Horror villains that didn't cut it

Horror villains that didn't cut it.

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this is probably the quintessential answer; you can tell they really thought Horace Pinker was going to turn in to a moneymaker, or at least were hoping that he would
here's mine:

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3000 volts isnt that much, yeah it can be deadly but its none of that "instantly burned from the inside" high voltage

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he got a couple sequels at least.

almost forgot this guy.
So many people wanted to be the next Freddy.

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Redpill me.

Brainscan (1994)

Scarecrow from Batman Begins. Really pathetic.

Jeeper Creeper. Dumb design, dumb monster, dumb everything.

Any of the baddies from Nightbreed. They are all pathetic, though the movie as a whole is somewhat redeemed by its flaming homoeroticism.

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Looks like someone id do some blow and smoke a joint with


yeah like a buffy reject


The monsters weren't the baddies
Peloquin and Cronenberg were fucking great
And there was no homo eroticism either

Cut what? The cheese? :^ )

when the filmmaker is scarier than the monster

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the demonic toys

the mustard.

The bad guys were the humans and David Cronenberg in a mask though.
>somewhat redeemed by its flaming homoeroticism.
This is definitely a "fuck you I liked it" movie. I liked it for the weird makeup and premise but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I respect a villain who can quietly chainsaw through a door.

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What a lardass

what did he do?

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diddle kids

This could just be taking a piss

male or female?

Nope, he molested the boy actor while he was directing Clownhouse.

Unironically kino

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I actually liked the movies but they are a lot closer to adventure than horror with the villain being one of the reasons

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Pumpkinhead scared the shit out of me as a kid

>villain wearing a beret
does he kills his victims with an old crusty baguette too?!
what were they thinking

>no homoeroticism in a Cliver Barker work
literally impossible

>human teeth visible

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leagues better than anyone else posted.

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>mon ami I will inject you with le champagne

Why, did Mr Maylo, cross the road?

>I'll be rotten shit from now on
kino movie and kino character, too bad it's not more popular

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He did it better.

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Koko the monkey!

Why did this meme blow up all of a sudden?

just like Persians and Byzantines fought each other to death leaving a vacuum for Islam, the mask and the sneeds exhausted themselves and the coomer took their place

For me it's Wishmaster

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the first movie was good, the second was such a downgrade though, too comical and the third didn't even had the same actor

I love that movie! Technically, he wasnt the villian... well, he was in the beginning i guess.

I even forgot I've seen his movie (The Relic) until very recently

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that vampire lord from that zombie vampire show with the bald guy who was in house of cards