Holy fuck this movie is like entering into the hellscape that is the delusional childish brain of an adult woman...

Holy fuck this movie is like entering into the hellscape that is the delusional childish brain of an adult woman. i would kill myself if had to live with constant pixie colored anxiety. FUCK 10mins into this movie and im already going insane no wonder women are batshit crazy

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Anyone who has ever envied a woman is stupid. The dumb incels on this board talk about how "easy" women have it. Bullshit. It has always been better to be a man than a woman. I'm so fucking glad I'm a man. I don't have to bleed from a hole in my crotch every month, for fuck's sake.


Have sex incels.


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Maario Naharis

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Yeah, women are different to men

>Holy fuck this movie is like entering into the hellscape that is the delusional childish brain of an adult woman. i would kill myself if had to live with constant pixie colored anxiety. FUCK 10mins into this movie and im already going insane no wonder women are batshit crazy

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Is this the new emelia clark general?

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wow this really says a lot about me

I'm not sure what you're talking about, she cute

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This is the smart user


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>Anyone who has ever envied a woman is stupid. The dumb incels on this board talk about how "easy" women have it. Bullshit. It has always been better to be a man than a woman. I'm so fucking glad I'm a man. I don't have to bleed from a hole in my crotch every month, for fuck's sake.

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you do realize there is a difference between a fictional character and the female sex right?

what is this then?

I miss her so much bros

The one thing women can do well , give birth, they don't want to do anymore. Give birth you dumb cunts. (with me :^ )

Reminder: Jenna is meant to be the younger sister



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>why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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A small price to pay for your sins.

imagine if she was your wife haha

>most of you incels wouldnt even know what to do if u got your hands on a stacy

It's easier to be a woman

It's better to be a man

that's not how you greentext, retard

i was quoting some random guy's reply from a few months ago

when is she gonna get fat

when i knock her up

10 years ago according to Yea Forums

its good?

Yes, don't let the incels deny you cutekino

is it true she's a pajeet?

Suffrage was a mistake.

So nobody should be able to vote? The only mistake was that you weren’t a blowjob.



What in the exact fuck does that even mean?

Pixie sticks maybe?