"Count Dooku" Really? I mean, really? "Count Dooku"? the first time they announced this character, it was clear to even 12 year old me that star wars was had become a zero effort joke
"Count Dooku" Really? I mean, really? "Count Dooku"? the first time they announced this character...
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Darth Icky
Why yes, I think all Star Wars characters should have silly potty talk names. My favorite character? Why, Peepee Zorlon, of course!
count poo poo dookie
Darth Sneed
Darth Icky-Icky Poo'to'Loo
it wasn't even the doodoo part that made me grimace it was the count part. it makes no fucking sense, it's just because the actor played count dracula in the 50s
i didn't know that at the time but i knew it was like count dracula and the count from sesame street and didn't belong in fucking star wars
Lord Caca
has there ever been a movie where a count is a good guy?
How does count not belong when there were princesses and queens in the older movies?
I kinda like it!
could have been Duke Countoo, wouldn't have mattered
Why not Doku?
because Counts have campy horror connotations not fantasy ones
Reminder its canon that his first name is "Dooku"
His surname is "Serenno", the planet is named after the ruling family
Also he has a hot piece of ass as an apprentice
Imagine acting this dense over a side character in a children's fantasy movie 17 years after the fact on a Mongolian claymation bbs...
>t. a guy called john Dooku
or someshit lmao
that was his name at first but lucas changed it
This might blow your mind, but a count is actually a title of nobility, and not just a thing invented by Bram Stoker.
no one cares. Morag is a nice name for a hungarian woman but whoever hears it where i live screeches agh that's like a monsters name
The name is a deliberate redundancy, "Count Duke". The character is an aristocrat.
>Emperor Palpating
>constantly smacking his lips
>Princess Leia
>everyone wants to lay her
>Han Solo
>lonely jerkoff
>Luke Skywalker
>likes to fly
If this shit surprised you, you were never really paying attention
Dooku comes from the Japanese word Doku, for poison. They did him a disservice by making his name sound like a euphemism for poo though.
More like Count Doodoo am I right?
Then maybe you should stop judging everything based on your tiny limited area.
>hot piece of ass as an apprentice
formerly darth chuck
Monte cristo?
A tasty guy at least
maybe it was like the Goongas where george says it one way and the cast another.
still i think he fucking probably just had the momentum of his rut of oo sounds at that point
it's funny because I reduced the qualities that make up this franchise and website to sound silly and dumb
I'll give George credit for thinking up a cool story, but I wouldn't put it past him to say Doo-koo and just roll with it.
>calls Count Dooku a side character
>he's actually right
The absolute state of Count Jobber. Imagine.
It was meant to be a play on Count Dracula. Would have called him Count Drago.
>destroys both obi one and Anakin
>holds his own against Yoda
Sure thing, kid.
I forgot about that.
Probably because AOTC is ass.
You are ass.
All prequels are kino.
From my point of view, you're ass.
Kylo Ren???
>likes to chew meat
>is greedy
>Bib Fortuna
>manages Jabba's fortunes
>Bail Organa
>has a body with organs
>is gon(e) by the end of the film
>Kit Fisto
>is a registered sex offender
The subtlety of George Lucas is lost on many.
You should read more fantasy then.
>*Lord* Vader
>*Princess* Leia
>*Emperor* Palpatine
>*Grand Moff*(?) Tarkin
>*Count* Dooku
Come to think of it, they should have gone a step further and made him an actual force vampire. His special skill could be sapping the life from people, through the force. Part of Episode 2 should have been set in a spooky castle. Star Wars has always been a genre mashup, so why not?
>General Grievous
>is grievous
>It was meant to be a play on Count Dracula
yes do you not think that's the stupidest shit you ever heard of? Like just put a parody of an extremely well-known character from another franchise from a different genre in as a serious character in your franchise?
Like maybe the next movie should introduce Rey's actual father as being called Xuckleberry Phinn for no reason?
Now do all of these guys.
I'd rather Jim Negar
>Elan Sel'Sabagno
>Is a sleezebag that sells drugs to people.
>over the line
it's exactly that. the older names are stupid as shit too, like skywalker - you just get used to it because of the overall charm of the thing. there's no charm to make you forgive dookoo but it's also worse so that it crosses a line those other ones are right on
Considering Star Wars is Flash Gordon meets WW2, meets Westerns, meets Samurai, meets classic fairy tale, with a heaping of 50's hotrod culture and whatever else Lucas felt like throwing in, not really.
>gets thrown out a window
>Xuckleberry Phinn
Unironically a great name for a Star Wars character
yeah but he didn't actually call the main character Flash Googa (at first)
Googoo gaagaa
The worst thing is that Dooku isn't on the nose enough. It just sounds like a silly noise. Star Wars villain naming conventions are very simple. You just take a word with evil connotations, and you're done.
They should have called him Count Drako, or Count Drago.
Say it, bitch!
Googoo Gaagaa was a male Human Jedi Knight serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, the last galactic conflict of the Republic Classic era. During the war, Gaagaa was appointed the adjutant of former Master of the Order, Jedi Master Mace Windu.[1]
kek this kills the star wars
Make an official star wars wikia article about googoo gaagaa!
Starkiller/Skywalker isn't much better to be fair.
Actually Vader means father.
Happy coincidence, since they didn't plan that twist out beforehand.
I assumed it was common knowledge at this point, but "Vader" comes from IN-Vader, also "Sidious" comes from IN-sidious
And don’t call me Dooku!
I would have preferred Daaku
Christopher Lee was famous for playing Dracula though.
I thought he was named after duke nukem
Should’ve been a Gungan Jedi.
Just looked it up, and apparently Kylo means sky, and Ren has all sorts of meanings from love to altruism (though I kind of suspect JJ went with it because it sounds like red). That's actually a cooler name than I thought it was. Like a dark inversion of Skywalker.
Ren also means lotus.
>a beautiful thing that grows in a dank swamp, associated with spiritual transformation
Oh. Well, there's episode 9.
Ben Quadragyllenhaal looked like maggie Gyllenhaal.
subtle af George
Everyone forgets that Count Dooko's sith name is Darth Tyranus which is still kind of dumb, but it would have been a lot cooler if they referred to him exclusively as that after his allegiance to Sidious was exposed.
I wonder what Yarael Poof gets up to on the weekends?
>Darth Icky
I wonder why they called him Lumpy?
Daily reminder that entire Chewies family was supposed to appear in Solo until the cunt in charge ruined everything.
This name is Darth Tyrannous, arguably the best Sith name. If you knew his lore yu would probably enjoy him better. He was a high ranking Jedi master who abandoned the order after the Mandalorian wars because he believed the Republic was out of control/evil. He started the separatist movement, a valid group of systems but this was all hijacked by sidious who managed to turn the count by sympathizing with his hate for the new republic and Jedi order. Sidious openly reveals he’s the chancellor, and together alone they would reshape the galaxy for the better.
This. Jabba's 'Nikto' guard guys are called Klaatu and Barada for christ sakes.
Mala and Lumpy watching grandfather wookie rub one out for 90 mins would have been kino
always thought that was pretty based as a young kid. like it was linked somehow. then I learned lucas is a hack
I recall reading one country had to change his name because it meant "from the ass" or something to that effect. Could also be code for "I do anal."
>peepee zorlon
bravo lucas!
For me? It's pic related
Dingle-berries in his fur
>crtl f
>4 results
Also Darth Insanus
>no one gets when George is joking
It's hard to have autism.
sounds like the one good decision she's made senpai
can't remember this thing from the movie
>always panakin
The reason the OT and the PT were so good was exactly because they weren't treated with Holy reverence like that fans have. When you treat something too respectfully it destroyes your creative decisions. I mean the ST is the EXACT outcome from this type of reverent thinking.
>needs pain killers at the end
forgot pic
Conde Give Ass.
Conde dooh o cu.
Yes and no. The ST is shit for many reasons. The fact that it's so concerned with nostalgia for Star Wars it fails to be it's own thing is part of the problem though.
more like Reeeee Yees.
Except TLJ is literally about not holding fallible people and things in reverence and the fans lost their shit.
It's still a commentary on nostalgia. It's caught up in the OT whether it's celebrating it or not.
Maybe he is Count of X and Duke of Y?
I can't get past his childish name too, user. Great acting of course, but so much more could have been done.
lol, I thought that was my own 'tism. I knew a cute girl a while ago and just couldn't get past the name. fucking stupid
>performs like a mannequin
>Only One who can help Leia
Lucas in 1979:
>hmmm need an alien word for a cold world
>*does drug*
>opposite's attract...power
>so cold is hot....HOT
>that's it! the "H" was always the key!
that's blowing my mind actually, bro.
>be Lucas
>want to make movie exposing China as the usury factory that they are
>someone is behind them
>but (((who)))?
>make The Phantom Menace
Lol @ Kid Fista
>General Rieekan
>general ranking (officer)
>Nute Gunray
>Newt Gingrich/ Ronald Reagan(ray gun=gun ray)
that last one is offical.
>grump af
fuck it. let's just name everything after the most surface level trait
that's LADY Googoo Gaagaa to you!
How the fuck are there counts in star wars? Are there pharaohs too?
Lucas decided to cut out the vampire sub-plot to increase showing turnover.
I thought it was because he was grievously wounded.
>referring to the islands or Achilles
Listen to Dracula audio book read by Christopher Lee. Absolute aural kino.
>Luke Skywalker
>Loki the sky walker
^also official
they're like bikes that are speedy...
...i know what to call them
...I know! lets call it Tatooine.
>Ki adi mundi
>Plo koon
>Eith koth
>Kit Fisto
>Adi Galia
>Obi based Kenobi
>LIterally who
>Shakk Ti
>Lil Annie
>Mace dindu nuffin
>Sasae Tim
Thank you lego games for helping remember pointless character names
how the fuck are there princesses and emporors in starwars?
based lumpawaroo poster
>Plo koon
this always pissed me off. why did no body ever call him Master coon?
yeah pretty sure they only call him master plo in the clone wars
You are making it seem less retarded than how it actually went down. Dooku was butthurt that Qui Gon was killed and that the jedi didn't put enough effort into finding the evil sith who orchestrated it, so he joined the sith himself because the jedi council were too soft.
Cunny dookie
I liked him. He is great in the cartoon
>Master coon
Sounds like a sequel to Boss Nigger.
>they eat out of woks
>E. Wok
>I got it!
I got nothing.
Boss Nigger sounds like a lucas character
Wasn't he the leader of the gungans
>Kit Fisto
>but what was the blue haired black spy girl haha
The real redpill is that star wars has always been childish trash
How have you gone through life having never seen the original SW trilogy?
>starwars appeals to kids
>real red pill
gg idiot
No, the real redpill is that people that believe "everything from star wars is always childish trash" are brainlets
Based Alec Guinness saw trough it instantly.
That was Mace Windu’s nickname.
I mean his sith name was Darth Tyrannus which is slightly better.
I don't know why they insisted on his political title.
Hottest take. Mind blown. Simply epic
"CIA" Really? I mean, really? "CIA"? the first time they announced this character, it was clear to even 12 year old me that Nolan was had become a zero effort joke
>but "Vader" comes from IN-Vader
No it doesn't
His name literally means "Dark father"
Count Chuckula
Count see ya? You just got her!
who the fuck is this guy?
>His name literally means "Dark father"
Nope, and not them. It evokes "dark father", but his name in no way means that.
Prune Face of Prunenia of the Plum system. He was a secret spy for the Empire, but after catching sight of the gorgeous Mon Mothma, he had a change of his three hearts and decided to fight for the Rebellion for realsies.
I mean it almost does
I think it was a nod to Count Dracula... the role that made Christopher Lee famous. Count Drokula... Count Dookula... Count Dooku.
This is kino. It somehow makes the overall exchange have some weight and tension to it when you're focusing on an irrelevant side character.
youre a fucking autist
t. doesnt know about Earl Frankenstein or The Duchess of Wolfman
The balding cancer victim? No thank you
Kybo Ren even has a Darth Vader style helmet. He was the original Ren Knight.
Kybo Ren-chan was sugoi kawaii desu!
three eyees