Why the hell is the last Joe Rogan thread deleted? It was a civil conversation about youtube content. What the fuck.
Why the hell is the last Joe Rogan thread deleted? It was a civil conversation about youtube content. What the fuck
Hes a hack anyway
Ummmm no no no sweetie. If it's not capeshit or star wars then it's off topic and was right to be deleted
Apparently, for some reason, mods are deleting anything related to YouTube.
Youtube isn't Yea Forums. Its not any more complicated than that.
>He thinks YouTube is TV
Zoomers should be banned from the internet completely
Yea Forums is a no fun allowed zone.
I'm the OP from that thread and all I wanted to know was which episodes Joe clearly didn't enjoy making.
I'm glad it served as a platform for your discussions but I never intended to be that.
Because fuck joe rogan
Why is he looking in his mouth lmao
/TV jannies strike again. I think they just choose threads at random.
I can and do watch YouTube on my TV through my Roku, so it's TV. If Netflix qualifies, as it's the same fucking thing, then Rogan/YouTube does.
He likes facial male hair.
There’s nowhere on the entire site to discuss new forms of media like YouTube videos and podcasts. Yea Forums is the most obvious place but the cocksucker jannies delete those threads while leaving blatantly off topic threads up.
reading his lips,very important he hears what he has to say
It upset the tranny janitor.
podcasts are radio.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Do you see youtube anywhere in that?
Stop making shill threads, Jamie. Zoomer cunt.
We need a new board for it
Like even Yea Forums hates "e-celeb" threads and deletes those threads, but where else can you talk about a gaming youtuber?
>but where else can you talk about a gaming youtuber?
Reddit sucks, it's too slow paced