Is he the best movie reviewer out there?

Is he the best movie reviewer out there?

Attached: 1568654314988.jpg (364x364, 8K)

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He's good at penetrating doggy asshole that's for sure.

fucker of dogs

fuck off

one of the worst, actually

Can I get a quick rundown on this?

So I’ve just watched this YouTube and it was awful.

Which part don't you understand? He fucks dogs.

He's a furry faggot (same thing) which is already a combination that is very likely to result in zoophilia, but what made it extremely clear that this piece of shit actually fucks animals and not just a regular furfag is when he defended bestiality on stream.

*fucks your dog* uwu

My favourite film youtuber is daisuke beppu, far more respectful towards film and film criticism. He also has better film knowledge.

Attached: beppu.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

>has such stick up his ass that he has to shit on David Lynch and Killer7
joyless faggot

What rating did he give all dogs go to heaven?

he's the best dogfucker out there


>misinterprets the ending to First Reformed than doubles down when called out

>thought that the house that jack built was a straight drama and all the humor was unintentional

>Thinks Citizen Kane invented plot structure when called out he moves the goal post

>Thinks death proof’s plot structure is unique despite it being identical to Psycho and it’s many clones

>Thinks love you daddy color scheme is to replicate older films and doesn’t understand that it’s a homage to woody Allen films

>Unironically thinks anyone who likes Welles or Kurosawa only likes them because they makes them look smart

>can’t comprehend that there is more than one type of editing style

>docks Happiness a point because he thinks that the pedophile didn’t suffer enough

> Reviews Ayka a film that he’s only seen 40 minutes of. Then complains that it won best actress at Cannes.

>Thinks Kevin Smith is trying to prove something with Tusk despite it just being a shitty podcast adaptation for the fans

>Doesn’t understand the purpose of repetition in film and docks a film for having two scenes that are similar

>is easily distracted by minor issues with a film which details him paying attentional all leading to him assuming or misinterpreting things

>doesn’t understand that the creatures in A quiet place weak points only are revealed through after bothered with a high pitch frequency

>Needs for everything to be explained and doesn’t understand the concept of magical realism

>fucks dogs

Fuck you, faggot.


>Yea Forums approves of sex with children
>Yea Forums disapproves of sex with animals even though it's just as a bad

That's not Ralph the movie maker