Why are his paparazzi photos so kino?
delete this
Honestly would one even recognize Brad Pitt in public?
I don't understand male sex symbols in the first place
They always just look like regular dudes
I suck at judging male attractiveness
>I suck at judging male attractiveness
Obviously, unless you're a woman.
Gays live in a bubble of their own and should not be listened to when it comes to male attractiveness.
oh no no no how will he ever recover
Perfect sanchin stance
I've always felt the same way, man.
It's the new aesthetic.
this is the part where you boogie
Yellow fingers typed this post.
I remember finding out that women find Russel Brandt attractive. Still can't figure that one out, I've just learned to not think about it or care.
time was a mistake
Looks like he’s diahrrea-ing LOL
You just have to be rich and famous
>strong jaw
>thick hair
>good brow and eye shape
What's the big mystery? Sure he has an annoying whiny voice, but that doesn't show up in pictures.
>Russel Brandt
Probably the hair, some women are into the long hair thing.
no, faggots who pretend to be women are not women.
they're just faggots.
He needs to lay off the plastic surgery before he bugs himself
Nah actual women, sorry
uh oh braddie made poopy
My long hair has gotten a few girls to approach me.
fuck off normalfag
he's practicing his wing chun stance to beat up bruce lee
Anyone on tv can be found more attractive than they really are. Look at that goblin girl arya in GOT, plenty of fags think she looks cute
It's an injury he sustained while performing for the picture that saved Yea Forums. He literally crippled himself trying to entertain a bunch of wizzards. Remember this next time you shit on someone who calls Brad based.
biology and reality doesn't bend to your deranged desires, fruitcake.
i'm just here to remind you of that and hurt you in the process.
t-thanks for split my tea.
what the hell, is Brad Pitt a wizard? How does he defy Physics like that?
>smallest plateau
>in a slope
Rent free
I don't know what you're even on about. Russell Brand is a well-known womanizer
He has that rockstar charm
rent free?
you're the one who has to deal with reality every second of your miserable life.
a fight that you can only lose, because reality doesn't work you wish it did.
i'm just not letting you even the possibility to pretend, and i'm not even bothering to pretend it's to be helpfull.
i know it will make you double down on retarded shit, further hurting yourself in the process.
40% suicide is clearly not enough.
I'm not a tranny, I'm quite happy as a man
You're the one writing long paragraphs and obsessing over a tiny majority of the population
That's why you're an incel
Anyone knows what is the name of the type of shoes he wears? They look cool as shit. Also bonus points if some someone knows the leather pullover thing Bradd wears in a bar scene.
>all this projected hate
>thinks other people are miserable
It's pretty clear you're in a shit place in your life