The bad guy is wearing a fucking top hat. how can you take this shit seriously...

the bad guy is wearing a fucking top hat. how can you take this shit seriously? they're setting them selves up for failure by making a sequel to the shining. the only way this shit could work is if it's amazing. anything else and it's going to be insulting to the original film.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bet you feel pretty stupid right now

Attached: inb4 hurr implying hes the bad guy.jpg (523x778, 58K)

The book is average, there is nowhere to go but up.

There have been several King properties where the tv show is better than the book.

Sad times we live in where King's works can be improved on by some network hack.

Fuck off degenerate. You have to go back.

Does Jack make an appearance?

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Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll bring Spoony back.

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do it again, uncle billy!

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As a popsicle maybe.

Only to spill his chilli

Maybe it's a magic hat

>I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything. I do not understand that because I do not want a negro woman for a slave I must necessarily want her for a wife. My understanding is that I can just let her alone.
>-Abraham Lincoln, 1858
what in the FUCK did he mean by this??

That’s a shit movie so..

The TV miniseries was shitty as fuck, but Steven Weber is based. His narration of the IT audiobook is kino.

>bad guy...?

>the original movie is a simple story about a father trying to kill his family because he went nuts
>i know lets make a sequel about an EBIN battle between good and evah with over the top crap and ruin eveything


Jack is retired. Same as Connery and Hackman.

the kid annoyed the hell out of me.

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What's the OP picture even from?

The Shining Sequel, called "The Shining 2"

looks so fucking bad

>the only way this shit could work is if it's amazing. anything else and it's going to be insulting to the original film.

good thing studios don't care about making good films, but making money. which this movie will make.


Is this bait or you're actually retarded?

Attached: bait.png (1361x311, 142K)

Is that the british chick from mission impossible? Wanna fuck her desu.

If it's bait then you fell for it.


The book was absolute shit. One of King's worst, if not THE worst thing he's ever written. It was just preachy AA bullshit, with not a trace of the creepy, claustrophobic tone that made the original novel a classic.

It's not bait, it's too retarded to be bait.

Nothing will ever be worse than Dreamcatcher.

That’s accurate to the book, and the book’s pretty fucking good.

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You spelled Apt Pupil wrong. That novella was pure kino but the movie was tripe.

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Based, fitting she plays a mommy.

You have to look at it as a continuum. King writes very few stories that are unrelentingly dark and pessimistic. They are all ultimately about light triumphing over darkness, even when that victory comes at a cost. Dr. Sleep is Danny Torrence’s story. It’s about him overcoming the same demons that ultimately destroyed his father. It’s of necessity not as dark and claustrophobic as the first story, because neither it nor the man writing it are in the same narrative space.

I can't even believe this shit is real


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>stephen King

Pick one.

Absolute bullshit on all possible levels. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>hollywood sees a cult classic is still beloved by millions after so long
>feel the need to reboot or add a sequel 40 years later
Why do they do this?

> newfag notices it's retardation regarding his original post
> proceeds to pretend it was bait all along

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What's it like being a moron?

alex from a clockwork orange wears a bowler hat and that's close to a top hat

Doctor Sleep was a half-assed vampire story that had more in common with Near Dark than it did with The Shining.

I'm not a moron, but you probably know how it's like to be a moron, since you are one, just like your mother.


how is she so dreamy bros

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Money. Why take a risk on making something original when nostalgia-bait is virtually guaranteed to make millions?

WB has to be shut down by the end of next year, right? There's no possible way AT&T will keep them around after this year of nothing but bombs

desu I like her look and the idea of soul sucking vampires. Too bad the whole story around it will be bad.

looks like it's time for another Disney buy out.

>Stephen King hates Kubrick kino interpretation
>Writes sequel novel but adaptation steals all Kubrick's imagery
How does this even?

My bad guy wears a funny hat too. He's called Mr. UFO. He's not an alien, nor does he possess any alien-like qualities.

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When I was kid, I wanted to read his books, but even his protags skeeved me the fuck out. Very slimy. That's not easy to pull off.

Does she say


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>a woman
Why watch if not porn?

>a fucking shining sequel

god, why? is there nothing left sacred in this world?
fucking kikes, i swear

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I want her to rape me

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OP clearly stated "the bad guy" is wearing a top hat, user.

He fell for the supernatural, comicbook meme.
He saw that most big fantasy novels are like Twilight, Harry Potter or Tintenherz.

King’s gift as a storyteller is in his characterizations. They never, *ever* feel like cardboard caricatures unless he expressly wants them to. You may not like his protagonists all the time, but you invariably come away feeling like you know them. They aren’t perfect people. They *feel* like actual people with whom one can relate and sympathize. That’s where his horror comes from - the ability to craft characters you come to feel something for, then placing them in horrible situations.

Shazam! alone probably made somewhere in the neighborhood of 200M profit.

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>She is described by multiple characters as being the most beautiful woman that they have ever seen. However, when she is in need of steam, she opens her mouth unnaturally wide, revealing a single, discolored tooth resembling a walrus's tusk.
Wait, so is this connected to The Night Flier in any way?

Attached: the-night-flier-2.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

So is this a Shining sequel?

Yes, Ewan McGregor is Danny.

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Based Nightflier poster

I say this with sincerity. Dilate.