Old fag here, but I couldn’t post till now bc I just turned 18...

Old fag here, but I couldn’t post till now bc I just turned 18. If Sauron was all powerful why the fuck did he let some bearded faggot chop his ring off? If he somehow got the ring again couldn’t they just chop it off again? Maybe wear extra armor on your ring hand you dummy, or keep that hand in your armored pocket.

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he was a narcissist

Post a pic of your dick.

he was full of himself and didnt expect it. Crazier shit happens in the Tolkien Mythos. Like, yea they may be all powerful beings but are still subject to stubbing their toe.

elendil and gil-galad defeated sauron in combat before dying themselves, and isildur opportunistically cut the ring from sauron's hand after.

also, have sex

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What the fuck do you know about the "Tolkien mythos" you stupid faggot? If you'd ever actually read anything written Tolkien you'd know that Isildur just cut the ring off Sauron's corpse.

>sauron was dead when the ring was cut off

This, Isildur's a loot ninja who lifted the ring off Sauron's stone dead corpse.

Ainur can't technically die but the physical vessels they create for themselves can be destroyed.

In the movie he walks up and gets his fingers cut off, this is Yea Forums faggot

You explicitly referred to "Tolkien mythos" not the "Hackson mythos", stupid faggot.

Book version is better
>sauron personally breaks the siege of Barad-Dur and pushes through the host of the last alliance until battling the two greatest warriors of the second age and killing them, only dying from his wounds on the slope of mount doom later

That wasn't me dickhead
hurr muh words on paper is better
fuck off

This is what happens in the silmarillian but not in the trilogy. Perhaps tolkien made it unclear because history is unclear

haha yeah that guy doesn't know anything lol he thinks he is top shit mr smarty pants

It's not stated in LotR but what the fuck does that matter when it's stated directly in Tolkien's other writings?

wow read the books you fucking nigger

settle down angry boy.

have sex

>Old fag here, but I couldn’t post till now bc I just turned 18.

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so you just turned 18.
do you have a nice tight little boypussy?


>couldn’t post till now bc I just turned 18
Nigga i've been posting since i was 12 and i'm 22
You just don't say it

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Tolkien didnt publish the silmarillion

Yeah no shit but he wrote everything in it so what the fuck does it matter?

>Old fag here, but I couldn’t post till now bc I just turned 18
What the actual fuck

It was incomplete

>Old fag here, but I couldn’t post till now bc I just turned 18.

Anyway I appreciate the low effort retard post. He got his fingers chopped off because he had too much hubris too see it coming because he was the bad guy

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Uhm I hope this post isn’t an endorsement of rule breaking...

Because he might have wanted to make some edits to his writing before it was published you gormless cretin.

What the fuck does that matter? And the Silmarillion was the first thing Tolkien ever tried to publish, he just didn't get to tweaking it to his liking before he died.

So fucking what?

I’ve been posting on Yea Forums since OP was 7
End my life

No he didnt try to publish the simarllion cuz he never finished it. He stopped to write the trilogy. He was revising the silmarillion when he died.

Got you senpai

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He did and it was rejected. And yes he was reworking it but what the goddamn fucking shit does that have to do with the fact that Tolkien wrote about how Sauron lost the ring and Jackson depicted it wrong?

The way tolkien depicts in the lord of the rings trilogy is the way jackson did

>jrr tolkien tried to publish silmarillion and was rejected

Except thst's totally false you subliterate mongoloid. Please refer me to the page where Sauron explodes when the ring is cut from his hand while he's alive.

Hackson doesn't even depict Sauron's burning arms, or Gil-Galad or Elendil.

You know, while I do care about the differences between the books and the Jackson films, I give Jackson some slack,
Think about it like this: you're Peter Jackson, not the world's most experienced director, you're given ~$300 million to adapt all three books into three movies, all consecutively.
The mere thought of undergoing this task makes me want to shit my bed

This isn't the Cambridge Debate Society faggot, I didn't bring my sources. Look it up.

Lol i dont know the page number

>oldfag here
no you aren't lol

You know youre full of shit

>Sauron was not all-powerful, he's a knock-off servant of Morgoth. The only all-powerful being in the world is Eru Illuvatar (literally God).

>the two greatest warriors of the second age

Because it isn't there. Because Tolkien didn't describe the encounter in LotR but he did elsewhere and Hackson got it completely wrong.

Look it up, faggot.

GIl-galad and Isildur.

Sorry, not Isildur, I meant Elendil.

From the Silmarillion:
>Then Gil-galad and Elendil passed into Mordor and encompassed the stronghold of Sauron; and they laid siege to it for seven years, and suffered grievous loss by fire and by the darts and bolts of the Enemy, and Sauron sent many sorties against them. There in the valley of Gorgoroth Anárion son of Elendil was slain, and many others. But at the last the siege was so strait that Sauron himself came forth; and he wrestled with Gil-galad and Elendil, and they both were slain, and the sword of Elendil broke under him as he fell. But Sauron also was thrown down, and with the hilt-shard of Narsil Isildur cut the Ruling Ring from the hand of Sauron and took it for his own. Then Sauron was for that time vanquished, and he forsook his body, and his spirit fled far away and hid in waste places; and he took no visible shape again for many long years.

Seems like it was more of coup-de-grace, but it's really not worth getting all autistic about the movie version. It's essentially what happened.

Elrond: "I beheld the last combat on the slopes of Orodruin, where Gil-galad died, and Elendil fell, and Narsil broke beneath him; but Sauron himself was overthrown, and Isildur cut the Ring from his hand with the hilt-shard of his father's sword, and took it for his own."

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>didnt memorize page numbers because its not there

>1) Sauron was defeated.
>2) Isildur cut off the ring.

That's the order it goes in, faggot. Just like I said.

>If Sauron was all powerful
He was never powerful, just persuasive

Gil-Galad and Elendil are depicted in the films. Just briefly.

Daily reminder Elendil was 240cm tall (8ft).

No wonder he was mad lmao


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Why didn't he just kill the lootgoblin and throw the ring in himself?