How does a fan base affect the quality of a show...

How does a fan base affect the quality of a show? Why do people start to dislike a thing because of other people liking said thing?

Why are you so easily influenced by your social surroundings, user?

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Dan Harmon doesn't need help affecting the quality of Rick and Morty

I wonder the same. It's (probably) the best animation for the last years and hating it because of normies and annoying fan-base is beyond stupid.

Literal sheeps

>How does a fan base affect the quality of a show?
It doesn't, but that doesn't mean Rick and Morty isn't garbage.

Artists often make the mistake of listening to their fans. This either builds massive egos (eg Bob Dylan) or it causes them to overuse certain themes (eg The Angey Video Game Nerd).

First two seasons were great, writing tanked in the third because of the diversity hires. Any other opinion is wrong.


>can't defend the show
>shifts focus to people laughing at the fans of the show
Could you BE anymoretransparent

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Very very easily you mouthbreather.

>show has awful fanbase
>fanbase is very vocal about what the like and don't like
>writers feel like they have to cater to them
>step out of line and you get canceled

Of course a fanbase affects the quality of a show, who the fuck do you think sets the expectations for shows.

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The show becomes a parody of itself long before the third season. Not in a good way.

my old roommate made me watch a few episodes from the first season and it was horrible. didn't even crack a smile. i genuinely don't understand the fandom. this was when it first came out too so i can say the show was bad even before the faggot fanbase came out of the closet


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I liked season 1 of R&M but dropped it hard after finishing 2, i dislike it for the same reason as bojack, "OH MY CARTOON FEELS, RICK TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF AND THEN GOT HIMSELF ARRESTED, BOJACK IS DEPRESSED MUH FEELS"

My social surroundings had nothing to do with it (although that australian episode was 10/10)

honestly even if it is the best animation series in years that's not saying much. rick and morty went way downhill after season one

bojack is insufferable. /r/atheism the show

Whoops, I forgot that the basement dwellers of this board don't actually have any social surroundings aside from their single moms :')

based and projectionpilled

So you don't watch anything with drama or emotional problems?

Literally don’t think anyone would have even noticed anything different about season 3 if they didn’t read about diversity hires or whatever the fuck.

People have associative thinking- guys that hate women don’t judge their writing objectively in exactly the same way you see with bloggers that hate white males.

People personally identify with things they like, it’s why brands like Gucci exist at all- to associate yourself with wealth. When cringelords love something, it threatens the identity of people who like it if they are insecure because they don’t want to be associated with the cringelords.

People will pretend to like something even if they don’t really if people they think are cool like it. If you understand this stuff, social media influencers, marketing, politics, religion, everything makes more sense. People calling out virtue signaling, are themselves signaling their own values.


Hiring women writers affected more than the fanbase.

>bing posting in current year

Chandler get chromebook

i noticed. i couldn't finish the season it was so bad.

There was a very perceptible change in style.

>People will pretend
Won't they just

mitgefangen, mitgehangen.

If the wrong kind of person likes something I like that informs me that I'm actually wrong to like it.

After all, there must be something wrong with it it can suit their taste. Something that I just haven't seen. And so I need to learn what that something is, and reject it for those reasons, learn my lesson and not like anything of that sort again.

>If the wrong kind of person likes something I like that informs me that I'm actually wrong to like it.

>After all, there must be something wrong with it it can suit their taste. Something that I just haven't seen. And so I need to learn what that something is, and reject it for those reasons, learn my lesson and not like anything of that sort again.

this but unironically

peak lvl. incels

capeshit watcher detected

>How does a fan base affect the quality of a show?
It really doesn't. People just have anything from depression to anger issues and just have to blame something or make up a concept so they don't have to face that it's their own problem.

this is the truth

No it's the faggot anime poster

you get the fanbase you deserve, for the most part

Much like bojack, the show started taking itself way too seriously.

Well it's up to the creator to cater to them or not, the deciding factor lies with them. Some shows are entirely the creators vision, for better or worse. Some times catering to fan demand can have interesting results like characters staying on and end up being highlights. For example Boyd in Justified.

I only liked the first season and a couple episodes of the second

I watched an episode and didn't find it funny

I’m not sure if Harmon’s divorce or women being affirmative actioned into the writers room ruined season 3 more. The heavy handed “a very special episode” family drama that pervaded the season was pretentious, out of place, and most of all unfunny. That was likely Harmon’s self pitying projection. There were also plenty of girl power/women know best cringe moments sprinkled throughout which I assume was the female writers influence. They tried to turn summer into a badass instead of an airhead and Beth into a mini genius. Jerry’s incompetence was flanderized up to 11. The pickle Rick episode is exactly what a woman would write, with the men of the family being at fault for everything and a roasting therapist out quipping a genius scientist with her cutting insight. Women worship therapy as the solution to everything.

Why do you need social approval for your cartoons user? Why do you care what people think about the fans and the show?
Show is shit btw.

Liking something with a cringe fanbase is a source of insecurity I think. People who can't cope with it either keep silent or abandon it.
You shouldn't care at all, because no one worth jack cares.

It's always about sneed with you people.

You can like it in secret, but if you associate with it, you're labelled as one of them. It's the same with things like atheism and veganism. There's rational people, but everyone only thinks of the obnoxious ones and want to avoid it altogether, so you disassociate with it, or you change yourself to fit into the group you're stuck with now

I still loved Game of Thrones even after it became the biggest show in history.

i saw posters and shit of it on the web, i once did molly and saw ramesesb psytrance of rick and morty on judentube. i found the series and i was like "this is it". i immediately liked it and im not a faggot. i just like the creativity, i welcome an exploding, colorful brain. the fact that stoner cucks like it and 4ch is against it does not phase me a bit. im not underdeveloped so that some degenerates on the internets can influence my preferences.

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fan base is a reflection of the show

Seriously? I didn't say anything remotely about that.
Nobody would have noticed if they didn't drink the Yea Forums kool-aid
Everyone would have thought it was just as good as season 2
Everyone also would have embraced it for what it is, a great show
Damn you guys are retarded

Season 1 and 2 were good, season 3 was trash, it's been off the air that long, I just don't care anymore

only S1 was good