Is there any dystopian future/cyberpunk film that accurately predicted how gay the future would be?
Is there any dystopian future/cyberpunk film that accurately predicted how gay the future would be?
please have sex loser
Star Trek
>Attention homosexuals humans and other humans who are obsessed with homosexuals: our branding mark is now multi-coloured, and you like multi-colour thing; give us your money.
Not a movie, but "Forever War" fits.
Nope. Our present is worse than what people of the past expected a cyberpunk future could have been.
Closest is perhaps The Surrogate
>we must pay all our attention for a month to like 4% of the population.
What the fuck is even the point?.
Logan's Run predicted a future of sexual degeneracy and people willingly surrendering their lifespan for this life of pleasure.
was it willingly?
It was accepted that a certain age theyd be ended, an accepted ritual that they sought to escape no?
Only a small percentage of the population ran, the story starts with only one runner and Logan is the only runner on the date the computer set. Most accepted blindly that there was a chance they would be reborn but knew it was not guaranteed (Logan's comments when he asks about Carousel the first time with the computer.)
This years Pride Month was an absolute joke and over kill even the fucking gays were like “are we being exploited by corporations.” If you want to make people anti gay just shove thousands of rainbows in everyone’s face.
>rainbow bad!
Why did gays have to co-opt rainbows, bros? Nobody should have that much power, especially not them.
Get raped, faggot
A lot of gay people don't even go to pride because it's just corporations and virtue signalling straight people patting themselves on the back. Chicago Pride has become about feminism, black lives matter, anti-Trump signs, etc.
t. Gayfag in chicago
No adaption of pic related exist as far as I'm aware.
gays are the ultimate meme tho
>i just wanna be equal
>so celebrate me for a month
It's closer to 0.1%
>The matrix 2199
What? I tought it was more
At least cyberpunk settings have cool gadgets and a nice aesthetic. We have nothing.
Why don't they add straight to the LBGT if what they seek is equality? They even added the Black movement to the LBGT... a disgusting brown and black colour to the rainbow.
This says nothing about gay people and shit tons about businesses. This is a fad right now. It makes them money. Once this stops being profitable, they'll stop.
Try not to lose your shit over this, its what businesses have been doing since the concept of advertising began.
>Why don't they add straight to the LBGT if what they seek is equality?
Because its an acronym referring to sexualities other than straight? It's like an umbrella term. Similar to when people say 'person of colour'.
>They even added the Black movement to the LBGT.
I'm not sure who you think 'they' is. The vast vast majority of people don't consider 'black' a sexuality, and there certainly hasn't been a brown and black colour added to the rainbow. Pretty much all of the letters in the acronym have their own separate flags.
Also this.
>Why don't they add straight to the LBGT if what they seek is equality?
What do you think this would achieve? What would people even be talking about if it also included straight? You could just say 'all sexualities' in that case. The acronym exists to talk about people who aren't straight, because people shit on people for being anything else.
Sounds like it could be /ourkino/
Road Warrior
Where the fuck is Terminator?
rainbow capitalism is based to be honest
Not movie but the a book, Brave New World
I think Earth is a lab. Outside of that, the date is really closer to Star Trek, but without the Prime Directive. They get to test their loopy ideologies on us, to see what works best. No way would we run our civilization like we do if it was just us calling the shots.
There are movie versions of this. A 1980 BBC version, and a 1997 American one.
Tetsuo the Iron Man
you have a computer that fits in your pocket that has wireless internet
I am still amazed by it
Remind me of Dark City. I should rewatch that sometime
I’ll never understand corporations pandering to people who stick stick things in their assholes