What is his endgame?

What is his endgame?

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that guy creeps me the fuck out man

Damn, Miley is lookin good

what do you mean he's just being a bro!

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Fucking cute autistic girls.

>nice guy doing nice things for kids with disabilities
>wahhhh wahhh what a creep, he is actualuty a bas person, yes im such a better person by sitting on my ass all day doing nothing


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Holy hoverhand batman

What's their endgame?

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He's definitely a pedo.


>That souless thousand yard stare as she explains babies
Absolutely lynchian

>he got to fuck his own autistic princess
Now THIS is a gigachad.

He’s desperate for the retard pucy

She's not autistic

This chick likes to talk about anime, so they diagnosed her with autism. you can't make this shit up.

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there is no posible way this guy is not a pedo

the guy is also a turd

I do plenty of volunteer work you wouldn't even imagine but this guy just genuinely creeps me and many others out. I think something is a little off if he gives that vibe to so many people. Even if he's just some super braindead scary-happy religious nutjob

they're just blackpilled because these fake good as gold covert narcissist types target the socially isolated a lot. If you've ever dealt with one of these people when their masks come down you'd understand. They are literally demons in the flesh

>that nanosecond of hesitation where he almost goes for a kiss

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that retarded poo girl who tried to kiss him :(

Why the change up you disgusting Yea Forums tranny?

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Sounds about right to me.

He's good looking and girls cream themselves for a "sympathetic,"caring" guy who's "good with kids". Not hard to figure out

thats how we diagnosed [a/

Would a girl like this be interested in me?

Not a bad recovery honestly

holy fuck the sexual tension

guy is such a pervert!

yes this is exactly it

If you have to ask...

>be vewy, vewy quiet

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To give people with disabilities a platform where they can see a community of hundreds of thousands give a response of embracing and accepting them instead of turning them away for being different, and to educate people on a multitude of disabilities and how in the end, we're all just people in differently abled vessels

You heartless fucking bastards

She cute.

>mom's a turbo roastie
>gets daughter diagnosed with autism because she watches anime and goes on tumblr
her insta btw instagram.com/prepareyourchairs/

I think this guy is terribly suspicious, I mean, his acts are for false commitment. If I see a guy that happy in the street I will try to call the police.

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she cute

the hesitation was him trying not to recoil and offend the little girl

It was significantly more than that, she mentions how she used hug strangers, run away from her in stores, she brings up anime at inappropriate times to inappropriate people despite being 15, they said she struggles to find interest in mature things; at the very least she has ADHD (which the title also says she has). The mom seemed kind of a bitch, 2bh.

>all this anons talking about him being a pedo
have you all considered that maybe hes just actually a kind man?

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conceptualize the fragrance

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>tfw relate to this a bit too much
fuck i should kill myself before i get worse

No its not possible i have to project my insecurities

Modern day freak show under the disguise of being kind. I ain't complaining, I hope he keeps up the good work.

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>The eyes
Ooh shit. You just know that...thing has been touched before.

Does the show actually help the kids?

I'm so fucking lonley Jesus Christ

I'm not saying he's a pedo but he's fuckin weird for sure. I know plenty of nice people and none of them seem remotely creepy

>comments are still disabled
damn, youtube sucks ass
at least they're getting some traction on facebook now

>this is considered autistic in America
God, I wish I was born in US. I would be swimming in neetbucks by now.

this, fucking autists can't read body language, she was the one going in for a kiss on the lips. probably cause thats the most attention shes gotten from a man ever

I mean, sure, "freak show", but the people watching are now comparing their lives to these people, thinking how badly some have it. Have some empathy.


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Reminds me of the North Korean tea lady

What the fuck is

Is that a god damn pig in the background?

Based AF

>be an ugly male with autism
>see an attractive female with autism exist

It's like a hot knife in the gut, lads

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the one that worked in the visitor center in bumfuck nowhere?

Would you have let her kiss you? No one would blame you for a retard taking you by surprise.

The threads where anons fantasized about rescuing her were comfy shit.
She's probably dead now though.

and have you considered that maybe that's the perfect facade to be close to mention ill children?

nah, some offical was probably made aware of her "fame" and wifed her up

Who keeps making these threads

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I have a friend who's autistic and he told me that autists avoid romance in each other. Like actively. Is that true for you?

>Getting blindsided by retard
Part of you has to want it.

Where are his hands though?

projecting pedos

They seem cold and uncaring to us now but back then, life for a freak was immesaurably better on the circuit than locked up in a cage in some dungeon or their family's basement. Audiences would come for the spectacle and leave humbled about their place in the world. Improve the conditions for the freaks with money/donations and you get to compare your life and have a good time. Hardly different from the channel. People just don't understand that freak shows were good things. With modern medicine, most freaks can live normal lives. Bearded ladies, obese men, midgets, etc are functional people. So the freak show shifted away from "normal" freaks to seriously out there ones that are barely breathing and ambulatory, some just living potatoes. I guess the guy running the channel also puts in obligatory normalfag shit like schizophrenia and autism, too.

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What’s his endgame?

A mexican teen from Yea Forums

In all the right places.

Was it autism?

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Lmao you think this bitch can move shit with her mind

he looks like a Jew who had aryanoplasty
also 120% chance of pederasty

I love how this channel triggers Yea Forums because they cannot believe good people exist.

get fucked.


Please do not remind me of the dairy maiden I can't take any more heartbreak

Can we all just acknowledge just how attractive this fucker is

She is pretty high functioning, she will probably improve when she's older.

I don't know a single thing about relationships or romance, my friend


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holy shit extremely based

she's like 12, he was smart to turn his cheek and not look like a fucking creep.

>you will never be a functioning autistic black orphan that's adopted by an upper middle class white family and get sexually assaulted nightly by your 7/10 big sister

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>Honestly she is the most beautiful girl in the world

now it's just patronizing.

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It wouldn't be hard, he's not going to fight back. One thing that they've both overlooked is that there's not a single thing either of them could do if someone wanted to rape her. Just break into their home, push him on the floor and it's game over for them, it literally couldn't be easier. You could stand on his neck while you're doing it, he'd be dead before you finished round one and you might not even notice it, then she's yours forever.

white ppl are fucked up jesus. literally using black men are sort of sex toy.


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You laugh, you go to hell.

I'm sure you would boku no jutsu the rapist and his head would explode

whites really have their priorities straight with adopting retarded negroes.

After seeing her Instagram and TikTok I've decided she really is autistic.


life truly is the greatest comedy

imagine being a landowner in the 18th cenutry with multiple children and your wife dies during childbirth and everybody in the village just accepts that your oldest daughter is now "the mother of the household" and takes up all the duties your wife left behind, ALL the duties, in minecraft of course

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naive faggots lmao


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There is no white person in that image

>not a solid 7

she is based



another for you naive faggot I overlooked

Is that the same reason why he organised to meet up with a retarded little girl in his gay little mix and match pastel bow tie outfit and stick his arm around her shoulder and sit right up next to her on a couch and blurt out a list of generic pointless disingenuous questions to ask someone he knows is incapable of answering them?

Or she shoots you cause it's America and you can buy a pistol for $300.

Looks like roller girl.

fellas, you might say there's a pig in the foreground too? am I right?

>examples of pedophiles hiding behind good deeds makes everyone who does good deeds pedophiles

Nice shitposts

Retarded people give good hugs.

all the freaks turn against him and maul him to pieces

damn that's a high level fetish

the best part is that she bathes him every.single.night.

try to imagine being in your 20s, and having some cute older sister(not blood related) jerk you off in the tub because "she needs to clean your downstairs"

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Don't you think it's weird how neurotypical people like to think of themselves as "normal" and that this is somehow better or "correct", when really they would be the freaks in another world where they are the minority instead.

When you think about what a normie actually is it's not really enviable, they are created for tribal living, this is why they care so much about status and signalling because this makes sense in a tribal structure. They live in make believe worlds, they don't see reality objectively, no one does but normies are particularly deep in delusion. They never question anything they do, they just do it because they're "supposed" to, they are designed like a hivemind. They are very NPC-like.

t. seething autistic anime virgin in denial.
guess what: no normal person finds interest in chinese girl cartoons.

Sauce please

jfc. couldn't they have edited this better? cut out the fucking dead air. its cut like a comedy sketch

*doffs trilby*

y? you can already tell from the frist laugh that she has autism. her talking just confirms this, she acts weird af


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>that creepy laugh
>that childish behaviour, acting like a 9 yo
>that creepy fixation on children’s cartoons and teletubbies
seems autistic to me

Shhh... You'll trigger the autists user.
would still have tried to gf her in high school though

Don't you have a boss to be sucking up to?

I love how angry and bitter incels can't comprehend that are genuinely good people like him that exist in the world.

>inb4 muh virtue signaling

the female autists avoid spergs and go for normal guys, the spergs stay alone. so what you say is true

she isn't, her teeth are yellow from her adhd making her unable to brush her teeth regularly without being forced to. probably other simple tasks are impossible for her also. her vagina is AND ASS she probably doesn't bother wiping because wiping is for normies, as unhygenic as her disgusting teeth

He's mildly autistic. I can tell by the way he smiles. We have difficulty trying to look candid when smiling for a camera, so if we find one facial expression that works, we use it for everything.

There are a few rare chadspergs, but generally yes that's true

>creepy fixation

Why is it creepy?

cool. what theater you going to see joker in? just wanna know

t. autist

Lmfao holy shit the fuckin tension here is unreal

to fuck and suck

god i want to propose to her


I accidentally clicked on one of these for the first time and started having a panic attack. It was one with a kid with a fucked up monster face.

t. woman

Everything is "creepy", so stupid

how do you know there isn't a mini-gun built into the chair? He's just the type of guy to think of something like that. I can already see his face when he finally gets a chance to use it

Lads...bad news...she's a lesbian...

One hand I want to believe that but there's a reason that trips everyone's bullshit detectors.

I think he's just compensating for a soul-crushing inability get get past something in life. Maybe he accidentally killed a kitten or something.

I prefer her teeth to the guys unnaturally white American smile. Looks like he painted his teeth white.

It's the eyes. He doesn't smile with his eyes. It's the same reason I'm a social cripple.

this. a waft of vagina smegma and crusty shit is gonna hit you as soon as she opens her legs near you.

Lucky bastard.

One man's nightmare is another man's wet dream i suppose.

>thinking a fixation with children cartoon is not creepy
yikes, look at this virgin

>tfw no big sister

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How do you know?

>not blood related

If we'll ever have fully functioning robots this is what I imagine they'll look and speak like.

Say it ain't so...

She's like real life Dobby, but somehow even more obnoxious

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