Joe has a bad day at work

What are some episodes where Joe clearly doesn't like the guest, disagrees a lot, wraps up the podcast early or just doesn't have a good time?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Mike Ward episode.

Culkin. Disrespects the guy totally and is so uninterested.

Joey Diaz. That was fucking brutal. I think there were supposed to be plans for him to come back on at some point originally but Joe turned out to straight up hate the guy

that one was pretty bad, you can tell he wanted to lay into that freak

dave chappelle STEALING JOKES he got cancelled for

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Ron Miscavige. You can tell he hated how he led his family into that fucked up cult
Joe wanted to murder his sòy boy ass

He hates Joey Diaz now?

Nobody cares stop posting this

I cant believe patrice oneal liked this chick

>Nobody cares dave chappelle STEALING JOKES he got cancelled for
Sacred cow

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who was that one faggot he argued with weed over

steven crowder
wouldn't let him leave either kek and when steven went back he had to take his friend with him

>schizophrenic and flasher desperate to be relevant

This, what happened?

they're similar in concept, but dave's joke IS different and also funnier

Dave stole it but his delivery is several orders of magnitude better.

Bearboy just rapid fires it like some nervous kid reading from a script.

specific wording and a full story, plus specific phrases.
$50-million and his most remembered joke

LGBTQXYZ will care.And Hack A-list comedians and screenwriters who people worship as IDOLS deserve to be exposed

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>Bearboy just rapid fires it like some nervous kid reading from a script.
A script he wrote and Chappelle read

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Dr. Peter Hotez. Guy told Joe it was dumb idea to not get a flu vaccination which caused Joe to criticize him about his diet and exercise habits and how he shouldn't be giving out health advice because he's overweight. He's not a fuckin' dietician Joe. And Joe is/was an anti-vaxxer, so it's not a surprise how things went.

gp away agenda

the one where he chimps out at steven crowder is pretty kino

The """original""" """"""""""""""""""'joke""""""""""""""""""' doesn't have the car part at all. It's just "dude you know how LGBT are all together and work together and stuff".

People have been talking for a long time about how the Ts are ruining everything and making the whole movement look bad. Their parts have their genesis in that, most likely independently. And Chappelle actually worked on his and put thought into it.

didn't someone say chapelle had performed a joke similar in 2017 but just expanded on it in his special? when did owen perform his joke

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You think im going to sit here and listen to this shit for almost 3hours ??

Joe is an overrated douche and his podcasts are mediocre at best.

>You don't care about people dying? You son of a bitch

It's the least productive argument for or against pot but it's fucking funny

It’s similar in that they’re going down the line of the letters but the joke itself is different. I wouldn’t say you could classify that as stealing since it’s basically “Let me tell you about this group of different groups one at a time.”

why does gavin mcinnes look like he's 75 now?

White people genes

lawsuits will do that to you.

Ron Miscavige.

Also unrelated:

You think Schaub is ever coming back on after this?

Tom Delonge from Blink 182. Like Bob Lazar obviously full of shit about UFOs but Joe treats him like an asshole

>spends the entire podcast taking potshots at Les despite Les admitting that bigfoot probably isn't real

He can be a total douche sometimes.

Dan Aykroyd was also full of shit and didn't get much disrespect

Dave is a hack... cry more black twitter

>shoot da white man
>molesting kids be cool
oh hahaha

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Dan didn't really fight any of his points. He agreed to disagree on everything.

Good rhing Culkin held back.


Gavin is just mad that he is literally Dave's white character.

>Dave's a hack
The only thing that's been hacked here is between your legs

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>Bob Lazar
i watched that show yesterday, Joe was really cool with him and looked like he was really enjoying talking to Bob.
The Dan Arkroyd vodka selling moment was cringe as fuck.

He was literally on last week for the UFC fight.

What happens specifically

why would the dad wear a remainer badge if he's a bigot?

>dude just let people fuck up their child's entire development because their too stupid to know any better, my trans friends say so

Listen to it boy, son.

>anonymously searching ddg for Amy Schumer reaction pics


Quit speaking like a nigger.

*smack your ass*

He hated tom and stopped the show after a 1.5 hours

>keeps brushing him off and trying to start a conversation which goes nowhere as Ron is a tired old man
>corrects Ron on many things
>gets that annoyed he just says "shall we wrap this up" at the 70 minute mark and brings in his friends to have a screaming match again

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The recent one with Dan Akroyd had both Joe and Akroyd seemingly pretty uninterested most of the time. There were moments in the middle where he seemed to be engaged with Akroyd's total love for UFOs and ghosts, but especially toward the end you could tell Rogan was just done with it. Partly, I think Akroyd was too nicely Canadian, and didn't really seem flustered when Rogan pushed his buttons a couple of times.

he's realised the error of his ways too late

>thinks being called son means it's coming from a basketball american

You have a stepdaddy named Tyrone by any chance.

i remember a few years back listening to his first hannibal burress convo. it ended up joe defaulting to mma shit that hannibal was clearly uninterested in.

rick ross was another forced one.

adam conover was famously embarassing for the guest.

joe is such a shitty comedian, hes completely dimensionless and only exists in comedy out of brute force. you can tell by his taste in music what a boring boom-tier person he is. anyone who likes or liked KISS is immediately dismissable. the fact hes so close with eddie bravo says a lot.

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The kiss thing sounds legit.

>The only thing that's been hacked here is

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Damn, this. Don't know why, I was excited to see Ward and Rogan meet, but Joe was condescending the whole way through.

Joe is literally a talking wall with a vast amount of common knowledge. Nothing more interesting than getting punched by a Marijuana joint.

>The only thing I'm not interested in talking about/have an opinion on is pot.
>Proceeds to get trashed for 50 minutes straight for not being pro-pot.
Kino podcast.

Skull Vodka is really great, you can definitely taste how pure it is and no nasty hangovers like cheap alternatives or the leading brands

Yeah the whole car analogy makes the joke very different.

>Dan is a great story teller
>Dan didn't fight Joe on anything and came in with an attitude of 'agree to disagree'
>Dan is actually funny and at several points said that he chooses to believe these things
>Dan is a fucking legend

Sice when? You cant cancell a guy who doesnt give a fuck. Im still surprised he didnt just started a show online with full creativity control.
Anyway, stealling jokes in this era is dangerous as fuck. Once you get caught, you lose all credibility... If you cant write your own jokes, you are not a comedian, you are just performer. Is not bad, but not the same.

underrated. Joe is a literal retard

Does he even have a show on real television? Downvoted.

i remember both having a good time

>raises voice to interrupt

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Shit tastes like wood varnish

If you're not onboard whatever opinion Joe is harboring this month, then it's going to be a bad interview. Even if you are, you'd better talk about animal videos or ayahuasca to keep him involved.

If he doesn't give a fuck then why did he return to comedy at all? Dave's jumpsuit looks like a prison uniform.

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The Dan Akroyd one was the best one in a long time. I liked hearing him passionately talk about his vodka.

>If he doesn't give a fuck then why did he return to comedy at all?
well... first of all, is his passion. Also the money.
Being able to feed your family is a hell of a motivator bro. And he is doing it independent just selling his shit to netflix.
You cant get more based than that.

>Science is the new religion: the man

Talk about dogmatic and arrogant

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I listened to it out curiosity when it popped up in my youtube feed and it was great. Went back and listened to some other recent jre podcasts and remembered why I stopped listening to him. What made Dan's so good? His passion and Joe barely talking at all? Maybe Akroyd should start his own podcast

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Steven Crowder is the most irate I've seen Joe.

Joe goes crazy if someone claims thc doesn't cure cancer.

It does.

Because the epic hipster mustache just makes you look like an old man once it goes grey

The fact that Tom Delonge is a major UFO truther guy now blows my mind

>simulates your path

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a really pointless podcast
>what if magic existed
>i dunno lol

>Crowder episode where Joe blew up about weed
>Most recent Neil Tyson episode
>Candace Owens when she says climate change isn't real
>Tom Delonge because he was clearly full of it
>The one with the libertarian candidate for governor of NY (forget his name)
>Adam Ruins Everything guy talking about "trans folks"

I've only been listening to the podcast for the past few years but these are the ones where you can tell Joe just disliked the guest.

he wrote a song called 'alien's exist'

Joe dislikes Neil? They had good podcasts before, I didn't see the new one.

I remember thinking the Bernie Sanders one was the opposite of this, where a guest doesn't like Joe and is just trying wrap it up.

Anybody who doesn't like Sticks and Stones you're an sjw. Sorry Gavin.


This. I don't think he hated the guy himself, he just hated that he was having that conversation, he looked uninterested from start to finish

Nah I thought Bernie seemed relaxed and was generous with his time.

I was watching the latest Eric Weinstein, and I swear me and Joe both were so bored when he's trying to show us all these "amazing" things.

Joey Diaz and Joe Rogain are good friends, what the fuck are you on about

It was hilarious when Joe had a magician on and was super dismissive towards the tricks he did saying they were "just tricks" and "magic isn't real".

As if anyone thinks fucking magic tricks are real LMFAO. Joe is such a retard at times.

What is Weinstein trying to push now?


Joe fucking demolishes Brian Dunning right there

The only reason he's somewhat relevant is because his brother was thrown in a sjw scandal. Eric is a boring as fuck dude who's using his brother's "fame" to promote m-muh intellectual dark web. Fucking cringe.

The one where he had sargon on and started to get irritated with how much he kept complaining about anita was pretty funny.
I don't think he disliked him though.

Imagine being that guy trying to talk about his art and life's passion only to have Joe tell him it's fake for 2 hours. I would've left.

Anyone see the Nick Bostrom podcast where Joe chimped out in the last hour because he couldn't understand the simulation hypothesis? Probably the worst instance of Joe being a complete meathead and completely out of his element.

He was especially douchey this time around. I remember liking him back the day.

There was just something completely off about it. NDT just kept interrupting and trying to blow Joe's mind and Joe just looked super agitated the whole time.

7:30 in, this is fucking savage.

Only zoomers, incels and pol faggots watch Joe Rogan

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>zoomers, incels and pol faggots
all me

I'm not a joe fan but this guy is an arrogant faggot.

>a guys not gonna ask for a lighter to a group of guys

We'll pretend your answer doesn't qualify as "giving a fuck."

It's safe to say that Dave is out of the struggling to feed his family tax bracket, working or otherwise.

He didn't, he said he wanted a blowjob from her.

Zoomers don't watch it boomers do

elon musk treated him like a retard the entire time
>so what do you hate the most
>people who are inefficient and waste my time
you could feel the contempt coming off of elon. especially after joe interrupted him every single time he spoke and never let him finish

Neil is NASA's public figurehead assigned to inform the masses what uneducated faggots we all are. It's a wonder he even takes the time to explain anything to us.

this guy and bill nye havent achieved or done anything notable in science/their field
they are just glorified elementary school science teachers

Joe is a retard though. He genuinely believes THC is a miracle cure and that jalapenos and incorrectly cooked eggs belong smeared on top of every other food item

I'm talking only about his most recent appearance. They were both on edge and Neil kept aggressively cutting him off.

excellent bait

Brian Dunning was the absolute worst the whole "skeptic" community had to offer.

He did the same thing with adam ruins everything guy where he asks him which episode got the most hate and then proceeds to fight him on the topic

holyshit that guy on his show is terrible
can we all agree asians are mostly shit people and not funny?

he donst look that bad his hair just turned gray

Joe keeps talking about a guy he knows that's on adderall that does nothing but shit talk his former coworkers on youtube all day

He's mentioned this a lot, anyone know who it is?

owen benjamin?


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LMAO, probably. Some of Owen's vids are pretty comfy, especially when he's talking about his mini-farm. He also gets a lot out of E. Michael Jones that even people I thought EMJ would like don't manage to.

This one for sure. This was an annoying episode but it was also funny.
>joe: i got no problem with people who feel like a different gender and want to change, i just don't think they should be allowed to participate in sports with other genders because it's unfair for obvious physical reasons and if you can't acknowledge those physical differences you are a retard
>adam: uhhhhhh weelllllllllll i disagree i don't think they have any advantage or that it's a big deal
>joe: lol are you retarded what are you talking about how is a man with a man body and man strength literally crushing women not a big deal
>adam: uhhhhhhhhhhhh welllllllllllllll uhhhhhhhh i read a small article from some no name one time so yeahhhhhhh

Why the fuck did Joe agree with her? Am I missing something or was not just a dude asking for a light?

This guy is absolutely not someone who should have agreed to debate a guy whose job it is to not only communicate with audiences but to make them, through sheer force of will, laugh. What did he expect to happen? Brian dunning? More like Dunning kruger.

>joe: I also don't think giving young children hormones is a good idea, we have no idea the kind of impact this good have on their development, there's already a overwhelming amount of evidence that show it could actually cause more harm
>adam: uuuuuhhhhhhhhmmmm wellll we're gonna have to agree to disagree. But I want to get back to something else, hummm, there's no real biological differences between a man and a women, it's all a social construct according to Science.
>joe: if it's all a social construct, why do you need to inject six year olds with more hormones than they'll ever produce in their natural lives?
>adam: huuuuummmmmm, uuuuuuhhhhhh, weeeelll, uuhhhhhhhh...

It came off as Elon talking to an actual chimp.
The shit Elon was talking about was fascinating but you could tell he was tired of talking to Joe.
When he was describing how he gave up trying to warn people about the direction of tech you could just hear how sad he was in that moment. Once again, no one is actually listening to him. He's just speaking into a vacuum and it's not clicking with anyone.

Freeway Rick Ross? How was that shit forced? He was totally into his story and had him back.

Joe was just being polite to her. If you watch you can clearly tell joe doesn't think anything was wrong.
He just doesn't want to call a guest of his who he probably is not close friends with an idiot or crazy bitch to her face.

Joe Rogan is probably smarter than Musk though.

>get invited to huge podcast
>much larger audience than any other stupid event you could attend in LA
>give joe limited time anyway, too busy campaigning even though this show counts as campaigning
>bs your way through the show by saying nothing of substance
>learned absolutely nothing that we didn’t already know
what a waste

>betrays a guy
>wtf why is the guy that I betrayed keeps shittalking me?

such a lust for revenge. whoooooooooooooooooo?

>there's no real biological differences between a man and a women
adam didn't say this

>I listen to trans folks and they say....

cowards way out imo

>you poop and pee because you eat too much food and that's just overflow ;^)
>Joe: What are you talking about?


Tom DeLonge he talked shit on a few episodes later and clearly was annoyed Tom was on Adderal

The dude was likely trying the ol “throw the football/frisbee into the group of women at the beach” tactic and she just got butt blasted over it instead of realizing it’s just an icebreaker and telling him to kick rocks.

That guy unwillingly made Joe look like a dummy. They should do a repeat and Joe should do his homework.

>Joe wanted to murder his sòy boy ass

WTF are you on about, Joprah's mildly annoyed at the smug cunt and just tells him he's wrong about trannies. Adam doesn't know enough to defend anything, clearly he needs a team of writers to perform his script, thinking on his feet isn't an ability he has, so he looks annihilated by the meathead.

It's not showcasing anger or Joe's wit, just this sad fuckboy's gaping cranial hollow.

You're literally stupid

Chris Rock is funnier

Not anymore. His writers fucked up his last special.

>criticize him about his diet and exercise habits and how he shouldn't be giving out health advice because he's overweight
> He's not a fuckin' dietician Joe.
Honestly fat doctors, doctors who smoke, doctors who give shitty diet advice are all bad and should be anally probed. Working in healthcare is a fucking nightmare. You see the results of poor diet, poor exercise, smoking, drugs erryday, and come break time half the staff are taking a smoke break. Nurses and orderlies are either doing drugs or getting hammered on weekdays.

Didn't he also have at least 4 longevity specialists on who all refused to take care of themselves? Don't even exercise, don't sleep right, don't eat right.

It's the armchair general thing, but for health. Do you really want to listen to a greasy neckbeard's opinions about what decisions some general really should have made? Or do you instinctively distrust his opinion, and rightfully so?

>Joe is/was an anti-vaxxer
> not get a flu vaccination
I don't know if that's true, but I can tell you the flu vaccine is one of the most scammy vaccines out there. Given how fast the virus mutates every year is a crapshoot on whether the vaccine works properly or not.
Outside the US it's not common practice to get it just because, you only give it to vulnerable patients who can't afford to get the flu.

The gook method is passive & would help the average person more. Wear face shields either to prevent spread or proactively. Wash hands regularly. Wear gloves if you're in cities.

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>Candace Owens
joe wanted to fuck her so bad


Dan Aykroyd is a retard. When Joe fucking Rogan of all people has to be the voice of reason in a conversation you know you fucked up.

I listened to the episode everyone has been bitching about and I didn’t get the impression he was being rude at all. Joe seemed to roll with it.

There’s one with a woman who’s a ‘financial dominatrix’ as the guest- she gets losers to send her money, he was done with her after 45 minutes and said she was boring.

You hear gays bitch about Ts making them look like mentally ill freaks all the time.

Still can’t believe this pic isn’t shopped at all

Like, you'ld flip out on uhm.. like a guy who sounds like a plastic valley girl.. like uhm like llike like uhm like uhm like uhm like like uhm uhm like like uhm like uhm yeah.

>It's another episode where Joe interrupts a guest talking about deep and meaningful psychological ideas to say that they're the same than martial arts.
>It's another episode where a guest is talking about something really interesting, but instead of following up on the subject to gain a better understanding and develop a compelling conversation, Joe is just trying to get the gest to smoke some weed or get wasted on mushroom right then and there.

>Listen to Joe podcast in youtube while doing shit at home.
>Decide to listen to the podcast original audio on my daily conmute.
>First solid 15 minutes of each episode is Joe advertising various shit.

The fuck is this shit.

>Aykroyd bullshitting about his vodka

What a conman. All that shit about diamond filtration.

Youre being extremrly redundant.

I assume you’re ironically shilling user.

The dude's a hollywood actor. Pretentious, overpriced and shitty wineries/distilleries/breweries are what they do on the side. It's very common.

Who told Joe it was a good idea to get Sargon on? At the best of times Sargon is a brainlet who’s gets easily triggered by SJWs etc.

Rogans the intellectual equivalent to McDonalds, easy to digest, even for the mentally disabled, but completely void of substance or depth.

>yeah well maybe these alien and ghost encounters and mothman aren't real and these people are full of shit but we can all agree that they definitely exist beyond a shadow of a doubt
He just realized it's not worth trying to convert people if they're not buying it already after years of failing to push his tinfoil hat shit.

>Rogans the intellectual
You went too far.

What are you talking about moron? did you literally stop reading there?

hot take

I literally did.

>Given how fast the virus mutates every year is a crapshoot on whether the vaccine works properly or not.
lol the influenza vaccine changes every season too moron

>when he starts talking about getting a ghost blowjob for real

More based guests who are right making Joe mad.

>lol the influenza vaccine changes every season too moron

Yes I know you nigger, that's why I said it's a crapshoot on if it works because matching the proper strain is a gamble every year. The effectiveness is highly variable, because the virus is, unlike standard vaccines which have had decades to perfect.

you are full of shit, you don't care about anyone's kids, you just want to make fun of the freaks

What do you think made them both in edge?

>Who told Joe it was a good idea to get Sargon on?

Bet it was Jamie.

Because you didn't watch the video. Imagine being so cucked you miss out on 80% of the communication because you wanted to do the dishes or lift or whatever.

He is corrupted by Satan

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Yep. I guess most celebrities figure if they just pay somebody enough money, they can make their own ‘great’ product.

Still makes me mad that in this interview Sargon says some thing like "they hate me", not specifying who "they" are but clear from the context he means SJWs in general. Then Joe is like "who? Wait, is this about Anita again?"

Sargon: "her fans" (technically true since SJWs are her fans, but he wasn't specifically talking about anita or specifically the fanbase of anita)

Joe then proceeds to flip out because supposedly Sargon keeps bringing it up but Joe was the one who just brought it up and Sargon just made the mistake of saying something that was technically true but misleading. And then everyone proceeds to agree with Joe. Even if Sargon wouldn't shut up about it Joe made it look like a bigger deal than it was

Sup Dan.

Can we all just agree that the Dan Akroyd podcast was pure boomer kino

>discusses a bunch of weird spooky shit but acknowledges that it's probably mostly bullshit
>willing divuldges info about the new Ghostbusters film because he just doesn't given a fuck
>brings in a car magazine so he can talk about cool cars with Joe
>story about raping a ghost

Blessed podcast

>bs your way through the show by saying nothing of substance

Wait wait wait - B. Sanders talking for over an hour and saying absolutely nothing? Im Shocked!

Excuse me but the ghost non-verbally consented.

He said plenty, just nothing about the mysterious man he is when he's not being full on socialist. Which doesn't exist because that's the only mode he has.

>says that the all-female ghostbusters was funny and good
Not blessed, not blessed at all.

Maybe Sargon is just a retard with a victim complex who wasted his 15 minutes of relevancy.

That could be true and you could simultaneously be so butthurt that you don't see that specific part wasn't really Sargon's fault, and he was not in fact talking about Anita

>but acknowledges that it's probably mostly bullshit
uh...that didn't happen. He just agreed to disagree a lot

He was talking about Anita's fans, which IS talking about the Anita topic as a whole. He went in trying to convince Joe he was a victim and Joe wasn't buying it like the butthurt fanboys who to this day give enough of a shit about it to try to defend how he came across in the podcast.

>Clearly admits that he had such fundamental disagreements with the director that he decided to remove himself from having anything to do with the movie, and that his relationship with the director was only fixed years later.

>Nurses and orderlies are either doing drugs or getting hammered on weekdays.

They have valid reasons though, theyre over worked, underpaid, and daily put into life/death very stressful situations the likes of which, jenna the waitress or jimmy the laborer cannot understand.

neil gets off on being a fucking know-it-all

You aren't talking about the moment I pointed out. They had moved on from the topic, then Joe spergs out thinking they're back on topic again because he thinks Sargon literally meant he was talking about just her fans.

SJWs are not just an appendage that is entirely owned by the topic of Anita, by way of being her fans. You don't even know what part I'm talking about and never even thought about it this way before I pointed it out to you because you were predisposed to be butthurt over anything he said anyway so you just took it as him talking about Anita.

Wow, could he be any more obviously mad? Makes fun of any little thing he can.
>uhh the way he enjoys his own material
>uhh the shirt
>uuh his voice
Jesus christ Gavin, you should go back to BTFO feminists, because you're just being pathetic with this.

American men are really bad for this, I never noticed it till recently - "Like uhh ya know mm"
Like a parody of those old alicia silverstone (?)
teen girl movies. Really fuckin weird.

Joe is a father of two girls. He doesn't care about men or boys. It would have to be an EXTREME circumstance for him to think "yeah man that's fucked up" and to himand most people alive some woman you've been talking shit about online for years calling you a mean name to your face isn't an extreme thing.

Keep in mind joe deals with hecklers all the time. Keep in mind if he glances at his insta or twitter when he's retweeting junk science or posting about eggs on bear meat he would get worse insults than sargon got from anita or sargon gave to anita or any of their fans have given each other.

So hey just one thing here I kinda want to sort of push back a little on you just a heckin' tad because I feel like it's sort of not right to like, y'know, take a whole group of people and just like make a blanket statement about them... like... like about them as a whole.

>you are full of shit, you don't care about anyone's kids, you just want to make fun of the freaks


user - you might be dumber then those two put together, thats impress.

....and he wasn't talking about Anita, he just made a reference to about SJWs not liking him without explicitly saying SJW, and Joe assumes he must mean Anita, and stops him with "hol up are you talking about Anita again? I have two daughters dude, and an uncle"

He wasn't talking about Anita at all at that moment. He just made the mistake of linking SJWs to being her fans in response to Joe assuming he meant Anita, because that's a way to politely say Joe is half right even though he's wrong.

You know what I mean though, I was just being a facetious cunt lol

You sound like an insufferable cunt.
>You didn't address my specific points or the moment I pointed out
I don't need to. The whole thing was Sargon crying about the SJW boogeyman and Joe being bored out of his tits about it. No one cares about the SJW the way you skeptards do to talk about it every single day.
Joe got bored and Sargon wouldn't stop moaning about SJWs. This is why most people laugh at Sargon. He comes across as this whiny bitch who thinks the SJWs are out to get him when everyone else had stopped caring about Gamergate or SJW fail compilation #1000.

Get your head out of your youtube skpetic bubble. Faggot.


how embarrassing to have posted this on the internet for everyone to see haha

Maybe I should have specified I was specifically responding to the victim part. Joe will never see males as victims so Sargon trying to play one was never going to work. Ice skating up hill sp to speak. Sorry for being unclear. Please don't respond to me though. I like this thread and I don't want anymore conflict so I really don't want to see another post aimed at me or I'll feel threatened and leave. Also I wasn't the guy you were originally replying to.

>acknowledges that it's probably mostly bullshit
He literally never said that, retard.

Funny how all the rogaine groupies out there seethe when Neil deGrasse Tyson handle him in the exact same way than Joe handles every other guest ever. Joe deserves more slaps in the face.

>The moment he aknowledges that someone might be faking paranormal shit and his defense argument is that people might fake it because they once legit had those powers but then lost them and can't accept it.

What a fucking embarassment.
Something about Lex really fucks with Joe and I'm not sure what it is

Joe has been kind of a cock all last week regardless of guest

You are a moron without a clue, son.

stop talking about quake joe you fucking boomer

Ever since Schaub blabbed about him and Dana White being notorious cheats.

>waiving a white flag and asking to not get triggered.
Just admit you are wrong and you are a fucking retarded ashole. Thanks

Ron Miscavige. Joe was salty about his own dad and took it out on Ron
Sometimes Lex rubs Joes the wrong way for some reason

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