Favorite skit from hit television show Million Dollar Extreme?

favorite skit from hit television show Million Dollar Extreme?

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ideas man
>throws away hollywood contract

That's their only decent skit.

I Am A Cop

The Man who would never be what they made him to be.

I watch it weekly.

The office skit, the cop skit, Quadroon Sam


I like the one where Sam got btfo by a spic:

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>after Sam's WP show got aborted Charls pitched his own show idea to AS, and instead of supporting his friend in this, Sam had his employees sign a contract to never work with Charls and he fucked Charls out of merch/book profit sharing
what a great guy, totally not the kike he makes fun of in his comedy

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sauce on this gmail?

>you own me $2000

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The teacher skit is an absolute work of art, though the wine party was the only one of theirs to make me burst out in laughter

This guy is literally an incel who stole Negative XP's scott pilgrim song and got a bunch of ad revenue from it. Also he's never watched MDE and just based this rant on tranny spam he's read here. He basically posts here 24/7. Wait a minute, it's you isn't it?

People who were once associated with Sam have spilled his dirty laundry.
>Fucks trannies
>Fucks dudes
>Drove a 15 year old across state lines to have anal sex with her when he was in his late 20's
>Withheld payment from people very close to him
>Is a crypto-millionaire, makes 20k a month from hydewars subscriptions
>Takes steroids and fake cialis to even get a boner, peruses Craigslist for gay sex
No wonder his career went nowhere.

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when it got cancelled and r/ourguy had a breakdown


what's going on big guy?

>tfw we never got The Bombstrap Show

if anything is blatantly false in that vid then feel free to debunk it.
so far none of Sam's dick suckers have done it, probably because it's all true

>that schizo that spams some image of Sam fucking a tranny or something LITERALLY every time he's mentioned
Nobody gives a shit if he's a degenerate, he made funny stuff and I like it, literally obsessed loser

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Fake and gay.

It's Don Jolly and Channing communicating.


nice try for anyone that wants to watch that stream you can view it yourself it starts around 5 hours it was a couple days ago
here's a rundown of the rant

says he's really proud of world peace and it was the best thing ever put on TV, is just messing around when he talks like he is

says "i dont care about tim heidecker or any of them, they fucking hated all our guts when we worked there"

said he isnt talking about anyone we think he's talking about when he's talking about the backstab stuff

says that he only cares about the future now and that he would be out on the streets with no money if he dedicated himself to sketch comedy, doesnt want to dedicate himself to something with such a low return on investment income

and reminder charls and erik did a stream where they called sam a god

Nick seems like such a bro. I follow him on Instagram.

She literally posted the bounced chekcs and shit. The spic goes over it in his vid. It's all true probably.

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>here's a rundown of the rant
Charls also said that sketch comedy is for losers and that he's done with it for life, probably referencing Sam.
>and reminder charls and erik did a stream where they called sam a god
link and timestamp?


>only one side of the story from bitter ex-employees and ex-girlfriends
reminder that the biggest indication of a liar is that rather than go to court or contact the police they go put their shit on the internet to cause a shitstorm


No one went to jail over gamergate, you argument is invalid.
You don't see the same kind of shit that's swirling around Sam also swirling around the rest of the MDE gang (Nick/Charls/etc). Where there is smoke there is probably a fire.


Oh, so this is the face of the faggots on Yea Forums always getting extremely asspained if anyone posts something remotely politically incorrect and using faggot terms like "/pol/tard". Dirty faggot spics and other subhuman trash.

can go to court if sam was fucking with employees like was said or not paying people but of course nobody
all that proves that there are bad checks, we dont know why sam cancelled that and we are only getting one side of the story

nick is still good friends with sam and ruse follows sam on his instagram account and comments on there occasionally

The Man Who Would Never Be What They Made Him To Be
I legit cried first time i watched this, shit just pierced my fucking heart


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>snake eyes
>you rolled a 5 and a 1
>hell yeah

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i like this one

so was the shows cancellation tim's fault?


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this skit put me onto Soft Moon, they're great