
How would you explain "Honor"

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Dumb shit men believe to justify their boat movies where the boat doesn't even sink (?)

bunch of gay shit men made up so they could hug each other without other men saying "gaaaay"

Something Jews push so goys will lay down their lives for Israel

What cucks try to pretend exists to stop themselves from getting beaten up.

Being strong and doing the right thing independent of whether or not it immediately benefits you

something men invented to create social cohesion between them so they could cooperate and get stuff done.

A resource you get from killing enemies who are your equal and not below, which will then be calculated against the honor of others to determine your status in society

A currency you acquire in PvP fights used to purchase PvP-specific equipment from Honor vendors.

A nice and noble ideal that we romanticize, but one that has little actual practicality in the real world. Now, I don’t mean that in a “yolo, fuck it maaaaan” way. Just that sometimes to win, you need to employ shadier tactics. Honor means jack on the battlefield. In your everyday life it’ll be abused by others because that’s the nature of the world.



a mere scutcheon

how are both of those answers mutually exclusive?

i never said they were? what the fuck does that even mean?

you don't. Either you get what it is, or you don't

>japanese use firearms for centuries
>"no tom caruso-san, guns are from the white deviru"

people value your personal integrity and moral beliefs

By spelling it correctly; "Honour".
Fucking septics.

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its a thing for men

they all used guns in the boshin war but this describes the satsuma rebellion where certain groups only used traditional weaponry because it was more a protest than sincere attempt at armed rebellion.

You don't. If it has to be explained, you don't have it.

it's a value, not a quality, so of course it has no practical benefit in most cases, but just because others won't value it doesn't mean you shouldn't. It will make you inherently a better person who inspires trust and shames/frustrates the dishonourable. You can be satisfied in being true to yourself if you maintain honour.

I dont know about you guys but I only have my name and my word, and I'm keeping it intact :D

I wouldn't expect whites to understand it.

>the last samurai is white

respecting a given word, sticking by pre-established sound rules (be they spoken or unspoken), this sort of things.
really can't explain that to a faggot or a woman, since these are creatures of bargain.
it goes with high trust societies, and as such why only whites and slants do it.
dunecoons, yids and niggers are simply incapable of that (very much like women), because there is no such thing as a man in these groups.
they can't into being responsible, reliable, usefull providing or protecting.
if anything, they tend to be the exact opposite of that, making them anti-men of sorts.

what you're referring to is the caricatural vision of the thing, the one those who wish to abuse the system wished it was all about.
it's because media tards tend to be on the left, jews and/or homosexual, and as such have very little understanding of it, if any, but still see what they would get from getting in such system.
results in poor distorted depiction in the media.
that's why there is no reason to not use any and all mean against those, since they're outsiders.
ties heavily into gratification delay, and in-group/out-group, which aggravates jews to no end, as anyone will understand of course.

This post was made by a white person. Isn't that funny?

Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

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A word. What is in that word “honour”? What is that “honour”? Air. A trim reckoning. Who hath it? He that died o' Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No. Doth he hear it? No. 'Tis insensible, then? Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living? No. Why? Detraction will not suffer it. Therefore, I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon. And so ends my catechism.

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One's duty to what is right

This gets me everytime.

>He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai.
>which is exactly the point of the movie
>That role was perfect for you. How did that happen

Segall is mad not because He didn't star in Tom Cruise's movie, His ego was hurt because he feels like the movie and Tom Cruise is out-weeaboing him lmao

bunch of dumb shit males come up with to justify acting retarded.
When you stop and think about it males are exactly like women. They just do shit that makes no sense on a whim, and when you confront them about it
>nooo you don't understand it! silly guys dont understand us women
>dumb bitch doesnt understand what it's like to be a REAL MAN
I suppose it's only human to rationalize the things you do even if they never really make sense.

The only good thing about males is that they sometimes partake in self-sacrifice for the good of the tribe, even if they know they will never be thanked or rewarded for it. That is the definition of masculinity.

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Staying true to your beliefs, even when your safety and comfort are threatened.

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but thats a verb

Based user.

Dude was a chad, I've got to admit.

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>friend of mine spent some time studying abroad in nipland
>apparently they love this film
>so much so some dude said it made him feel proud to be japanese
i don't get it

The beta male's virtue
Notice how the successful rulers of empires all lacked honor, especially the most noteworthy ones like Napoleon who waged his war entirely on the fact that generals were bound by outdated "honorable" tactics which he abused on every occasion

And the reason for this is because deep down, the desire to be honorable is actually a desire to please society and have them approve of you for once. An alpha male who's already surrounded by approval around his throne does not need honor, and therefor acts dishonorable. If everyone truly acted honorably and followed the guideline of morals established by the average religion except for just a handful of people in every nation, the world would be ruled by these handful of people.

The samurai get fellated by a foreign director, I'm not surprised.

Its just adhereing to a code out of respect for it, you honor the law by upholding it for instance.
>honor is for cucks lel
Why havent you stabbed a cashier and taken the money? Are you afraid they might kill you or something?
Think it over and why you shouldnt do it, this is why niggers have no honor, they dont honor anything.

At the end of the movie the Emperor listens to Tom Cruise precisely because the samurai fought using the Old Ways to protect the heritage of the Japanese nation. You had the thesis of modernity collide with the antithesis of tradition, and the synthesis was a modern but non (((open market))) Japan.

Feeling good about yourself because you were too much of a pansy to become as successful as those who lie and cheat.

>if you don't follow my rules for cucks you're a nigger

Reliability in fulfilling an agreement. Hence you "honour" a contract.

People view feudalism as absolute tyranny, but kings weren't that powerful in medieval times and they only became more powerful in the early modern period like 18th century France.

Really feudalism is a series of relationships and contracts that have an exchange of conventions. You pledge fealty to someone primarily for mutual protection and to lend arms/support in certain times. Either side can essentially break it if they so choose with details that favour them. But obviously you want details with present you in a good light. Law blossoms because you want to seek to reduce arbitrariness in these dealings and relationships. The "law" replaces honour.

In the Last Samurai, happening obviously in the 19th century, they take honour to more mean tradition. But their depiction of the Boshin War is kinda pathetic considering both sides had foreign assistance and both sides used guns. Samurai weren't retarded. They had used guns for centuries.

>my rules
Again, why havent you stabbed a cashier and taken the money you wimp, are you really just afraind they might kill you, you can be king user, there is no need for honor if you are king. All that is stopping you is that you honor the law, you honor a code, every fucking normal person does.
>honor is only about getting killed when you shouldnt have
This is why the west is full of fucking trannies now, you have no honor, just flip flop on every ideal and uphold nothing.

Are we living in some alternate history where he won the war and that all the forces that allied against him to HONOR a pact didnt happen?
Honorless empires rise fast and die fast, you cant expect to last long on a throne when you basically say "backstabbing is ok, look where it got me me".