"Luv me fackin' democracy innit. Cheeky nandos n greggs innit. Fack tha EU innit...

>"Luv me fackin' democracy innit. Cheeky nandos n greggs innit. Fack tha EU innit. Long as we still av' our cheeky nandos n cheeky greggs i dun fackin' care innit"

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I don't think greggs and nandos cater to similar demographics at all

British democracy has failed.

You fags voted to leave. Then your elected officials have done everything in their power to prevent it for 2 years.

he sounds pretty based

Just going out for a cheeky brexit with the mates

I don't think you know what the rubbery fuck you're on about

>when /pol/ just isn't enough

Based Norfie

Democracy is shit

Yes they do.

>Democratic vote decides we should leave the European Union

Based Boris BTFO of remainers.

Does Yea Forums like Nandos?

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>Then your elected officials have done everything in their power to prevent it for 2 years
our only elected official cut and ran immediately after the referendum
it's been a parade of unelected successors and their political opposition who have been fucking around all this time

We don't have Nandos in the north.

Theresa May was elected, dummy.

Peri-Peri chips are good. I just wish their meat items were a bit cheaper.

What kind of retarded nation decides to economically cripple itself just to arbitrarily fulfil a referendum on public opinion with no kind of plan of action in place? At least bide your time until the act of leaving isn't literally national suicide.

I love Nandos. However, people who say "innit" should be put in jail.

Because fuck Germany that's why.

Catering to the whims of unwashed masses isn’t “based”

They do in the midlands m8

Being crowned the king of fools by her party isn't the same as being voted in by the public. Cameron was the only one directly chosen by the public.

That's democracy. The majority wins.

>cutting off your nose to spite your face
What a pathetic country you are. Maybe you deserve this grave you've dug for yourself.

What the fuck are you taking about? May held a general election not long after becoming PM and won (Sort of).

Democracy is shit you communists

Oh piss off. The sky isn't falling down, chicken little. In 10 years people will look back on this brexit scare mongering and laugh at how ridiculous it all was.

She called and won (just) a GE, you mong. Fuck off.

erm its only democracy if the leftwing wins sweetie

No, I live off expiring Tesco products like all normal (non-monogamous, unparallelled molecules) people when I walk into my local Tesco Helena the cashier (I think she's Polish and luckily trohe rozumie po polsku as they say over there, not very often) she is nice and keeps expired sushi for me because I don't want to get your worm-infected parasites-ridden androginous "meat" and "cheese" experimented upon by the authorities (kakhi suited, relentless) as for restaurants to answer your question quite simply if I may, no other subtext included, I do not walk into them, I do not walk near them, I do not think about them as they are nothing but a facade:
1) get ingredients (often rotten)
2) do coke (all cooks do it, beasts with no morals)
3) beat up waiter
4) sell cooked "food"
Nutrition is not a theme park like you're led to believe it's more about choosing, sowing, reaping, hunting at a psychological level so my savannah is Tesco so to speak, I know the rules, I hunt and I'd like to thank Helena for that because luckily there are still nice people but the few left, trust me, do NOT go to your precious little restaurant (aka torture-house).

t. unemployed gammon

>In 10 years people will look back on this brexit scare mongering and laugh at how ridiculous it all was
Yes, once your retarded politicians realize it's going to fuck your asshole inside out and cancel the whole thing.

I mean they voted for it while fully aware of what it entailed.

They were flat out told by every single analysts that this is going to fuck up the country's economy and infrastructure pretty hard. Life would be pretty shit for a long time. It would be decades before things start turning around if they leave. They chose to do so because they value freedom more than comfort and quality of life. They don't really get to start bitching when the going gets hard.

don't mock the north

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Nice retort, you fucking imbecile. You're out of your depth, lad. Get out of the pool before you drown.

>tfw u read brit threads and u dont understand what anyone is saying but you think it's funny so you say mate to yourself a couple of times out loud and have a good laugh about it then back to normal

people need to not worry about Brexit, NZ which in 1973 80% of exports went the the UK got shut out when they joined the EEC took a short term hit but in the end survived


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>I mean they voted for it while fully aware of what it entailed
Nobody had a fucking clue what it entailed because we were being bombarded on all sides by conflicting assurances of what would happen.

black people think eating at Nandos is fine dining

This is a fucking terrible impression of a britsavage. Not once did you even say "bruv".

The UK is a parliamentary democracy, not a plebiscite. The only failure was Call Me Dave the pig fucker calling the referendum in the first place, motivated solely by Conservative infighting.

Is this a parody account or just genuine?

maybe some ghetto niggers

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>12 month custodial for leaving bacon outside a mosque
I'm sorry but what the fuck? He must have had previous convictions.

Then someone actually tries to make it happen and remainers call him anti-democratic. The absolute state of this clown world.

as much as i detest the way the EU is going and European federalism, i have to agree they never should have passed the buck to us

Only 37% of people voted for bregzit

What the fuck do you think?

The general consensus was that it would definitely fuck up the economy for the coming years. I never saw anyone disputing that. The only difference between right wing and left wing analysts was how hard it would get fucked and for how long.

I love it. Not British though. Australian.

Me I mean. Not Nandos, it's South African.

And how many to remain? It can't have been 63% since they lost and abstainers don't get to complain about the results.

Is that supposed to make it clearer?

52% of the people who actually voted in the rederdedum (Around 20 million people didn't even bother lol) voted to leave. The difference between leave and remain was like 2 million people.

Only if you aren't a dumb cunt.

>in the end survived
*survived so far

Okay, I'm a dumb cunt. Which is it?

Fack off, Schmidt and Schneider!

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come on now, be fair. you're telling me every time they had leave campaigners on they were saying shit like
>it's a given that brexit will lead to some kind of economic downturn
they didn't say anything of the sort because it would be campaign suicide. someone would ask them and they'd pivot to potential benefits in trade agreements with non-EU nations.
they SHOULD have conceded there'd be a negative economic impact because then it'd leave remain campaigners with nothing to say except to try to defend federalism to the british public.


So it's real? Or are you trying to say norfies aren't actually retarded enough to say "foreners"?

It's a literal meme pasta, you stupid wazzock

Northern subhumans are dumb cunts

I mean the EU flat out told them leaving would force the EU to punish them as well.

I just remember them spinning it as being worth it in the long run every time.

Ate pakis
Ate toffs
Ate south
Ate poles
Ate Jannies

Simple as.

they just needed to make more explicit concessions to the remain campaign in terms of short-term economics. that was remain's only talking point because they knew if they had to sell Brits on a United States of Europe it'd go down like a lead balloon.

>Restaurant that doesn't trust you enough to pay at the end of the meal

Nah, they're both for the same people.

They just want you to keep being a paypig and under their control. Losing your EU contribution is all they care about, they don't care about you. Fuck, they're always trying to tell everyone what do do and insulting them in the same breath.

For me? It's a Imperial Federalism.

How the fuck is Gregg's a franchise? Looking at the menu online everything looks like something you'd pick up from a gas station if you were in a hurry.

Sausage and bean melts lad!

Is a franchised bakery such an alien notion to you?

You got any examples ?

For me, it's a traditional meat and potato pasty.

One that serves such servo tier shit food, yeah.

>get into a school group work, with a big number of members
>you and some other dude does all the work
>while this other dude is happy about it because he manages to boss people around, you realize you are working for free and helping lazy faggots
>you decide to move on
>the lazy cunts are now shiting on you

UK must leave, and I hope EU burns as soon as we leave.

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greggs isn't a restaurant though?
>go into a bakery
>ask for a sausage roll
>take it out of the clerk's hands when they put it in a bag
>sit down cross-legged on the floor in front of the till where you eat it in its entirety
>then, and only then, do you get up and pay the 50p
that's how it works down south eh?

Look at all those aryans.

>Went out to eat at restaurant
>Choice between nandos or pizza express
>Nandos full of niggers
>Go to pizza express

True story

>gf won't eat pizzas
>settle for Chiquitos instead

nandos is trash tier in canada, I was surprised that its an actual restaurant in england.

You’re an unemployed incel

>Gf won't eat pizzas
What the fuck is wrong with her?

Americans should give up their guns.
Americans are mutts.

Brits, you shouldn't leave the EU.
Brits, you're stupid if you leave. We're gonna make you regret it.

Do you want more? I've been tagging you bastards across boards for a long time. It's all you do.

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>Don't give those silly people a say in how the country is run they might vote wrong

I wanted a referendum and I got one now I want what I voted for.
Fuck off back to redit you spastic.

Faddy. It's ok, I'll demolish the enchiladas.

And thats the way the cookie crumbles, time to leave already

Everything is trash tier in Canada. Nandos over there probably just as poorly run as everything else in the country.


And you are from a small leech country who would be irrelevant without the EU. You are happy to sell your country's sovereignty and your people's democratic will and self determination for the sake of a few pounds.

Hope EU burns as soon as we leave, and your country with it

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Cry more you fucking cunts it makes me hard lol

Brexit is cancelled, deal with it

Yeah I was sorta expecting actual quotes from EU officials, not stuff you're making up to support your point.

A fat lass who doesn't eat pizza? Are you sure this girl is real and not just a figment of your incel imagination?

And you’re an incel leech irrelevant without unemployment benefits

Yeah, but someone was going to say "Nandos isn't Australian, faggot" so just nipped it in the butt.

UK will get fucked so hard when they leave I don't even wanna make fun of them, actually I feel bad