What did white people mean by this

What did white people mean by this


Attached: 0_zendaya.png (640x640, 480K)

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Someone should tell women that growing up isn't just becoming another person with a life already in place.

Sexuality and the image of beauty is so easy to manipulate and the Jews know that. Women are especially susceptible to this

asked 5 "white" hispanic girls, they mean

She's technically white too

>people want to be the epitome of perfection
Is that really a surprise?

>34% of young white girls want to be rich and famous
Actually surprised that number isn't higher

This is OP's "source"

>White people really love polls and surveys, even when its on some shit no one was wondering about. A recent poll done by the Board of Education asked little white girls from the ages of 3 to 8 what they want to be when they grow older. According to that very poll, 34% of them said they want to be Zendaya when they grow up. They seem to admire Zendaya’s beauty and hair enough to want to be her as adults. 24% claimed they want to be Beyonce when they grow up, and the rest of the answers are irrelevant if you ask me. Some speculate they only chose Zendaya and Beyonce because that would technically let them use the N word at will. These answers may be subject to change as they actually do grow older and begin to form their own prejudices, but only time will tell. The answers provided by the young colorless girls polled are laughable as they couldn’t possibly become either Black Queen, but children should be allowed to dream nonetheless.

This is the whole thing.


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Is that satire

I felt my own iq drop reading this.

imagine being the kind of guy who browses reliable news sites like The Blackberry in a desperate effort to find shitposting material

Here we go

Wow its fucking nothing

>n-no you can’t make fun of shitty sites!!!!
Nice try

Here we are, have been, and will be
The parasite is eternal

>quickly google it
>literally no source whatsoever
>literally no mention of it whatsoever except on this obscure nigger blog

Yeah I don't even know what this means


I wish this site was real.

Get a life. Find a purpose. Fall in love. Have sex.

Another confirm that white female are niggers.

That's so ironic. 110% of me wants to break Zendaya apart on my rigid cock.

You have incurable dumbness

What is wrong with you

>need outrage to get click because too inept to make quality content
>start making retarded claim to create outrage
>this happen
really makes you think
noone want to look like a shit golem, because they're poop golems.
shitskins are simply assmad that they quite literally have the color of shit.
it's understandable, but still desserve to be reminded, if only to aggravate them further for them purposefully being nuisances.

I don't even care if I'm (you)ing 3 different people, but did you just blow in from stupid town?

Found the 34%


>"Rich and famous but I have to be some sort of Mulatto? Yeah, no thanks."

what an embarrassing insult

Best post