This is a middle class house in the 90's

>this is a middle class house in the 90's

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can two adults making 60k a year each not afford that in a mid-west suburban area today?


That house today is worth 2.4million.

>in the middle of fucking nowhere

Rural midwest yes, but not in Chimpcongo

The burglars make note that this is an affluent neighbourhood and that this house is specifically the gem amongst the bunch.


even then 60k a year would barely cover it

The improvements are probably upwards of $600k. If it were in the middle of nowhere I'd imagine it would be at least that much plus whatever you have to spend on land and running brand new utilities (since you live in the middle of fucking nowhere)

winnetka is like a half hour drive away from chicago you moron

>Yea Forums

Didn't the dad pay for him and his extended families trip to Paris?

not even in the nineties was that middle class

flyover pleb


That guy said 2 adults making 60k so 120k

In major city Texas suburbs $500,000 gets you 5000sq ft and a pool, in rural Texas its half that price

>This is how Hollywood thinks lower middle class people lived in Manhattan in the 90s

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they address the fact that it's a rent-controlled apartment that monica's grandmother owned a couple times, although that was clearly an after-the-fact justification for a set that had to be huge to look good.

That is not even close to true.

t. McKinney

No, that house was worth 2.4 million in 2011

The actor who played Kevin's dad said his theory was that Mr. McCallister was a gynecologist


Not even close. Cut that in half an place it in a neighborhood where the average household income was around 50k and that would have been middle class. These nigga's were balling even back then.

I grew up in a house like that, I didn't think we were rich though

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No fucking way.

I always got a businessman vibe from him. He looks and sounds like a boomer stock broker I used to know.

Can we admit that Harry and Marv were proletarian heroes of the film, giving the rich their rightful comeuppance and did nothing wrong? Sure they were going to kill Kevin, but the Romanov children were killed and they deserved it too. Spoiled little shits.

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671 Lincoln Ave
Winnetka, IL 60093

5 beds 4 baths 4,243 sqft

Zestimate®: $1,715,064
Rent Zestimate®: $10,024 /mo

So no, most people can not pay $7000-10,000 per month in just rent

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>tfw childhood house that parents bought for $80k in 1990 is now on the market for $500k
>so many people are bidding OVER asking price that the owners are also requiring bidders to submit an essay on why they deserve the house
>they haven't even fucking put any work into it besides redoing the roof

>parents talking about how they struggle with money
>family lives in a goddamn mansion

Everytime. As someone who lives in a third world shithole this is particularly annoying. Just move to a humbler place you fucks.

the description is cute but if you don't recognize it from home alone you're just going to be confused as fuck

Jews keep making the price go up for no reason.

>mfw the old lady across the street died and her kids stripped the house to the posts & rebuilt it, which was fucking worth it because they sold that 2 bedroom house with a tiny front yard for $900,000
>mfw I have no face for this fucking housing market
Meanwhile 4 people froze to death on the streets in our town last winter.

Good luck with that

2011 was only a few years ago retard


Probably not. Even in crummy second-tier cities like St. Louis or Kansas City, as house like that would probably cost over a million dollars.

Lol. Let me give you an example.

My wife and combined make 100k a year. We have one child. We live in the suburbs outside Atlanta. We live in a 200k home and it is a fucking piece of shit. Vinyl siding. Cheap floors. 3bed 2 bath. Cheap walls cheap fixtures. No stone or brick anywhere. The house in that photo would be 600k to 700k here. You would need a family income of 150k+ to get into a house like that.

The crash is coming boys hope you got your googles and medical scrubs ready cause it's gonna be a bloodbath this time.

Lol in NY that apartment would be $4500 a month

>what is a home

the value of money goes down every year whereas the population is always increasing. the supply remains constant or decreases while the demand always grows. land is the best investment always

If you're standing on a goldmine you don't get to complain about money problems.

>if housing prices don't go up, how will I retire?

Houses are not inherently an investment. The difficulty is that people are able to take out loans so the price can keep going up and up. Financing is the worst thing to happen for the middle class. Don't have a nice care? Oh well you can make this small monthly payment or better yet LEASE the car for ZERO equity. Want a to be just qualified to apply to a job? Get this degree that costs twenty grand a year but isn't nearly worth that. Make sure to spend more money in a dorm that has less amenities than an studio apartment for double the price! Now you can buy a house for an exhorbant amount of money while we fuck you with interest! Hahaaha

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Seriously, usury was banned for a reason, and they didn't mean "unreasonable" lending for a profit, they meant ALL OF IT

A home is not a goldmine, it is a home, and old folks shouldn't have to leave the home that they raised their children in.

>The house in that photo would be 600k to 700k here
An average one-story, 1960's built, asbestos-filled, fibro dump in the Australian suburbs costs 7-800K
People on welfare are living in them, but I dunno how mortages and loans work in both countries.

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Money is ultra cheap right now with interest rates having been suppressed for over decade. Combine this with almost continually printing of money at unheard of levels and you have a ton of money for people to finance just about anything. This has created risk-prone lending again where people are being offered way more money than is reasonable for them to pay back for the maturity of the loan. I make 65k a year and I shit you not I had a mortgage lender offer me just shy of half a million for a house; there is no fucking way I could afford that, shit I could barely afford half that. The end result of a massive asset bubble that goes well beyond housing. Like everything else the government touches, this will end very badly at some point. Every day I see the fed, the government and our media trying everything they can to keep the bubble from popping, but it will happen eventually and when it does it's going to make 2008 look like the good ol' days.

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Yeah the value of money goes down because the Jews at the federal reserve say so.

Why did John Hughes have Joe Pesci play both the burglar and the cop? What was he trying to say?

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Bait or retarded?

As someone from the 2nd world, the numbers thrown around in this thread chill me to the bone.

>I get my PhD in 2020/2021
>The second Financial crisis hits right when I graduate

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Own some bitcoin people. Seriously.

>I built my own house on 6 acres and I know what I'm talking about

Even base materials, if you sub out the electric and plumbing (because if you are building a decent sized should sub those things out unless you really know wtf you're doing)'re looking around at least 90-100/sq. foot to build it.

We built our house for 84/sq foot. I designed it and I was my own general contractor. Normally an architect will be 10ish% of the final home value and a contractor will be anywhere from 10-15%. So 25% of your home (If you choose to build) will be just designing it and having someone manage your subs.

Most contractors, if you cold call them, will quote you 140-150/sq foot to build.

Now, purchasing a home can definitely be cheaper per sq. foot. But even then, you're probably looking at close to 100/sq foot for a decent neighborhood.

That house is probably....3500-4000 sq feet and a third of an acre. So nominally, that house would sell for half a mill in a pretty bad neighborhood....all the way up to a couple of mill depending on final finishes within it (and the quality of neighborhood). IIRC, it wasn't really even the nicest house on the block so probably a million dollar home.

TL/DR, build your own fucking home.

I graduated from college a year after the last one and I did alright, and that's just with a BA. You'kk be more than fine with a doctorate most likely.

they can't
kevin's dad killed himself because he couldn't pay the expensive bills.

>buying into crypto

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Most likely. Research has usually shown that the "PhD working at Starbucks" phenomenon is extremely rare.
But I have heard some real horror stories from people who weathered the '08 crash.

The McCallister live in one of the richest neighborhoods in Chicagoland. That is why Marv and Harry were so excited to rob all its houses. Where did the movie imply the family was middle class?

what's the story here?

/biz/ bought high.

Bitcoin is an reasonable asymmetrical bet. Just don't buy shitcoins peddled on /biz/

Yeah they were never said to be middle class. Why the fuck would two professional burglars go to middle class neighborhoods? Middle class families have never vacationed in Paris.
They were clearly supposed to be upper middle class or upper class.

Maybe I was lucky, but I didn't even know it was happening until much later. It's possible that I was just very immersed in school at the time and didn't notice how much shit was going on, but I honestly couldn't distinguish 2007 from 2008 or 2009 desu. I'm not a richfag either; my mom's lower middle class and always has been and my dad is a drunk.

A bubble crashing happened.

God all I wanted to do was escape fucking white trash rural Texas. If there is a crash and it actually fucks me I'm just going to become a drunk and call it a day.

they were not middle class

>Meanwhile 4 people froze to death on the streets in our town last winter
What does that have to do with anything? Makes you sound like a retarded liberal that unironically brings up to his friends that "DUDE we have empty houses owned by banks and homeless people we should, like LET THEM LIVE IN THOSE HOUSES!"

Nothin personnel panic cucks.

To think back when /biz/ was announced I thought it was a good idea. Few months later and it's all fucking crypto. Should make a /cry/ board for these faggots.

i-is this the comfy underachieving neet thread?

I make about 60k a year in a rocky mountains state so shit is pretty cheap here. I use Capital One's auto navigator app that shows you exactly how much money they're willing to lend you and at what APR without a hard credit check like everyone else so I use it to gauge myself ocassionally. This week they approved me for up to 85k on any vehicle I want that's 10 years old or younger. The payments on that would be insane.

If you're going to invest, there's far better options than internet play money.

Wish i had that house

Had you bought 20k of bitcoin in 2013 it'd be worth a little over 300k right now, and this is post crash. If you had sold it near the high it had it was worth 480k.

>Rural midwest yes, but not in Chimpcongo

I started to google this before I realized that it's not one of those midwest places with Native American derived names.

Nobody bought 20k bitcoin in 2013. We're in 2019 now, there are better investments.

What "legitimate" investment would have turned 20k USD in 2013 into 500k USD in 2017? Please, tell me you fucking wise one.


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I wish I had boomer parents that just paid my way to supplement a job at Starbucks. I make 58k in Idaho and I still feel like I'm scraping by.

Post your portfolio, cuck, since you love giving people investment advice.

I make above the median income for my state and I'm a fucking grad student. What the fuck? This chart can't actually be true.

All those 0s really make it go down.

>Where did the movie imply the family was middle class?
The plot point where mom was willing to hitch rides to get back to her son instead of hiring a state approved CCW holder.

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Trumpets actually believed the orange nigger would fix anything lol.

Doesn’t the fact that it was used in filming a movie increase the value of the house? It’s a nice house but I live in southeast Wisconsin and for less than 1.7 million you can get a way bigger, way nicer, relatively new house. In a brand new neighborhood by my house, where the houses are still being built, the houses are massive and they’re smart houses and it’s a “green neighborhood” where they use solar panels as a source for the majority of their power, the houses are going for around 2 million

PhDs are extremely lucrative if you play your cards right and don't get a meme degree. I'm 2 years into mine and already got some contacts in Microsoft and Google.

thank god I studied software

Duality of man

You know what, you're right. It just feels unrealistic from the perspective of someone who has financial issues AND lives in a shithole.

I'm looking at a cushy job at the Census so far. Nice salary and I get to do research that interests me.

Literally laughed out loud.

What to set up the illegal alien deathcamps for max efficiency?

This nigger has a point.

In the 4th movie he dumped his wife in favor of some rich broad.

Fuck no.

Buddy I wish

WTF I want a PhD now

So what did the parents do for work?

>median income is 24k
Shit, i thought i was poor as shit, i can pay bills and get a thing here and there but i live in a shitty little shoebox.
>i make 30k
>in still making more then the average normie

nah bro, LINK is where its at

.. and some silver

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>yfw people line up to pay $700/month just to live in a literal closet

John Hughes really had a thing for "middle class" people living in fucking manor houses.

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Im paying 1400 for a 500sq shoebox. The terrible thing is that its the cheapest in the area. Avrage apartment around here is 1500-1700


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her channel is pretty comfy

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>boomers think they are making their real estate investments back to fund retirement
>their kids are taking the brunt end of their short-sighted selfish political decisions over the past 50 years
>probably will end up selling it to wealthy foreign investors to completely BTFO their kids one last time before kicking the bucket

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Looking at income inequality and so on.

In NYC, in the current year, that apartment would be like 50,000 a month

At least it's plausible that the salary of a celeb radio show shrink could pay for that tier of crib.

>Trump was president in 2014
dumb tranny

Do you really need a PhD to do that or do you want me to spoil it for you?

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The kind of statistical knowledge and skills I'll be using probably doesn't really require a PhD. But it does help with the career trajectory and such. Plus its research that's interesting to me and it beats academia.

If you didn't mine bitcoin before 2013, you're not gonna make it.
Now it's just an oversaturated market full of people trying to sell whatever the fuck they bought and not try lose too much on it. Every person you talk to that's pro investing in bitcoin will always try weasel their way into getting you to buy their bitcoins.

It's American, so it's most likely built from chipboard and made to look like it's brick with a veneer.

The key is to move to a state not connected to the coast or full of democrats. In Arkansas you can get a decent house for under 100k and still be within 40 minutes of the capital.


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But no one wants to live in a white trash state. That's why the cost is so low lol.

Monica was a head chef in a NY restaurant for fucks sake.
its shit hours but that is probably over 100k/year in the 90s

Sucks to be you. My place cost me £150k and was built a few hundred years before your country existed. Seven bedroom, with numerous out-buildings on 40 hectares of land including a wood, a river and a cave system that contains an aquifer. I could sell today for £2m+ easy.

The movie never implied they were middle class/ working class

They spend hundreds of dollars for Pizza, they go to France for the holidays and have multiple high end vehicles

Atypical. The average Bong lives in a bleak terraced home.

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this is the typical bong house.
semi detached. small land area

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i knew that was aus from the thumbnail lol, i think NSW is the worst, idk about 700k for that though unless its really close to sydney

my dad sold a place way betterd than that for 600k a few hours from syd

Yeah and where is it located? Shit like that in the middle of nowhere in Wales is always gonna be dirt cheap because you're 1hr+ from the nearest town and 2hrs+ from the nearest proper hospital. Great in your 20's with no health problems, but older you get the worse it becomes. I live in a house that's around £1m but it is nowhere as big as yours, but it is in a tree lined street near town.

Property 20 something km out from CBD is easily USD800k. Might've been dropping recently but Maybe you're looking in the wrong suburbs.

That house looks surprising small when you actually go to see it.

are there houses like that that close to SYD cbd tho?

thats western subs tier at least

t. country boy

Near Hanchurch, just outside of Stoke-on-Trent, so yeah property prices are lower than the National average but if you look on the maps it's well within 15/20 minutes from the city centre and the Hospital. But most importantly of all, it's close to the Bet365 so I can go and watch SCFC lose.

Houses like that obviously exist in North Sydney but the prices are exorbitant.

90s were a kino time

I grew up in a neighborhood filled with houses like that, was middle class for sure


Ah right I'm in Oxfordshire. We're basically London in terms of prices. But you're lucky if you grabbed that house for that much, when did you do it? Must have been 30~ years ago. I'd love to own a place like yours, but only if it was nearish to towns/hospitals and shit. But they won't be selling for £150k that's for sure.

2008 fucked buyers mostly. Don't know who the 2020 recession is going to fuck

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Home owning boomers have chocked housing in so many states just in the name property value. It's fuckin aggravating

middle class doesnt mean wagies
middle class is doctors/lawyers/etc

>Don't know who the 2020 recession is going to fuck
people who are not in the construction industry. In UK it is getting pushed heavily especially up north. slowly approaching recession possibly by end of year and construction companys getting possibility to reduce tax massively


it's been nothing but crypto for years newfag, lurk more

Lmfao what planet are you living on

Why would anyone want a house this big. Heating it would be a bitch.

Peak euro post

How would you even fill with enough stuff without 4 or 5 kids?

yes, but smaller. that is a pretty big house (5000 square feet, at least). 300-400k could get you something like 3k-3.5k square feet with a nice yard in a lot of suburbs. would probably still have 90s finishes though.

That was a little much desu. Not middle class but maybe upper middle.
They can afford something like that in some middle of nowhere place but not anywhere near a city.
If you two just saved up for 5 years you could probably afford that 650k nice house.

$4500 would get you a 1br/1ba in the village. Try 7k

Summer is over zoomie

Are you seriously implying we should all just go out and draw our house with pencils on paper and throw cash at the home depot for materials? You prolly have a background in design/construction but your average joe will rather have a quarter more sunk costs than risk building his own home without having a clue and have it break down in the middle of winter. Not to mention that you're prolly from muttland where brick and mortar are a foreign concept anyways and your cardboard homes resemble what we use for cow shacks when you strip away the paint.

Tl;dr nice story but I would never set foot into a home some tard built himself to safe a couple of thousand bucks

My brother paid $6k a month for an apartment of about that size in DC. I could see that going for $8500 or more a month in Manhattan

are you some rich guy's son or something?
do you not understand how the rest of the world lives?

On TV maybe you fucking retard

>everybody is an architect, engineer and contractor with connections for buying building materials en large cheap
Extremely retarded post. Are you born post 2000? Your childlike impression if what adult life really is sounds like something zoomer would think.

Me too. Finding out that you were rich growing up is a weird feeling. Whenever I asked my dad about money he just said not to ask or talk about it.

city-dwelling subhuman

>You would need a family income of 150k+ to get into a house like that
No, you just have to learn how to climb the property ladder you dumb lazy cunt.
You get that sort of house in your late 30s, not your 20s.

>become fucking rich an be loving father
>who might loose his kid on another continent, whatever
>poor violent losers may now rob and assault you

If milllenials live on a minimum wage salary and have to pay high rents then how the hell do they constantly buy expensive shit and travel?

most millenials are living off their boomer or Gen X parents, who have property invesments, stable jobs , at the peak of their career, etc.

The parents all flew to Paris FIRST FUCKING CLASS. They were drinking fluted champagne goddammit. They're Porshe rich, but not Rolls Royce rich.

Based black femanon

So what? It's still a pretty decent house for the time period.

>5 beds 4 baths
>4 baths
...who in the holy hell would ever need more than two bathrooms at best? I get it, the McAllisters are a big family, but come on.

It's unironically better than living in the sticks. t. studio apartment transplant from a rural area. Where I personally draw the line is the commie group living that google's slaves subject themselves to. Privacy is a value not understood by their type. A small physical space, if demarcated as private and substantially/legially inviolable (an apartment behind a locked door when away), is acceptable.

I dunno, fuck da police?

Housing should be a right, like health care and a living wage.
Fucking fight me conservashits.

>mfw I still live in my childhood home with my younger brother
>mfw my mother who lives in another state rents it out to us for $200 a month
On the one hand, it's embarrassing to have never left the house you grew up in, but on the other I have to remind myself every day how incredibly fortunate I am to pay only $100 a month to live in a 3 bedroom house.

Ha, I graduated a few months ago from what was supposed to be the best school for my field, and I'm still unemployed.


Hughes couldn't be assed to travel more than 20 minutes to film anything, so the setting for 95% of his films are around his wealthy neighbourhood

So did you study CS or some kind of engineering?


1/3 of my classmates from HS are still living at home. I had to move back because my roommates left and I couldn’t afford the duplex by myself. Saving up and investing to get my own place in another state when I can.

This is the same house that was in the ending of Planes, Trains, & Automobiles. Steve Martin’s character was an affluent marketing exec in Reagan 80’s so only if you make somewhere above $150k (in 1987 dollars remember) to afford a North Shore house like this.

The other houses in Kevin’s neighborhood was nice, but the McAllister’s stood out hence Harry’s comment about the silver donut.

>not recognizing Home Alone

fuck off retard

why are millennial homosexuals so defensive about their childhood garbage?

Not when you live in shitty 1 bedrooms most of your life.

Because they have no future.

It was missing a wall

It was a different time, a better time.

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sensible chuckle

Non-American here, how do you guys even live with that income? In tiny apartments with 12 roomates? In your parents house? What the heck

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no she wasnt. At least for most of time. She was unemployed for long time + took some shitty jobs

>reported income
i'll just speak for myself, but i do a lot of under the table work and stuff i dont claim

>Where I personally draw the line is the commie group living that google's slaves subject themselves to.
You make 200k a year at Google and pay like 40-50k for a 2 bedroom in the south bay (still a lot but not podcucking)

You're thinking of San Francisco retards, not mountain view chads

>yeah I had a panic attack the first night I slept here but central park is right there so
she's a writer, she doesn't need to live in a city, why would you voluntairly do that

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they're all starting to sell their McMansions soon/now, combined with the chink housing bubble this'll be bigger than 2008

It took till 2010 for it to hit my area. I was aware of it; but it was a slow wave. Businesses just were all having a hard time for two years until they couldn’t take it anymore

The future is unironically looking to be more and more depressing for all of us

I've seen much worse to be honest.

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remain ignorant

>tfw constantly and forever fluctuating between the two
>an endless loop of regrets you can never change


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Why not just shoot yourself?

that's what happens when you bring in immigrants. land is limited and when demand increases — likewise does the price of housing.

in sydney that would be about 1 million just for the land, no matter where it was

I never even had a sibling and even I know getti g bathroom time is a warzone

>tfw i took this screenshot

this was in june 2017. i'm a millionaire now btw

Only 1.7 million. Not bad for being in a major metropolitan area and 4200 square feet. Could do a lot worse in SF or NY.

If you're comfortably middle class, then sure - working class, no way

Go watch married with children. A dead end loser maintains a massive middle class house that's already paid off years earlier (iirc), I think he has two cars and all the other shit, on a fucking shoe salesman retail job.

Lots of teens at once=lots of time taking long "baths" in the only room where they won't be disturbed.

>permanently putting things on a high shelf that you'll be accessing weekly, and then only using a rolling office chair as your stepstool
This is how you prime yourself for a fall, with a possible cherry on top in the form of everything on your shelf falling down on top of you as well. Get a folding stepstool you can hang on the shelf when not in use, for god's sake.

Microsoft and Google got my contacts

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>the subway is two blocks away
That's considered GOOD? I thought the whole point of the subway in NYC was that it was so accessible.

future are closets

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Ensuite bathroom upstairs for the main bedroom.m
Main bathroom upstairs for all the other rooms to use.
The 3rd one is 100% going to be a small toilet + sink room downstairs because you wouldn't have a bottom floor without at least one toilet.
The last one is going to be another ensuite somewhere (maybe a guest room downstairs), or another toilet + sink on the opposite side of the bottom floor to the other toilet.
I live in a pretty small single storey house and we still have a main bathroom and then another toilet & sink at the back of the house.

this and jerry's in seinfeld are literally the only two realistically affordable apartments on a major tv show.

>t. Northerner fag

After seeing that guy who chronicled his DIY bathroom remodelling on some forum, where he cut through load-bearing joints where he was planning to put his bathtub I wouldn't step foot in any house built by some dude who figures he could just build his own house.

Which state has the least price gouging in its housing market? I want a house someday lads.

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Do burgers get money for having kids such as in socialist European nations?

>still on Yea Forums
was it worth it?

No you didn't

You get money back in taxes, so yes.

If the couple is debt-free? Yes.
If not? No.
Most people have debt. Many have more than what they're worth.
Also, normal people have children. Mom not working (at least full-time) or paying more for childcare takes a bite out of the budget

>tfw dad brings 300$ a month
feels fun to be third world

I'm 42, married for 18 years and have raised two successful kids. I know it's weird for this site but I'm a winner in real life (maybe I'm a loser at Yea Forums memes though).

You have the internet. I had no background in construction, I'm in tech. I can definitely tell you're talking out your ass when you say "average joe will rather have a quarter more sunk costs than risk buliding". You can build for literally 50% of what a contractor will quote you if you don't mind working. "Save a couple thousand bucks". You a fucking child? lol

Completely idiot sounds like. I knew a guy that built his own computer and fired his processor, I guess no one should build their own computers and buy Dell.

Idiots abound (I would think coming to Yea Forums you would realize that)

Aren't most boomer / gen x parents now retired? Well, at least mine are (they both retired in their early 50s, earlier this decade.)

>My brother paid $6k a month for an apartment of about that size in DC.

I live in DC, you faggot. Show me where he lived. Can't even imagine what $6k gets you in DC... Fuck, that would be, like, a 5 bedroom condo in Georgetown, right by the waterfront, or something. Fuck you.


Was it really this comfy in the 90s? Aussie here my life was hell so poor remember my folks having to get given everything we owned

>Went to working on the road welding at 19
>tfw when I just turned 23 and make $110k a year after taxes

Someone post the $122.50 empty box pasta.

Marv become skeleton

this was before ze bubble formed and popped user

>buzzwords galore
Stay on twitter, zoom zoom

I was born in 90 but yeah it wasn't all rosey like merricunts think
Pretty sure they where the only country doing OK at that time

90s was the last of the comfy times.
The effects of George HW Bushes 1990 Immigration Act (which rolled out the red carpet for illegals) and Bill Clinton's 1992 NAFTA (which sent jobs overseas) didn't occur until the late 2000s.

>I was born in 90
Holy fuck you think you got the full 90s effect between the ages of 1 and 9?

>42yo with 2 kids on Yea Forums
Based schizo larper

Basically yeah Australia was extremely backwards at the time and since I grew up with older parents with older friends who where basically stuck in the 80s when they retired I lived the 90s well into the mid 00s
Yeah I watch a tonne of 90s shit still and yeah it looked fantastic

Australia at the time was a fucking wasteland just been through multiple economic slumps

Jesus I take in almost 2k from being a mcwagie a month
Feels bad man

In the deepest, darkest, most decrepit and nigger filled part of Detroit, that housr would still cost 1 million minimum.

idk but then again how the fuck do you even make 60k a year without debt


Day of the pillow when?

yeah but you have to deal with dumbass customers and i heard you guys have loan problems

>my father is a holocaust survivor
Except holocaust wasn't real.

Triggered, much?

I make 1k a week as a line cook but i work 65 hours a week. The gross is like 54.6 a year.

The McCallisters were upper middle class. The mom and dad were raised middle class, but moved up, hence why they don't know how to tip, and why the uncle was so cheap. That home is an upper middle class home, and them being upper middle class also explains why they can afford to go on trips abroad for Christmas and also buy tons of presents.

holy shit, Malcom in the Middle was right

If you became a millionaire right away would you just not continue to shitpost?

A fucking kike living off lawyer daddys money, renting a closet for $700 a week to write a book about the Holocaust. These are the people telling you youre privileged

Easy way to fix this:

Import low-wage workers to increase the pool of poverty and welfare.

That should bring salaries up for 'em.

>these are the people calling you europoors

based globalisation making zoomers seeth

there's no way a house like that would ever be worth less than a million
middle class people dont spend a million bucks on a house (even if they have them for some reason)

how the fuck does she have sex in that bed?

Attached: 1537320811940.jpg (517x573, 51K)

>22 y/o zoomer making $43k in missouri
and graduated debt free :^)

Attached: nazi milk girl.jpg (766x1024, 221K)

In america everyone is middle class apparently


they also think 5 people living together can be friends for 10 years.

It was a penthouse overlooking the Navy Yard. Let me see if I can find it listed





That's about right. My aunt and uncle are middle class and they live in a similar style and size house. Hell, they even have a large beach home.

Attached: 3059528.jpg (1000x817, 199K)

Your parents retired in their 50s, you’ll be lucky to retire before 70. Enjoy paying their ss for the next 40 years pal

labeling things rights doesn't suddenly make them immune to scarcity or basic economic principles, mr. gender studies tranny

Hey, we think you have what it takes, want a job with the democrats/republicans? Pick one, it literally doesn’t matter

Is there anything more to say about the holohoaxcaust anymore?

at least we got bizonacci memes beacuse of that

the comments are gold

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What happens when people with lots of debt and no assets die
Does the bank take action on their next of kin

>watch black mirror
>this is the house young people live in the near future

even worse than the laughably implausible meme tech

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Great thread. I had no idea a postman in a second grade european country is living a better life than majority of americans, lmao. Feels good.

in the 90's you could be unemployed and still be able to afford paying rent for an apartment in uptown Manhattan

Attached: 250px-Cosmo_Kramer.jpg (250x333, 13K)

>yearly income 100k
>200k home

You should be able to afford a 600 700k house on mortahe?

>cave system
How many times are you going to brag about your cave system on this site? I recognize you

>what is tax
>what are bills
>what are repayments
>what is food

based and redpilled

shut up fag

>I can be your angle
>I can be your devil

>nicest guy you'll ever meet
>twisted fucking psycho

I just moved from SF to Oakland, and dman what a fucking difference.If you can do it, a few hours added to your commute is well worth the rent you save living out of the city.

user's on it. The finance jew, backed by the gubmint's guarantee that any slob can have access to loans, has made prices for the two pillars of the middle class (education and housing) spiral completely out of control. Sadly our media and politicians are too dumbed down to actually address these problems, and instead they talk about retarded fantasy proposals like "free shit for everyone". I'm a bit lucky in that I have a decent paying job and have had the opportunity to stay at home and save for some years, but the prospect of buying some house with a massively inflated price seems just a tad goyish. Housing prices have spiraled absolutely out of control ever since the federal government implemented first time homeowner financing.


Yes same. Prpbably inherited from his pedo relatives in the british nobility