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I want to FUCK Obi-Wan!
Cope, third-worlder.
Come back after you've learned English.
Whiter than you, sperg.
nice thread retard
I want to FORCE CHOKE Obi-Wan!
Are you blonde and blue-eyed?
I am.
Yeah, and unlike you I’m not ugly.
Fuck off,, every time I used then you say it should be than, every time I used than you say it should be then
Make up your mind or let me use each one
than* then* then* than*
Post your face, then.
Maybe consider learning proper grammar, retard.
>Whiter than you, Mohammed.
Kill yourself.
Sorry to say this but than/then your/you're are mistakes most of the time native speakers do. They learn by hearing while people that learn english read these words and rarely confuse them.
this explains everything
I hate illiterate natives
>kill you are self
I swear native English speakers are all complete and utter retards.
Oh no, I accidentally typed 1 letter wrong on my zero effort shitpost thank god I have the ESL squad here to correct me.
>lol I dont care guys!
>makes 10 replies
It seems you are angered.
>mfw i called last journo raid out and my fed post made the article #lifegoals
>lol you’re so mad I corrected your typo
Yeah I’m furious. You got me good!
damn dude you got owned
How will I ever recover?
Blonde and blue eyes are recessive traits, cuck. You are a tiny parasitic twin to the great aryan phrenology.
Maximum cope.
t. gets erased in one genaration
Unless I just fuck another genetically superior women and have 100% chance for genetically superior children.
Don’t worry, there’s always a chance your kids will have blue eyes even if you have poo-poo commoner brown eyes.
>Blonde and blue eyes are recessive traits, cuck
>unless I spread like cancer
Correct. Now you understand what recessiveness looks like.
Can't wait until this movie comes out and makes 2 billion and/tv/ accuse Disney of buying out movie theaters or some shit again despite no evidence other than anecdotal.
Why are you coping so hard? Blue eyes are the optimal. We are the next step in human evolution.
A recessive trait is not the next step in evolution. It’s literally a lesser gene with less genetic information in it. A dominant gene contains everything the recessive gene has and more. Stay mad genelet. Get population’d.
>literally the same argument as niggers
ARE you even white? Wtf, am I arguing with a nigger??
Lol they have more of an argument than you. You’re less than black. Start being afraid of the truth.
Stop talking so weird. Blue eyes have better eye sight especially in sky and water. You are better at looking at trees and dirt with brown eyes.
Their recessiveness is what makes that rare and valuable. That's why beautiful redheads (as opposed to carrot-headed gingers ) are the greatest commodity on earth.
Haha moron the exact opposite is true for sunlight. You need darker eyes to be able to handle it.
Same with midgets, amirite freakbros?
Poopy poopy brown eyes curly thick brown gross hair. Mutt dog Jew kike nigger. Brown=poop Brown=poop Brown=poop Brown=poop Brown=poop fuck you ill fucking kill you don’t disrespect me irl keep it behind the computer you brown eye subhuman race war NOW
lol stay mad freak
Blue eyes master race.
Keep trying to prove it and getting BTFO’d. I laugh every time.
You didn’t score perfect vision.
Same with "would of". It's so utterly retarded to anyone who learned the language by reading it.
Is that an incel
Imagine all of them taking bbc at the same time
Do not joke about such things, my friend.
'Than' compares value
>I'm a bigger guy than you
'Then' denotes a passage of time
>we'll feed then we'll seed
Put into meme form for your FAS brain
This. Blonde hair and blue eyes can occur to any kids of dominant gene’d people, but if you have blonde hair and blue eyes you won’t be able to get black hair and black eyes (which are environmental advantages related to the sun and hunting). Essentially a blonde and blue eyed person is not a complete person, missing the full genetic library that is the dominant gene’d person. The real race war is between bone structure, not hair/eye colour.
*bone structure and skin colour
To entirely objective, it’s not to say blonde hair and blue eyes don’t have environmental advantages. Lighter eye colours can help with darker environments, and in the future once all the suns die and we are all living underground in the dark and cold environment of a universe that is experiencing heat death, lighter eye colours will help to see in the dark. I suspect future alien life forms will be extremely pale and have very white and bright eyes. Much like deep sea creatures that live in perpetual night.
I miss white america so much..
It wasn’t even Eminem’s best track from the Eminem Show
literally shit tier, even brown eyes/brown hair is better. Objectively Blonde haired/green eyes or Brown haired/grey eyes are the best.
lmao a meme thread about obi-wan and you are arguing and calling each other cucks and comparing how white you all are
HAHAHAHAHAHA literally have sex
>tfw dark brown hair, one brown eye, one green eye
The only way I can upgrade is to unlock a Sharingan. I hope my sons get a sick color combination too, it’s so fun.
Recessivecuck detected. What genetic deformity to do you have?
dunno i'm a short brown haired brown eyed Briton. family has never moved from around here
>Jew in charge of not being a pedophile
You’re safe then. You are a complete person who doesn’t need to cope.
It's been a long time since I laughed at a wojack. Too bad the thread devolved into race identity.
Do not worry OP, I Will save your image for later use.
I just noticed the “short” part. Oh well, you win some you lose some.
Obligatory joke about Moses the womanly Billygoat.
By your anime picture I’m gonna assume this is a cope. Even more hilarious that it’s a jewish one. Reminder they were enslaved by blacks.
Nah, it's a joke about how Heydrich was supposed to be the only athletic, blue eyed blond of Nazi high command
I want to rape that woman.
Oh lol yeah even Hitler had black eyes but they’ve made fake quotes throughout history to try to dispute it
Disappointed in this thread, I was expecting kino prequel jokes.
You people are terrible.
Greatly thankful for this thread. Was expecting typical /pol/cope but instead we got kino arguments
Maximum cope
t. genelet
>facts are coping
Oh no no no
You know you just called yourself a genelet, right? Lmao you're a genelet and a brainlet
The things you do for love~
Doesn’t work on me, I have facts on my side.