Lionsgate Home Entertainment has officially announced that it will release on 4K Blu-ray Walter Hill's action thriller...

Lionsgate Home Entertainment has officially announced that it will release on 4K Blu-ray Walter Hill's action thriller Red Heat (1988), starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Belushi, Peter Boyle, Ed O'Ross, and Laurence Fishburne. The release will be available for purchase on October 29.

Special Features and Technical Specs:
>Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Man who raised Hollywood
>Political context of Red Heat - Featurette
>East Meets West - Featurette about Carolco and Red Heat
>A Stuntman For All Seasons - Tribute to Benny Doblins
>I'm Not A Russian But I Play One On TV - Interview with Ed O'Ross
>Making of - Featurette
>Original Trailer
>TV Spots
>Optional English, English SDH, and Spanish subtitles for the main feature

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>things nobody asked for

ok shill

CBS/Viacom can't be arsed to even give us a DS9 4K release but somehow this shit that doesn't even get cable repeats is coming out

Kino time


Cool I love this movie and all those features sound like excellent additions to an already excellent movie.

Sweet, will pick it up when it comes out.
Cant wait for Commando in 4k, Predator and T2 were both fantastic in it

we're always asking for more arnie

out of all the arnie movies to put on 4k...

>things nobody asked for
>implying people don't want all of one of holly wood's biggest star's movies in 4k
Youre on drugs. Im kinda pumped for this. Also probably gonna get Rambo (from the 00's) when it comes out

Beat me to it

more excited about this on november 4th tbqh

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Wait really?
>Red Heat
>Universal Soldier
Any other action kinos getting a remaster I don't know about?

Starship Troopers looks really great on 4K Blu.

Have seen it, was impressed with it.
Looking forward to Total Recall whenever they release it

Thanks for the heads up, I was thinking about this kino the other day but couldn't remember the name.
I could have sworn it was an 80s film, crazy that it was released as recently as 1992.

die hard?
they live?
escape from new york?

>they live?escape from new york?
Theyre out in 4k? Is Escape from LA or Tango and cash or the Thing too?
Best buy has almost nothin on the shelves (not a fan of buying online unless I have to)
Have predator, have been debating getting die hard, it look good?

they out on 4k in the uk but 4k is region free so you can play them on any 4k blu ray player. tango and cash and the thing arent on 4k. die hard looks really good. sony 4k blu rays are always high tier. terminator 2 4k looks like shit.

I think the Carpenter 4Ks are only available outside the US so you have to buy from europe/australia

Not really action, but The Karate Kid is the best looking 4K disc I own. Reference quality picture and great use of HDR.

Didn't know they were region free, nice.
T2 looks fine but I was mad about two things
>wide screen, no full screen
>no directors cut
Minor things but still, they should have them

Dawn of the Dead ('78) is coming early next year in the UK. So glad 4K Blu-rays are region free since Richard Rubenstein has a death grip on the licensing rights.

>T2 looks fine
it looks like it was shot on a digital camera yesterday and oversharpened.

kys zoomer

i'd rather have unisol regeneration or day of reckoning tbqh

We're those even shot on film?

It could look better, I will admit. I feel like it was a rush job they did to try and get it out the door since its such a big movie.
Wonder if they'll do a proper remaster for the directors cut
Also hope we get a good remaster of Conan

be careful though, the special features are almost always on the accompanying blu-ray which sometimes isn't region-free

Wtf is with that cover? Also they made their uniforms black for some reason.

Trying to appeal to a new generation of viewers.

Same reason there are weirdly modern preview pics for classic movies on Netflix, Prime, etc.

Give me To Live and Die in LA on 4k

I hope so

Is there a blu-ray of true lies yet?

why.. it's not that good.

lol no. theres a decent looking 1080p copy on amazon though. finally.

i'm waiting for The Abyss 4k with a new cut