/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Nicole
Noms: Holly/Jackson
Veto: Jackson

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for holly wins and the season is ruined

still better than nicole winning

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only if she beats Jackson
her beating Nicole is fine and deserved win

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no it’s not. don’t be a fag

>Nicole to Cliff- I think he is kind of struggling cause it is you and me. I think he had less of a problem cutting certain people loose. Me and you mean more to him, so it's bothering him on a moral level

it seems like they've stopped being retarded and I can turn the feeds back on again

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she was giving everything after being saved from the eviction and was babysitted for the whole game and its now begging for a care package and a reset
she will be another shitty modern big brother winner

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the only thing bothering Jackson is that production is not letting him fuck Bog whenever he pleases

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you sorta sound like a salty bitch. just saying.

wow look at that night vision pretty girl!!!!!

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when you come at the king you best not miss

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Holly - Jack, Jackson, Anal, Jessica, Kat, Christie, maybe tommy
Nicole - Cliff, Nick, maybe tommy, maybe christie

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Fat boi in a diet don’t try it

>tfw you lose 500k to a cumdump that you carried all season long

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>kat is 3 months pregnant
>jack on antidepressants, says he won't leave jury house without handcuffs on
>analyse weeks late on her period
>nick hasn't spoken a word to anyone in days, sits in the corner mumbling yo sis
>tommy 5 hour erection debacle

>play the best game of the season
>lose to the weak link
>get called back next season and win



>fat Jess rolls down the side of the mountain and wipes out a small town

>come on holls, i need to bust a load before i work out. get in there.

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I agree but I still think she would be better than Bog

they’re so cute together.

gay people get two votes??

I would hate being in the jury house more than anything. probably the biggest reason I don't wanna go on the show is to get stuck there for months


Cam 2 face zoom plz based cap tranny

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when you really think about it, kat is the reason why nicole is gonna lose to holly
2nd is nicole taking out christie and leaving a showmance in final 3

God fuck Black Twitter getting so sick of these self-righteous assholes, because they haven't said racist things like every day but got away with it because being black.

Watching them call Melissa from RHAP a racist because she doesn't know every little thing or that 3 white people can't talk about racism on the show just GFY. She was so sad at the end and it bummed everyone out.

Nobody hired your asses to be some kind thought police and nobody even needs to be policed with their language in this game as its your only tool really in BB. So what if Cliff hated Africa fuck you. It 90% sucks ass and you know it.

lmao that's the exact angle from when he juked her and fucking domed her with a pie

>God fuck Black Twitter getting so sick of these self-righteous assholes
I'm gonna stop reading right here. stop reading it. just don't go there it's that simple. and then most importantly do not bring it here because nobody cares

this is what is called a “redpill moment”

>having sympathy for melissa

Boisterous lmao. buddy she's the retard that entered a contest to be a white girl on a podcast that consistently gets shit on by black twitter. Any true SOTG in that situation would virtue signal out the ass while actually watching the feeds so they could formulate actual opinions. She made her retarded bed

looks much angrier up close. think bog was taking too long to get in there

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Sup @thefridge

incorrect sorry bbo

But Kaycee won though

Did you just crop the original image?
And to think I was going to apologize for calling you a tranny

jackson just came

>nobody on Yea Forums cares about race politics

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But look at these milkies

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during /OTT/ user got nontups on a post that just said "i came" in reply to a photo of (someone -- scott maybe?), Yea Forums was assmad for a week. god those were good times

Good for him, I'm planning on coming later tonight.

Just win lol

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jackson dated high level instagram thots

i'd break a glass rod in my urethra to get a twenty second glance at those milky saggers through a telescope at 50 miles

>the sounds of christy eating still echoing through the mansion

at least two in the past ~90 days

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>Nicole: I can HEAR the fans and my family yelling at me to get out the showmance! And I have to do it

simpler times...

God imagine Melissa bullying Nicole, just pushing her onto the ground and calling her worthless

is that with a wet white t-shirt? sounds hot

Haha what if Melissa just cunt punted Quarky over and over hahahaha

Best girl

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Grodner should find this Corn Pop guy Biden is talking about and put him into the house.

Grodner will switch out the keys during the commercial break.

>jack on antidepressants, says he won't leave jury house without handcuffs on

Lmao you fucking wish. He came out of his exit interview smelling like fucking roses. Jack stumping julie's attempts at being a one-person job lynch mob was an all time top 5 eviction interview moment.

Can't crack the jack

Corn pop died 3 years ago

jackson is dumbfounded that cliff and nicole kept holly

How about a Corn Bread guy?

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Keith was a tough guy.

these guys raped the season
they were so good

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Came here to say this

F Cornpop, you kept it real.

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Tommy will flip everyone in the jury house because they are a bunch of retarded sheep

Production better make Jackson a third nominee for cheating, making Nicole the sole voter, oh how sweet that would be

this is disturbing. people are dying in alphabetical order


I sometimes feel like i'm living in the Twilight Zone when I see the deranged hatred for Jackson and this absurd love affair for Shitcole. This is coming from the same fanbase that supposedly loves Dan and Will, yet despises Jackson for making similar moves/comments?

>hiding your erection while gambino blasts into your ears

based kino man

>jackson cheated

Say it again bitch

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Sc(OTT) picked Rush for his HOH music my man, Scottie picked Cringe Gambino.

i dont get the hatred either. its like people arent allowed to be human beings anymore.

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Remember when Dr. Will lied about having cancer to get sympathy

Nicole fans are toxic.

ha I was actually referencing the three guys who kept circlejerking over gambino during ott. I didn't attend /bb20/ so I was unaware there was meme magic in play with that scottie guy. Wasn't he also a virgin as well? wew

you shut your fucking mouth!

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Close - Nicole fan is Nicolefag. It's the same cancer as always.

wish they raped me too desu

goodbye to the backyard tonight

we’re not all bad, I’m hoping for Jackson to win

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humans are racist, but only the white ones. and white people are CANCELLED. so sit down and be humble sweaty it’s 2019

lol talking about the own it line

jackson and holly cant believe hogg and quarky thought they'd keep either of them at F4

Jackson winning will make up for Paul being robbed twice. Finally a deserving winner something we haven't had in ages.

But he won't. Jury is bitter with Christie pulling the strings

The only way Holly can redeem herself is if she wins final HOH and takes Nicole to F2

id respect her more if she took jackson. at least be a loyal cumrag

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>Jury is bitter

Holly is losing either way nigga. Might as well lose to someone you like.

watch the n-bombs

Jess won’t vote for a man
Bimbo is bitter
Cliff/Shitcole are bitter
It’s gonna be a close one

Nicole can't win

if she's against Jackson, he could spend hours rattling off everything he's won and done to get to the end while it'll take Nicole less than 1 minute to tell people she won things thrown to her, how she started playing the game day 75 or how she did whatever Cliff, Jackson and Holly said

she can't beat holly either, Holly has a better story. two weeks ago, Jessica was evicted. this was not good for Holly but it was even worse for Nicole because Jessica left the game hating Nicole for not voting to keep her after not voting to keep Kat. She probably hates her even more for evicting Christie instead of the showmance who had been controlling everything. so Holly survives the DE and becomes the last person not nominated. this is when Christie hasn't seen Holly on the block and she wants to see her there and gone. so we go to the F5. holly is about leave the game, she is on the block, she is facing the music and she is done. but Cliff and Nicole keep her even though it makes no sense, evicting the jury's favorite person Tommy, who leaves with a bad taste in his mouth towards Nicole and Cliff and respect for Jackson and Holly. surviving the block when you shouldn't have is huge for your resume. then Holly throws the HoH showing that she has integrity and keeps her deals. she has morals while playing the game which is huge for the jury (and for the audience who pretend to hate the moral game until Jackson plays immorally.)

RHAP, twitterfags, and redditfags have such a hard on for nicole they unironically gaslight themselves into thinking the jury is bitter (it isn't) and nicole can win because of "MUH MOMENTUM". no wonder nicole was pissed all day today, even she's realized she's lost

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nick and jack are voting for jackson

I’ll see how I feel about reading this in the morning.

poor nicole got her game ruined by the boomer...

Tommy/Christie will dictate how a whole block of people will vote which includes Jack/Analyse/Jess. Guess who Tommy and Christie have praised and gave massive props? That would be Jackson. I get there has been a streak of terrible bitter jury members, but nothing has indicated anyone is bitter towards Jackson. He will beat Holly 7-2 or better.

>jess will do whatever christie does which is voting for the best player, jackson
>bimbo is voting jackson unless he's sitting next to holly her friend
>cliff will come to his senses after getting laughed at during the jury roundtable for his stupid deal by Dr Will and everyone. cliff is already slowing forgiving jackson in the house
>nicole could vote holly but it's highly unlikely
>jackson has everyone else

Will Dr. Will be cancelled when he shits on Shitcole and says Jackson played a great game?

can jackson and holly beat april and ollie's record?

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>jack - doesnt give a fuck
>bimbo - hates nicole, convinces jack to hate nicole
>anal - bimbo spreads the nicole hate, roots for christie and tommy
>nick - hates tommy but nobody cares lol
>jessica - hates nicole for voting her out but hopes she takes out jackson with christie
>christie - convinces jessica to hate the fuck outta nicole, jury basically rooting for tommy
>tommy - tells jury he got played by jackson, jury sees nicole using the veto for nothing
>jackson: pshh, nicole got lucky with a crapshoot
holly wins easily 7-2

i hope cliff wins a afp and not nicole

doubtful, but i can't wait to see cliff desperately try to convince the jury nicole played a better game than either jackson or holly

>cliff number 8 on jokers

cliff losing his mind in the storage room

Dan and Will
>play against 4 of the best casts in the history of the show (with Will playing against literal all-stars)
>plays against one of the worst casts in the history of the show, maybe one other player could be considered a strategist is hinderd by the fact that she's also an overly-emotional lunatic

it's like winning a game of baseball against a major league team compared to winning against a bunch of retarded kids playing tee-ball

did you forget the season 6 alliance that pretty much ran the whole season and kept chicken george around as the goat?

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this post makes me very sad. i hope quarky gets AFP.

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if bb20 was so good, why did tyler win afp?

im worried for cliffs mental health guys

I really want to see a scenario where Jackson and Nicole make it to final two, so we can hear Nicole's pathetic attempt to explain how she played a better game than Jackson.

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this does not seem like a bitter jury season.

based boomer

he said nigga, how do you know hes not black, they're allowed to say that.

>jackson fuels the hatred of quarky to bog
>it was her fault cliff had to go home. cliff was a good guy. he deserved to be here
>bogs anger grows and grows over throwing the HOH comp. she could've kept cliff safe
>quarky tries to socialize with bog and talk to her. bog gives her one word answers and is distant and cold
>jackson hangs around quarky while bog does her hour long makeup sessions for DR and while sleeping
>jackson and quarky laugh and joke around about the game and life
>he confesses the lies and game moves. how everyone is going to hate him in jury house
>finale night. quarky pulls out a miracle and manages to win final HOH
>jacksons week long plan of isolating bog from quarky and not allowing them to reconcile comes to fruition
>quarky falls for the jackson mist and thinks the jury will not respect jacksons dishonorable game
>jackson wins 8-1

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based melissabro
think she'll start posting here now?

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jesus fuck I'm not even joking. I put on taran's update from this morning to fall asleep to and you weren't kidding it's awful. I'm 8 minutes in and he's so full of shit. no wonder everyone hates jackson if they don't actually watch the feeds because they listen to this retard

>look im not defending nicole and cliff
>defends nicole and cliff for 20 minutes

i watch the feeds, i dont need to listen to other retards talk about their perceptions. i get enough of that here.

but the way he's portraying these conversations is so untrue. he's so biased

well I did turn it on with the purpose of falling asleep but it just made me mad and woke me up more

you ever try beach sounds or forest sounds or some shit like that? sometimes i'll put on a favorite movie or show. general white noise might be better instead of something your brain has actual interest in if your trying to fall asleep.

normally I just have the feeds or a show on and I'll lay down and close my eyes and keep lowering the volume until I fall asleep. used to need silence to fall asleep then the gf needed noise so I got so used to that and now she dumped me and I don't know how to fall asleep anymore lol

nick won't vote for her either. he likes her, but he doesn't respect her. gays don't even think she's a player in the game

quarky and jackson hammock

when you ACTUALLY think about it:
nicole is the reason she is going to lose to anybody and won't even be in f2

quarky going for the full guilt play.

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jackson not buying this weak mist. him and holly discussed earlier that this was what hogg and quarky were going to do.

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giv her handle


>Jess won’t vote for a man
she's in love with jackson
>Bimbo is bitter
lol no. she would vote for holly over him, because that's her bestie, but not nicole
>Cliff/Shitcole are bitter

i dont think quarky or hogg are gona be bitter. imagine you get to F4 and you find out you fucked up. you're going to be mad and say some shit. but i think by the time finale rolls around, they'll appreciate the game jackson played

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poor nicole got her game ran by the boomer...

just fap before sleeping. that's the best way
yeah, i ain't clicking anything with 'fat' in it. bugger off

delusional pandafag

woooo chiiiiillllld. that is one big bitch

we shall see

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watch the n-bombs

his updates have always been biased. especially the guests. i stopped watching them because of his cringey jokes where he's spends a full minute laughing at them

same thing

Based Jackson is playing Dumbcole like a fiddle yet again. She tried to manipulate him but he is reverse manipulating her and securing her jury vote

pretty sure they are both aware of what they are trying to do.

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nicole won't have any idea what's going on until cliff explains it to her

jackson can't think he'll win against nicole can he? the jury will be bitter.

jackson's already won


they never said she is a teacher.
they implied she is one of the babysitters there that sit there and look for kids not to chocke on their own tongues and vomit, but it's a lie. she's actually one of the students there

when nicole won, i was mad, because paul played much better game, but i disliked him and it wasn't such a robbery so i lived through it
when that retard josh won i was furious, because he was so dumb and paul literally ran that house for the whole time and deserve to win, but he shot himself in the foot by never owning it + i hated him, so i lived thought it.
when that who? kc won i was fuming, because she was carried by tangela the whole season and tyler never did anything wrong and deserved it so much more, but at least he got the girl and kc won some comps and was like 4th or 5th most deserving person in that season, so i gave it another shot.
if snackman loses to anybody, or if he even gets jewed out of the f2 spot i'm for sure not watching this shit show ever again. it's just not worth it. waste of time and no fun at all

Jesus, what happened?

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based autists in the backyard

>being this invested in the outcome of a reality tv show

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How would I not be? I invest so much time into it for it to end so badly? It's time to stop.

if the outcome really does upset you that much, you probably should move on to something else desu.

>jackson: i really liked kemi, jack couldnt

if jack didn't have a problem with her, he would've probably be fucking her before he went for holly

cute nick

just this once i hope the nicolefags don’t wake up

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that's stupid.
what's the point if they're going to wake up tomorrow?

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She's going to choke; Bog and Jackson are going to be in pt.3. BB will be lucky to break 5M viewers.

That's what Grodner gets for cheating for Jackson.

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watch asmr videos, it works for me

based woooo chiiiiillllld poster

morning fren

It's sad that Cliff will prevent Holly from beating Nicole 9-0 and having a perfect game.

Imagine thinking bratcole has any chance in final hohes

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Why is Jackson still on the block? Have they not yet done the veto ceremony??

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live eviction veto ceremony

That makes no sense. We already know what he is going to do. It's quite obvious.

wow look at this pretty girl!!!!

qute beddy boopski

Unless it gives you a boner

Cliff really did mess up Nicole's game. If Nicole hadn't trusted Cliff, or been so happy winning HOH she might have had her straight. I hate floaters, and I'll be so happy she's gone too.

it's what they do for f4 eviction every year. there is no live vote since there's only one vote so the person that won veto just stands up and votes at the eviction

May Nicole be the last floater in BB to make it so far close to the end. People going in to BB thinking they can win just by lying, and being liked, which is complete bs. Winning BB should be about winning comps, and social game.

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I miss the Jack Show.

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I wonder if the twist will be that Lawon finally gets his super power and can evict Jackson?

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You Nicolefags are a little cranky this week.

Yeah I am ngl I am mainly just chimping out because I have toxic masculinity about Melissa because she makes me super horny so I got angry at them calling her a racist.

his super power is calling every single person on big brother twitter a racist

I'd let chrsitie rape me

fuck off nick

Disgusting Jew dyke

>everyone I don’t like is a nicolefag
and they say we are the mentally ill ones

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>where’s mamma

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I really wonder what you mentally ill degenerates mean by Jew. You use it for anyone and everyone you simply dislike, so I guess that is what you mean.

Yesterday it was announced that Melissa will be vacationing in Europe for the next 2 weeks, missing the rest of the season and finale.

At the end of the podcast, Taran asked if she had any last words she wanted to say. I have this feeling... or a hope, at least... that Taran was subtly meaning it would be her last words on RHAP ever, and he had spoken with Rob about having her bow out after the season.

What can I say? Dreamers aren’t we all?

Next year's theme.

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I hope Kidwell comes back.

Christie fan here. Can't wait for Jackson to lose Big Brother 21 to ULTIMATE GOATS Nicole or Holly!


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Personally I am a christie fan but after Christie left I became a Tommy fan since Christie and Tommy were a package deal... but after jackson spurned tommy i am team nicole

Cliff- Much like I live most of my life, I dont cheat when I play solitaire. I think there may be a player or two still in this house that maybe would cheat a little bit if given the chance.

does it give you a boner?

Go back Rabbi

she's better than that faggot taran anyway.
she should just do her own twitch show where she plays just dance

Based BBO with an excellent suggestion.

Can't wait for his boomerisms to finally be over. I had hopes for Cliff, he had potential to be the first great old man character since Jerry, and he fucking blew it at every turn. He will go down as just another old guy that got dragged and clipped.

i have never been more insulted in my entire life.
go eat a dick you fuckface

Where is ShelbyBro?

Why do you fear the twitter normies so much, BBO?

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hogg being salty about being betrayed

wake me up when cliff stops being a faggot hahaha, i'm just joking, i want to wake up someday

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her lawng oiland accent was pretty jewwy desu.
but she would be a mutt at most, since Murphy is like peak goyim last name.

doesnt want to be ostracized

OTT2 When?

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is this big brother or big boomer?

>yfw the vet they bring back is ovi

>Cliff- I didnt come in here to settle for 3rd place. As a result, I rolled the dice, I took some chances, I trusted the integrity of maybe someone I shouldnt have. Instead of 3rd, I'll end up in 4th. I'm sorry family that that screws up your chances of watching on stage.
Poor Cliff :( He just wanted his family on stage. Why did that meanie Snackson have to ruin everything.

It’s over hoggbros....We...we got to cocky. Atleast we will get America’s favorite player. Oh wait based queen kimi is already a lock....it’s done cliffamanicasc

so cliff would have poisoned the jury against dan right?

>he doesn’t know about bb22: boomers vs zoomers
Cliff finna boutta dab on some young’ns

his family doesn't have $450 for 3 round trip flights?

forgot pic

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cliff still dont know jackson tried to make nicole and cliff feel so safe to throw the veto

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Gook & sodomite

fuck this piece of shit
"i trusted the integrity" my ass.
he wasn't offering anybody anything, was blackmailing people and wanted to be carried to f2? dumbass

mate, cliff has no power. same as shitcole.
people were trusting him and were keeping him in the game, because they knew he was a coward pushover after his hoh.
the only thing he can poison is the air with his farts

when you really think about it, jackson sending cliff bitter about the deal to jury is going to help him alot in the long run

It’s the age of the Coomer. They only know the coom

snacky made a big mistake making holly throw that hoh.
we could have finally be free from shitcolefags in a few days...

Are you going to livestream your suicide when she wins? I’ll cheer you on

It's crazy to think about it, but that faggot Taran and his Sjw loser friends are creating the narrative of every season.

i wouldnt know a single thing about their narrative if you didnt obsess over them and talk about them in every threat

I sort of came to this realization last night. I couldn't understand the hatred for jackson in the way he's been talking on the feeds the last two weeks and I finally listened to one of taran's recaps last night and he was making jackson sound like such an asshole

the way he took everything jackson said so negatively seemed like the type of difference people get from listening to the audio vs reading the transcript where they totally miss the tone and everything

If you were Paul and just walked in the front door what’s the firsts thing you to to get to final two and then lose?

Take solace in the fact that 95% of black twitter users are just passive aggressive bitches who aren’t going to say shit in real life.

Jackson hates niggers so he has 1 redeeming quality.

Find Friendship

>Hating on Paul
You gotta go back.

>hey I know someone's band he should join
>go to find pic
>can't find pic
how the fuck didn't I save the edit of krispy's band

I don't know if they 'create' the narrative going through the communities, but they certainly do reinforce/adjust/align it. I was just thinking this as well last night and was getting a bit frustrated. I enjoy Taran for what he's worth but I'm starting to see the danger of having such a popular, stand-out podcast. It was my same fear with Eric when he was trying to poison his audience against Ballsmashers.

Cringe. Jackson isn't your self insert sweetie. Just because Twatter calls himself racist doesn't mean its true.



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he cute

do you not realize that we don’t leave the thread when someone leaves the house?

in fact, I don’t ever leave the thread OR the house lol

imagine if the newbies just fucking killed him

Based Tommy AKA your future AFP.

you will leave the plain of existence once that bitch leaves the house


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>the way he took everything jackson said so negatively seemed like the type of difference people get from listening to the audio vs reading the transcript where they totally miss the tone and everything
this is a good point.
it’s a combination of confirmation bias (hearing what you want to hear, regardless of reality) and people specifically going out of their way to be offended and mad all the time (especially on social media)
it’s a sick world we live in these days.


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You want to suck his cock but his hatred of shitskins offends your sjw sensibilities. I get it

if I did, i assure you it would have nothing to do with her

Looks like a corpse

what’s she dreaming about bros?

Putting on makeup

sleeptight boggy

>turn on feeds
>see this

wut do?

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*unzips pants*

He should run around the house naked and slapping his belly

>you asked to speak to me on your death bed master hogg?

>targets old and black people from the start
>uses production as a strategy entire season
>bullies innocent girl until she almost has mental breakdown
>talks shit behind people's back, cries after small confrontation
>gets into showmance with female with no personality and multiple botched plastic surgeries

yikes, you really need to be mentally ill to like this guy

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>when u suck & he still nuttin

I can't wait for shelby to wake up

he really should

>i watched a snail crawl along the ledge of a straight razor
>that's my dream; it's my nightmare

We need more of this!


if aura was black or not a cheating whore, things might have looked different for tyler

this monotone boring looking ass wants to start a podcast after the show? HAHAHAHAHA

I think Nicoles best chance of making it to final 3 if she does not win final HOH is getting Jackson to vote out Holly and not Holly vote out Jackson. She is much much closer to Jackson than Holly. Holly has been bitching about her for several days now.

shes already in final 3

Holy shit is that guy's last name Hogg? I know him. He was one of the adults in my boy scout troop lmao


I think Michie's best chance of getting into the final three is if he wins the first HOH of the season

quarky and hogg. she is retelling the hammock talk from last night

Holly can't win against either Nicole or Jackson.

poor nicole is completely misted

he didn't

based cliff literally told jackson to his face after nicole won hoh and before veto that if he wins f3 hoh he's taking nicole and vice versa and if jackson is there he won't take him and now he's trying to make a pitch that he wont do that

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did he touch you in your no-no places?

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nicole is a bad player
just drop the dead weight

>Nicole: come on america! root for the underdogs!

I already am

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jackson just needs to evict her and take cliff dont get why he is waffling

She really is fighting tooth and nail for second place, isn't she lol

holly looking absolutely disgusting today

Cliff looks like dilbert

>evict the HoH
They’ll never see that coming

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reminder guys, nicole fought hard in this game

>nicole confessing she will promise jackson anything, shake hands and will break them
too late, jackson is already doing it

Saving this thread

SURVIVOR:Boomer Island:

Will Kirby
Mike Boogie
Dan Gheesling
Kaysar Ridha
Adam Jasinski
Russel Hantz
Rob Mariano
Tony Vlachos
Chris Daugherty

Janelle Pierzina
Danielle Reyes
Jun Song
Maggie Ausburn
Rachel Reilly
Cirie Fields
Kass Mcquillen
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Courtney Yates
Denise Stapely

Would it be Kino?


The only thing robbed in Season 19 was the fans of a true season

BB better give them alcohol so Holly gets drunk and Jackson gets pissed at her and takes Cliff!!!!

I don't care if my type has complained about how it's wrong how aggressive he is to her when they fight - if it leads to the outcome I want, beat her face in for all I care!! GO NICOLE!

this person believes taran way too much

based jackson telling production what to do
skip 15 seconds in

what an ugly fucking cunt please spoiler his next time. jackson is pure trash getting with this crypt keeper.

this but unironically. meth is a dumb cumdump who has leeched all season. if she goes to f2 with jackson or nicole she wins. the last person on the entire cast who deserves the W is beth. all she did this summer was get fucked

fuck off twitter

new thread

you: beta bux cucklord

meth is a cryptkeeper who is 33 and leeching off of Snackson this whole game. her biological clock is ticking so she is trying to get him into a relationship. seeing her win will be pathetic, because she will use the 500k to trap him into a relationship. seeing her lose will be equally pathetic because she will cry abuse like she did with luke pell when he dumps her the moment he leaves big brother. i cannot handle the cringe!

(she will win btw, she has feminazi jess' vote, fellow whore analyse and kat's votes, and bitter faggot tommy's vote. good game cuck. the only votes nicole would get are cliff and nick OMEGALUL)

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stop the hysterics she won't win lmao

screencapping this post when meth wins (the goat has won in the last 4 seasons lmao)