a year ago when you're trying to make it in Hollywood? It felt like I was sick in high school sitting at home in 2004 watching some shitty standup on Comedy Central

Watched his stand up after this as I'd never heard of him and it's decent. Also watched the clips and a few ore extended podcast clips and they're just rubbish. Like neither him or his buddy managed to say a funny thing between them.
I'm not expecting A material but how can two comedians not be funny for that long?

it'll make his podcast more popular and that's about it. not selling out would be really dumb on shane's part, and i was a fan of the podcast before all this shit happened.

I'll sympathize with the "anti-PC" horseshit everyone is rallying behind, but I'm not going to pretend he was legitimately funny.

bruh they could have updated the old Pryor/Chase sketch with him and the asian dude for the season opener
I guess they dont want viewers

no, shane is funny. all the best episodes of the podcast were deleted in an attempt to not get him cancelled.

His whole set is "Fuck White People, I'm one of the Good Goy."
Exactly this

frankly, I find it quite pathetic that people here are willing to stoop so low for their culture war as to pretend to give a flying fuck about stand up comedy

Only good post ITT

also why can't they all just do comedy, what up with everybody and their mother trying to be on talk show and talk shit? i found out about a lot of comedian because they are funny and people share their jokes and bits, not because they appear on a talk show talking about random shit
i don't get this crazed about having to listen to these people fucking podcast and what not, those ain't joke and got like zero value

I legit don't know who the fuck this guy is until I start seeing him on Yea Forums threads
Can't be that fucking funny otherwise people would have posted his shit or quote them everywhere else like chappelle for example

who gives a fuck? This guy would glad put you retards in the camps

Yup, have literally never heard of a guy or seen a single mention of him on Yea Forums or anywhere on the internet, now there's suddenly hundreds of life-long fans of him whining about SNL and racism. So fucking obvious

> (OP)
>What did he do to get fired?
Too many beta cuck pussies getting easily offended over a joke.

hate and conservatives have no place in comedy.

It makes sense because black people are incredibly fragile.

He wasnt a nobody, you're just out of touch

I dont think your opinion on what's funny matters whatsoever.

He spoke three consecutive sentences without condemning Donald Trump and the NRA. That was a red flag, but then he laughed when he was required to sing a hymn of respect for Hillary's 2016 campaign.


>the only reason you care is that you want some dude who made racist jokes to be socially accepted
Yeah? And?
Did OP say otherwise?



You shouldn't try being funny

it's Louis KEK tier "little white diiiicks" shit, the guy is an embarrassing sycophant to his lib showbiz overlords

You shouldn't take your next breath

Why is conservative comedy
indistinguishable from 6th grade lunch room comedy

Are you kidding? He slam dunked it. He got all the notoriety of being on SNL and then some without ever having to actually be on it. People might remember this happening in five years. You know what they won't remember? The names of the other two cast members, even if they're still on the show.

SNL has had sketches featuring multiple white performers doing engrish accents in the past five years.

But female comics are all libshits

Lots of people know who he is, retard. He's been prominent in the new york comedy scene for a few years.

What's next for Shane "eating with a chopstick? ya gonna get dropped quick!" Gillis?

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Lol he is a total unironic SJW glad to see him getting eaten by his own.

Go and cry in to your rice bowl you tiny dicked yellow bastard, the young bull is based af.

Very edgy friend.

>would of
stopped reading there

SNL is completely culturally relevant. Just because it offends your rightist sensibilities doesn't mean it's not relevant. It means you're not.

Nice try faggot his anti white humor is on full display in this thread. Go back to the chapo trap house subreddit

Rhyming isnt funny and that's a bad rhyme

Are you really this insecure about your whiteness?

Looks like the Shane Gillis/Ian Fidance show on GaS digital is back on the menu boys!

Fuck SNL! No masters! All our enemies can suck our dicks.

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omg you can't even call Chinese people "chinks" anymore without libtards going crazy when will this political correctness end!!

What kind of retard writes this post and thinks they are saying something? THAT IS THE POINT.

That’s a very revealing personal interpretation of events

This is all a marketing campaign to boost some nobody comedian’s popularity among the right wing crowd. How you retarded Americans keep falling for the same crap every time astounds me

I wanted to write mean things in the comments making fun of the retards who are gleeful about someone “not being employable” because he said a word they didn’t like.
but I didn’t want them to cancel me, so I guess their terrorist plot is working.

Haven't you heard? Don Glover decided that Richard Pryor was forced to do those jokes by Chevy Chase and now Chevy Chase is a racist Nazi Klansman.

I kind of like how this level political correctness and cancel culture is slowly making some forms of media obsolete. Mainstream media is an industry in decline that needs to evolve and needs all the talent it can get right now. Unfortunately, the few consumers left won’t allow that to happen since they so heavily police who is allowed to have a career or not. TV ratings keep falling. People are ditching cable. The only movies that make money are Superhero movies. As far as I’m concerned these people can have the traditional media landscape because there’s nothing left there anyway.

>You shouldn't try being funny
SNL's hiring philosophy

>Are you really this insecure about your whiteness?
No, why is he?

chinklets be fragile as fuck. go free your own people in hong kong instead of worrying about no no words

you should kill yourself, this world is not for you. someone might say a word you don’t like and I know you wouldn’t be able to bare it if that happened, so you might as well take the easy way out now.

and yours does, your highness?
how does it feel? up there, upon your high horse?
must feel nice I bet...

is this peak NA humor?

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dilate and die early

I never got why people think these rhyming nicknames are funny. it’s so corny. is it all literal boomers?

but to each their own, and I’m not the grand arbiter of comedy so whatever.

>People might remember this happening in five years.
That’s like saving Sam Hyde or the Duck Dynasty people are still remembered for being cancelled
In a month no one will give a shit about this dude and that’s a generous amount of time

He can recoup the lose of income by having all the anime avatars and clown posters donate to his hatreon

Ah yes because those are the only people who could ever empathize with a young guy’s career being sabotaged by idiots pretending they don’t understand context

Even with that possibility, Shane Gillis is more famous this week than the other two will ever be for any week.

Sam Hyde is better known after losing his show. Duck Dynasty is still a huge deal.

imagine the reaction to mulldog getting on SNL


I had never heard of Million Dollar Extreme or Sam Hyde until the big stink about it being canceled happened.

hahahahaha dude I'd fucking ejac. woo

It's pretty amazing to me that Dubya got thousands of American soldiers killed, permanently reduced the freedoms of Americans, and hundreds of thousands of dune coons in several middle east wars killed he started and SNL didn't revolve around his existence like they do with Trump.

settle down

If this was supposed to be an example of them being funny then you may have posted the wrong video.

Reagan effect. He was our 9/11 president so it was taboo to go too hard on him.

They mocked his entire administration for years, wtf are you talking about? Will Ferrell's Bush impression was famous as fuck during those years that's why he did it again when he came back to host. You underaged fucks are just too young to remember what SNL was like during the Bush years.

>They mocked his entire administration for years
I was alive and fully cognizant during the Bush administration you niglet. Do you realize what it is I'm comparing? At LEAST every other cold opening for the past 3 years straight have been about Trump. Sometimes they go several weeks in a row with a cold open revolving around Trump. That FACTUALLY did not happen with Bush.

It's also the tone. These hack "comedians" they have are so clearly seething with rage when they do these sketches it's humorous on an intellectual level but their attempts at actually being funny are pathetic. I never got that from Ferrell's sketches.

Almost none of his jokes here are funny.

He's got a good voice, though. Should do some VA.

That actually is a good comparison point. There was lots of Bush/Cheney then but now there's a Trump sketch more often than not, and it always revolves around one of those stupid weird flubs that blue checkmarks go buckwild for.

also counterpoint: the Ferrell Bush sketches were really funny.

The difference is that Trump is creating scandals and outrage with his personal behaviour practically every other day, unlike W. where it was largely a slow moving clusterfuck revolving around Iraq. Trump also regularly launches into personal attacks against private individuals, which W. never did, he was just a dim witted oaf. You also had at least a semblance of decorum left during Bush. Trump is coarse and foul mouthed s.o.b. and that's why the gloves are off. There's no point being "nice" when he's being a gigantic asshole telling American born citizens to get out of the country.

>The difference is that Trump is creating scandals and outrage
Seethe more you pathetic faggot, the NYT and Washington Post fabricating 100% fake bullshit and feeding it to you is not the same thing as, oh, the IRS being given the greenlight by King Nigger to harass conservative 501c's out of existence with infinite audits and claim denials.

Yeah but it isn't like they're trotting the Trump character out and doing all this mean or subversive stuff with it, they're just re-hashing whatever dumb fucking thing he said that we heard about to death days prior.

Die on purpose

he said they should go and then come back and act right or something

>telling American born citizens
Illegal aliens running to the Texas desert 3 days before baby delivery does not make US citizens out of those babies. When RBG finally drops dead when the fetus blood runs out you'll see a case brought to finally clarify that no, the 14th Amendment was not written so that anyone could bumrush the USA border and drop an anchor at the last second and be rewarded with a passport and welfare for the next 75 years.

Norm had a better career than Colin Quinn and the vast majority of the SNL alumni.

Not only that but I've heard liberals talk about how great Bush and John McCain are now. Obama really fucked them up.

>respect from legit comedians doesn't give you an actual career.
Yes it does. Comedy is a networking business. Most gigs come from other comedians.

It kinda does. The industry is full of nepotism.

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wtf he was literally hitler when i was growing up

So you are upset that Trump punches back. Got it.

>He never watched Tires Etc.

It's not. You have to have malicious intent to see a scary racist. He's on TV, trying to make people laugh, and even in the same breath uses depreciating anti white humor that seemingly no one cares about.
He's probably 85% as woke as those criticizing him

>SNL almost hired someone funny
vid unrelated

yes, duh

he already had one

He fucked up and apologized. Now he has no balls AND no job. Never, NEVER apologize.

gay nigger detected

The cast is what it is. Enemies suck our dicks.

he's not though

I could see him getting a Netflix special out of this

As a Conservative I find your comment both tasteless and humorless, much like myself.

It wasn't getting fired from SNL that harmed him. It was quietly being blacklisted that kept him from getting work. They disappeared him. This other guy had a very PUBLIC "shaming" and his name is out there to people who had no clue who he was before this, so he possibly stands a chance of getting work.

Though honestly, SNL really does seem to be a dead-end opportunity these days. Even if he had gone on to join the cast would anybody have cared? Nobody watches this show, and we're not seeing the rise to stardom of former cast members like we used to. None of these people are likable, or funny. I mean sure, they can make movies nobody wants to watch to insert their women into (i.e., Ghostbusters remake) but even these efforts end in disaster. I'm trying to name anybody after Adam Sandler or Mike Myers who became household names after SNL (for better or for worse) and for the life of me I can't name a single one. I don't think SNL is ever going to see the days again of any of their cast members saying, "Sorry folks. I'm too big for this show now."

His response

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>I’ll shadow box the pussy
>I’m technical like Floyd mayweather, very defensive

That was pretty fucking funny

SNL is essentially just a paycheck and a resume builder. A place where you can show a demo reel of skits you participated in when trying to break into whatever shitty comedy film a studio throws money away on in a given year. There are still drones that watch it to feel like they're on the cutting edge of satire and entertainment, nobody here watches it but we talk about it every week.

That really is sad. That show used to be a launching point for relative unknowns. SNL has had its ups and downs and there have been murmurs of cancellation in the past, but for the life of me I cannot recall a lower point for this show. Any other show would have been cancelled many seasons ago. A "resume builder." Just sad.



all he did was sound like a cuck trying to fit in. Shouldnt SNL praise this fucking clown?

>be racist
>get fired
I don’t understand what all the hoopla is about

will marky mark go to bat for him?